The Scratch 2012 Game Awards
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Advertising and reviewing over 170 projects!
Found a cool nominated game? Then look in the list below and vote for your favourite! Remember, you MUST vote on this project otherwise it will not be counted.
All votes must be in by December 20th, with the results drawn on December 21st before everyone leaves before Christmas holidays.
You can not vote for your own projects!
Please vote on this project by December 20th 2012 so that I can add your votes to a spreadsheet and delete your comment.
For each category, give 12 points to your most favourite project. Then, give 10 points to your second, and 8 points to your third-favourite project, Please vote this way!
(War, Fighting, Shooters)
Fire Emblem- NPBS mkolpnji
Robot Roasters Nomolos
Call of Duty Magic Warefare ebdit
knight's battle (remade) ebdit
assassin's deed ebdit
Leegion Leeizazombie
Tanks 4 Sonicfan12p
(Creators, Sims, Tycoons, Tower Defence)
Run, Cat, Run anniesboy
Cyber Defence Zparx
Generation:4001 Gold! Borrego6165
castle builder emmajill3000
Air Traffic Controller Borrego6165
Rollercoaster Creator Deluxe GoldenMagic
(Platformers, RPGs)
The Lost Scrolls Pixainia
Breakout Nomolos
teledot bluo100
Dungeons of Doom TheNewGDP
Blob Nation (Welcome to the World) Part 1 WarioX
Ball Quest Billybob-Mario
Legacy Agent Roop
Toasty Adventures Zparx
Super Cube wolfdude999
Story of the Sprite epninja
Super Mario Bros. 1s1s
Temple Hunter Infinitas
Spectrum 2 Wes64
(Puzzles, Mazes, Quizzes, Tutorials)
Impossible Maze ebdit
Maze2 ebdit
How to draw a dog in Scratch Artsykat
Ice Slide UltraAdam
Yahtzee thebriculator
Adventure for the Ring mwiedmann
The Level Game benjamin2
Maze Leveller Part 1 Notaloser
Maze Leveller Part 2 Notaloser
Crazy 8's BoltBait
Chess BoltBait
Fallout- the dying world Firedrake969
Turning ErnieParke
(Applications, OS')
JH OS JH1010
North OS 2 northmeister
Green Planet 3D mmww
Scratch Wii 4.2 KyleK7
OS1S Calculator Firedrake969
Aurora 1s1s Firedrake969
Siri, Scratch Base10
SiriOS 2 Base10
Sliders UNLMTD pokemongardevoir
List OS Firedrake969
Bit OS ftf841
DoorsV infinitytec
Airfighter- Freeflight 2 Base10
veggie ninja ebdit
Space Shooter APpy2001
Pilot Ace 3D scratcher5000
Laser Dodge oiman
Aroball UltraAdam
Space Finale SD7
F1 2012 prokohtu
Click the button sportsdude6
Death Valley Racing Neilwest
Shoot It! 2 TM_
Unpredictable! RedRocker227
Last edited by Borrego6165 (2012-12-01 01:54:33)
Add these:
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-11-03 13:29:08)
I don't think you should be able to vote for your own projects...
Other than that i love the idea and i am going to add some of my projects soon and also projects that i have reviewed and they have got over 90 points! (that includes about 3 of yours Borrego )
Last edited by Willpower (2012-11-03 13:14:17)
Willpower wrote:
I don't think you should be able to vote for your own projects...
Other than that i love the idea and i am going to add some of my projects soon and also projects that i have reviewed and they have got over 90 points! (that includes about 3 of yours Borrego)
check out the updated rules!
Borrego6165 wrote:
Willpower wrote:
I don't think you should be able to vote for your own projects...
Other than that i love the idea and i am going to add some of my projects soon and also projects that i have reviewed and they have got over 90 points! (that includes about 3 of yours Borrego)
check out the updated rules!
wahey! projects coming tomorrow- i am too busy now
I nominate Button Click, my newest project.
When does voting start and when do entries stop coming in?
sportsdude6 wrote:
When does voting start and when do entries stop coming in?
answer to both: december 1st
Borrego6165 wrote:
sportsdude6 wrote:
When does voting start and when do entries stop coming in?
answer to both: december 1st
Please fix the "Button Click" link.
I have published 3 games this year, so I'll nominate them all:
Super Mario Bros. 1s1s
Crazy 8's
Please consider voting for one (or more) of my projects!
any more nominations?
Mind if i nominate a few? These are all the projects that have got over 87/100 since Late May!:
prokohtu's F1 2012
SD7's Space Finale
Notaloser's Maze Leveller Part 1
Notaloser's Maze Leveller Part 2
Epninja's Story of the Sprite
Wolfdude999's Super Cube
Zparx's Toasty's Adventures
Zparx's Cyber Defence
Agent Roop's Legacy
Sonicfan12p's Tanks 4
Leeizazombie's Leegion
Benjamin2's The Level Game (100 Levels)
Pokemongardevoir's Colours 100,000
Mweidmann's Adventure for the Ring
Ultra Adam's Aroball
Oiman's Lazer Dodge
The Briculator's Yahtzee
Billybob-Mario's Ball Quest
Scratcher5000's Pilot Ace 3D
WarioX's Blob Nation (Welcome To The World Part 1)
Minus your projects Borrego, deleted projects and ones i could not find!
Is that enough for you? I think they are all in the rules!
Last edited by Willpower_Reviews (2012-11-04 13:14:01)
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
Mind if i nominate a few? These are all the projects that have got over 87/100 since Late May!:
prokohtu's F1 2012
SD7's Space Finale
Notaloser's Maze Leveller Part 1
Notaloser's Maze Leveller Part 2
Epninja's Story of the Sprite
Wolfdude999's Super Cube
Zparx's Toasty's Adventures
Zparx's Cyber Defence
Agent Roop's Legacy
Sonicfan12p's Tanks 4
Leeizazombie's Leegion
Benjamin2's The Level Game (100 Levels)
Pokemongardevoir's Colours 100,000
Mweidmann's Adventure for the Ring
Ultra Adam's Aroball
Oiman's Lazer Dodge
The Briculator's Yahtzee
Billybob-Mario's Ball Quest
Scratcher5000's Pilot Ace 3D
WarioX's Blob Nation (Welcome To The World Part 1)Minus your projects Borrego, deleted projects and ones i could not find!
Is that enough for you? I think they are all in the rules!
what!? you missed mine!!! not adding any of yours now
as punishment you have to categorize them all for me to make it easier! (in the ones I've made please) you really have disappointed me...
Last edited by Borrego6165 (2012-11-04 14:22:18)
Here's a good sandbox game I thought you could put in: Rollercoaster Creator Deluxe
Borrego6165 wrote:
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
Mind if i nominate a few? These are all the projects that have got over 87/100 since Late May!:
prokohtu's F1 2012 Arcade
SD7's Space Finale Arcade
Notaloser's Maze Leveller Part 1 Brain
Notaloser's Maze Leveller Part 2 Brain
Epninja's Story of the Sprite
Wolfdude999's Super Cube Arcade?
Zparx's Toasty's Adventures
Zparx's Cyber Defence Brain?
Agent Roop's Legacy
Sonicfan12p's Tanks 4
Leeizazombie's Leegion Arcade
Benjamin2's The Level Game (100 Levels) Brain
Pokemongardevoir's Colours 100,000 Programs
Mweidmann's Adventure for the Ring Brain
Ultra Adam's Aroball Brain?
Oiman's Lazer Dodge Arcade
The Briculator's Yahtzee Brain
Billybob-Mario's Ball Quest
Scratcher5000's Pilot Ace 3D Arcade?
WarioX's Blob Nation (Welcome To The World Part 1)Minus your projects Borrego, deleted projects and ones i could not find!
Is that enough for you? I think they are all in the rules!what!? you missed mine!!! not adding any of yours now
as punishment you have to categorize them all for me to make it easier! (in the ones I've made please) you really have disappointed me...
you have deleted Rayman4 and already added Generation4001, what is left to add?
I will try and categorize them though... i think they are all adventure other than the ones i have labelled. I found it hard though
Last edited by Willpower (2012-11-04 14:30:32)
Could I please nominate my two projects:
(They are my only two projects by the way so you could just go on my homepage).
I'll update this when my film finishes...
To find the most votes quickest way me and you could count them oh and this is not a vote, a vote is when you have selection already.
robo99bot wrote:
To find the most votes quickest way me and you could count them oh and this is not a vote, a vote is when you have selection already.