Help build the biggest gallery on scratch!
I created this gallery two years ago, and in two days it had 20 pages of projects! After that nobody really posted on it. Now, I cleaned up all the projects that had been deleted by their creator. My goal is to make a gallery with the most projects EVER!!! Help out by adding you projects here. Tell your friends and everyone about the mission to make the biggest gallery on scratch! What are you waiting for? Add your projects now! ☺
Last edited by cobraguy (2012-11-01 10:00:49)
cobraguy wrote:
prokohtu wrote:
seems a bit odd to me
Well, thought it would be cool to see how many people would actually post. I do hope people post though.
Let me rephrase that, I thought that it would be awesome to see many scratchers come together and try to make a gallery so big that no gallery on scratch has as many projects as this one. It would be cool.