Please tell me this is a teaser.
poopo wrote:
It will probably be a fail. XD
It WILL fail.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
poopo wrote:
It will probably be a fail. XD
It WILL fail.
"Joy of joys, after the next film is released, there will be a new Star Wars film every two to three years after that." - Article
This is going to be a catastrophe.
yee that's it
add more installments to this dead franchise
Last edited by CylonToast (2012-10-31 17:54:00)
CheeseMunchy wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
poopo wrote:
It will probably be a fail. XD
It WILL fail.
"Joy of joys, after the next film is released, there will be a new Star Wars film every two to three years after that." - Article
This is going to be a catastrophe.
Five bucks says it has a moral.
1. All is good.
3. All works out and people turn out better than before
Ok, this is one of those instances where making a new film isn't nessasary: the series already ended perfectly. But wait: doesn't Cartoon Network have a Star Wars show? I bet it will be either canceled or brought to Disney Channel. (It wasn't that good anyways)
This will be a fail for life.
No. Oh no. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
fire219 wrote:
Yep. D:
Disney needs to go die in a hole.... well, if they didn't run so much of the entertainment industry (they own ABC for one thing).
Wow, that seems a little extreme.
they own now, let's see here, Marvel, ESPN, The Jim Henson Company, Pixar, now Lucasfilm. Geez, Disney is just trying to get rid of all their competiton!
ROSMan wrote:
they own now, let's see here, Marvel, ESPN, The Jim Henson Company, Pixar, now Lucasfilm. Geez, Disney is just trying to get rid of all their competiton!
You know what they say, if you can't beat your competition, buy them.
disney buys lucasfilms
disney is going to make a new starwars movie
very not ok
ROSMan wrote:
they own now, let's see here, Marvel, ESPN, The Jim Henson Company, Pixar, now Lucasfilm. Geez, Disney is just trying to get rid of all their competiton!
What about the Jonas Brothers, Club Penguin, and Family Fun magazine? I agree with that other guy, Disney needs to go die in a hole. ):<
stevetheipad wrote:
fire219 wrote:
Yep. D:
Disney needs to go die in a hole.... well, if they didn't run so much of the entertainment industry (they own ABC for one thing).Wow, that seems a little extreme.
That was my reaction right off the bat, at least.
They're trying to take over entertainment in general.
on the brignt side lucas wont be making more edits to his older films
on the negative side, NO ONE can match mark hamill and harrison ford's performances. they are iconic. so they'd better not have Luke or Han or anyone from the originals in this sequel
maxdoss wrote:
im actually pretty excited. disney HAS brought us such classics such as lion king, little mermaid, etc.
Star Wars VII =/= Disney Classic
This is either a lie or valid reason to move to canada and change your name.
Well, less emphatically, there is much more ability to story tell past the time (or well WELL before the time) of the original trilogy. The EU authors did pretty well. The problem with the prequels is that we all knew what happened, and he had nothing to work with. He had to shoehorn characters in for their cameos and such and try to handwave tons of stuff.
Last edited by soupoftomato (2012-10-30 21:45:52)