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Did you notice that the look of the "scratch projects flash player" has changed? It looks so 2.0-like now...
CN12 wrote:
jontmy00 wrote:
You can't "play" Scratch.
You "use" Scratch.
but you can play projects on scratch!
iTweak0r wrote:
CN12 wrote:
jontmy00 wrote:
You can't "play" Scratch.
You "use" Scratch.
but you can play projects on scratch!
PersainCatz wrote:
well hopefully that scratch 2.0 will be released before may 2013, i've been heard there is a bad solar storm coming and then will not play scratch anymore.
Don't believe everything you read/hear. They said the world was going to end over and over and over and over, but it's never going to happen. It's just a commercial scheme to make people buy canned food. XP
Yeah, 2.0 looks inviting, can't wait for release, flash, vector graphics, all that bla. c;
BirdByte wrote:
PersainCatz wrote:
well hopefully that scratch 2.0 will be released before may 2013, i've been heard there is a bad solar storm coming and then will not play scratch anymore.
Don't believe everything you read/hear. They said the world was going to end over and over and over and over, but it's never going to happen. It's just a commercial scheme to make people buy canned food. XP
Yeah, 2.0 looks inviting, can't wait for release, flash, vector graphics, all that bla. c;
The world will end in 5,000,000,000 years when the sun expands so much that it is engulfed. Since this is in 5,000,000,000 years it will not affect us. Unless any of you live to the age of 5,000,000,000, in which case you will be investigated by scientists.
Really Cool Thoughts Everyone! Hopefully it will be out soon, But not yet... I Set up this thread some time ago (At least a Month, maybe even Two or Three Months Ago!) and Disappointingly nothing much at all has changed... At least as LiFaytheGoblin Mentioned the Flash player does now look a lot like Scratch 2.0! Anyway for now keep them coming!
sccar3 wrote:
A long time ago they said late 2009 early 2010. I don't expect it to come out for another 9001 years.
They never would have said that.
henley wrote:
The Scratch Team can take their time, but A WHOLE YEAR!?!?
Why not do what Lightin said, and have somebody make their own?
A WHOLE YEAR ??? That would be awesome !
Wes64 wrote:
PersainCatz wrote:
well hopefully that scratch 2.0 will be released before may 2013, i've been heard there is a bad solar storm coming and then will not play scratch anymore.
thats absurd, don't believe everything you hear
I saw it somewhere.
sccar3 wrote:
A long time ago they said late 2009 early 2010. I don't expect it to come out for another 9001 years.
It's possible that they would purposely wait 9001(+) years.
I don't think complaining is the best thing to do right now; do you not think the Scratch Team is working hard? (especially for something they're not even selling)
soniku3 wrote:
Um, you do realize that tread is closed right ?
Hardmath123 wrote:
henley wrote:
They got the new servers for the 2.0 website either today or yesterday, I can't remember. I saw it on Facebook.
EDIT: I meant Scratch's Facebook.Really? That's awesome, we're really close now!
Also, they announced closing down the TBGs, a drastic measure which I'm sure they wouldn't have called if 2.0 was not too close.
Not necessarily. The ST made that decision because they felt that the TBGs weren't as related to Scratch as they wanted. ;_;
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