Illusions Studios is an with a whole library of projects under certain categories. Advertise any project you've made and we'll add it to our library!
Also, let us know how we can make this library better, or if you enjoyed using it.
Our 3 Most Recent Contributors: (not powerpoint56)
News and Updates:
October 28: The NEW Illusion Studios opens due to inactivity.
October 28:Power Studios is deleted from the company because it closed.
June 20: Power Studios is Added to the Company!
June 17: over 50 projects!
June 17: Illusions Librarians For Hire!
June 16: Now offering project reviews. Post below if you would like a project review!!!
June 16: Contributors List added!
June 10: Illusions Studios begins!
Quite Self-Explanatory...
If you would like to join the team...
If you'd like to look around at projects and post here to tell me if you've found something cool to add to the library, you're in! Just let me know and you're in as a Illusion Librarian!!! A list is below of the Librarians we have so far...
List of Staff:
powerpoint56 (me):Semi-Active Illusions Librarian, Library Sorter and Editor, Homepage Monitor
fetchydog567: Illusions Librarian
Approximate Projects in Library
If you would like to submit anything to the project library, PLEASE post below w/ a link! Also, Power Studios, a company related and a part of Illusions Studios, would also love having projects submitted to it.
If you have questions or suggestions, please write below!
Illusions Studios!
P.S. Advertise Illusions Studios! Copy the code and put in in a signature or anything! Produces my signature:
Last edited by fetchydog567 (2012-10-30 20:23:00)
long time bump