Today I got windows 8 on my lap top. It is so cool if you have a Microsoft account (my mom got one and I use) and the interface if more for touch screen but you will get use to it. Forget mac get windows 8 today! 39.99 for a limited time only.
when gf clicked delete Mac Get windows 8 Mac is not good any more move over apple Microsoft is taking your place Stop mac os for (Forever) secs Say [windows 8 is cool] Stop apple for TAKING OVER THE WORLD
Snorp09 wrote:
Today I got windows 8 on my lap top. It is so cool if you have a Microsoft account (my mom got one and I use) and the interface if more for touch screen but you will get use to it. Forget mac get windows 8 today! 39.99 for a limited time only.
when gf clicked delete Mac Get windows 8 Mac is not good any more move over apple Microsoft is taking your place Stop mac os for (Forever) secs Say [windows 8 is cool] Stop apple for TAKING OVER THE WORLD
A. Belong in RaP
B. Apple is mouse-friendly and much more stable.
jontmy00 wrote:
C. Stop abusing the Scratch Blocks. Type it out instead.
Base10 wrote:
jontmy00 wrote:
C. Stop abusing the Scratch Blocks. Type it out instead.
Let's not turn this into a discussion about the Scratchblocks - I think they can take a bit of "rough handling". Please stay on-topic.
Personally windows 8 is rubbish. It has good features, mostly for touchscreen/mobile users, but it has too many flaws at the moment. At least wait till SP1 before getting it. Just yesterday I got a new computer, and I made sure it was windows 7, as 7 is much better supported and allows for greater control over your computer - a must if you are programming
Here's my two cents on Windows 8:
Windows 8 is a very solid, pretty operating system; it's fairly simple, and is very attractive to the eye. However, it fails in a lot of aspects as well; and that's why ultimately, Mac OS X beats it.
One of those is that it was completely redesigned, so it's been really thought about, but this made for an operating system that messes up so many things we love on our computers today. For most people (and for almost all people 45+) the operating system will be annoying, weird and uncomfortable; because it challenges and changes almost everything they have grown up with and have learned, and humans don't tend to like change. For example, one of my friends just built his own desktop from the ground up and installed Windows 8 on it (yes, he's still my friend ) and has been really confused by the controls and way the system works (like there isn't a start bar). He's already decided to go back to Windows 7.
The next problem is that it really seems like a mobile operating system. I like mobile operating systems, but I think the choice Apple has made about keeping iOS and Mac OS X separated was very smart; their environments are so different; creating one generic operating system like Windows 8 simply doesn't work. I've been running Windows 8 along with Mountain Lion on my Mac to try it out, and it's really weird for a desktop/laptop. The menu, start screen and desktop are too tablet-like.
To conclude, I'd like to say that my unbiased, open-minded opinion after using Mountain Lion and Windows 8 for a while and having been grown up using a PC, is that I simply think the Mac experience is so much more professional and fun. When using a Mac, I simply feel alive, and in control, while using Windows 8 I simply feel controlled and a little bored. When you it all up, Mac OS X simply feels better.
Last edited by stevetheipad (2012-10-28 13:09:08)
Windows 8 is almost as good as Vista.
BLU_Spy wrote:
And there's already a topic about Windows 8...
... I think.
I remember at least 2.
On tablets and other touch-driven devices, Win8 is probably great. But on PCs, no. Metro (idc if they renamed it or not, it is not modern at all) is ugly and not exactly mouse-friendly. You would be much better served with most linux distros or Win7.
That's my opinion, at least.
jji7skyline wrote:
Windows 8 is almost as good as Vista.
I have Vista and it's awesome. It's smooth, fast and the first 'improved' OS from Windows.
jji7skyline wrote:
Windows 8 is almost as good as Vista.
So 7's irrelevant?
^^ "Oh, so you happen to use Apple products, which I don't particularly like? Your point is invalid."
I'll just say that Windows 8 was clearly meant for touchscreen devices - hence the whole Modern UI and it's apps and the Start menu being replaced by a similar interface.
If you have a desktop computer, there's no real reason to switch to Windows 8. All it introduces is a better touchscreen UI. And a store and policies that restrict free distribution of mobile apps about as much as Apple's. Unless you have a tablet, stick with Win7.
(Also +2³ to not abusing the blocks )
Last edited by technoguyx (2012-10-28 22:48:19)
i dont like windows 8 too much.Its tablet friendly not desktop computer friendly.
they removed the original little start button,it was classy.
I like apple a lot and i like microsoft too,but i think they should have released a desktop version of windows 8