Hey guys,
i made a game where u have a cannon-platform, turning to the mouse-pointer.
Now i want to make that the bullets go in the direction the cannon is showing,
but i don't know how...
So, pls give me tips how to make this!
~sry, when my english is bad~
Well, for a cannonball sprite, you could have this script:
when gf clicked forever hide wait until <mouse down?> go to [cannon v] show point in direction ([direction v] of [cannon v]) set [vel v] to [0] repeat until <touching [edge v]?> move (2) steps //You can change this number. change y by (vel) change [vel v] by (-0.1) //You can change this number. end hide wait until <not <mouse down?>> endIt's pretty basic, though. It'll need some tweaking.