"Short Description":
Pass to the open receiver. To pass to Space, use the space bar, to pass to down arrow, press down arrow, etcetera. Another option is to press 0 to throw the ball away under pressure. The QB can't scramble unlike the last version, sorry, but now there are line markers. Just like in real life though, he'll get tackled. I'm still working on the scripting (it's hard). But have fun!
Don't get sacked.
Press "START" to start the game. With added features to make it run smoother and taken out features so the game won't be laggy in other versions. Also, I fixed some glitches, but if there's any more, let me know in the comments. Thanks.
Also, music+sound FX on interceptions, and QB hits, like sacks. So much fun!
Simulate being on the field of a real football game! But, you can be the coach and make the decisions for the players. Click the icon over the player's head for ultimate passing, or let yourself be sacked (hopefully not) and arrow keys to move the QB.
Download for full use. Otherwise, the sound effects will glitch.
when gf clicked think [Please play, the game is awesome] for (3) secs think [Download for best usage!] for (3) secs think [If you don't download, the sound effects will glitch] for (3) secs go to [codes321's game and download :P v] think [go to http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/codes321/2866799]
Last edited by codes321 (2012-10-28 11:25:10)
codes321 wrote:
"Short Description":
Pass to the open receiver. To pass to Space, use the space bar, to pass to down arrow, press down arrow, etcetera. Another option is to press 0 to throw the ball away under pressure. The QB can't scramble unlike the last version, sorry, but now there are line markers. Just like in real life though, he'll get tackled. I'm still working on the scripting (it's hard). But have fun!
Don't get sacked.
Press "START" to start the game. With added features to make it run smoother and taken out features so the game won't be laggy in other versions. Also, I fixed some glitches, but if there's any more, let me know in the comments. Thanks.
Also, music+sound FX on interceptions, and QB hits, like sacks. So much fun!
Simulate being on the field of a real football game! But, you can be the coach and make the decisions for the players. Click the icon over the player's head for ultimate passing, or let yourself be sacked (hopefully not) and arrow keys to move the QB.
Download for full use. Otherwise, the sound effects will glitch.
when gf clicked think [Please play, the game is awesome] for (3) secs think [Download for best usage!] for (3) secs think [If you don't download, the sound effects will glitch] for (3) secs go to [codes321's game and download :P v] think [go to http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/codes321/2866799]
Okay, I'll visit it.