An unexpected release is big news, so here is the report on that!
The Adventures of Z-Man:
The game released yesterday is short, but action packed and filled with strategy. It has one enemy encounter, but that is more like a boss than anything else. A sequel to Z-Man is already in development, so you won't need to wait long for another adventure at Z-Man's side!
Z-Man 2: Darkness Beneath
After Z-Man was released yesterday, I was not going to sit around and wait for views, love its, or remixes. I decided to get onto a sequel. Z-Man was terribly short because I developed the entirety in less than an hour, but this project will be much longer (up to 1 hour of gameplay) and more story-based. Don't get the wrong idea; it will still be filled with action, exciting boss fights, and more of a world to explore as Z-Man explores the underground caves, the over world warehouses, and even the clouds to find the darkness that has been plaguing the town he lives in.
Sniper Zero 2: Remnants:
Sniper Zero 2 will be much more challenging than its predecessor, but it will still start easy. This game, however, will prepare you for the challenging levels unlike the original, which had an easy, easy, easy, Hard! feel. The first level is going to be where you must kill 50 aliens with no missiles.
Choose Your Own Adventure! Stonehenge City:
Sadly, work on this project has been canceled indefinitely, but maybe I will come back to it later. I have kind of moved on by now.
Also, Robot Vs Dragon 5 is being delayed due to the overwhelming number of large game projects I am working on, so don't expect Robot Vs Dragon 5 until November.
That's about it for today's broadcast. Thanks for checking in!
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