Claude_Monet wrote:
Hey, think of it this way
Vote for Mr. Romney and if he fails horribly as some 97% of this community seems to think, you can point and laugh, but if he succeeds, everyone will be happy![]()
But he won't. Why are you so opposed to Obama? We (as in the more democratic portion of the community), have shot down every point you guys have made with ease, it seems to me. And I've seen every page of this thread, since page 1.
Claude_Monet wrote:
Hey, think of it this way
Vote for Mr. Romney and if he fails horribly as some 97% of this community seems to think, you can point and laugh, but if he succeeds, everyone will be happy![]()
Um... no.
If he fails miserably (which he probably will), America will be a total disaster. We can't risk that.
Claude_Monet wrote:
Hey, think of it this way
Vote for Mr. Romney and if he fails horribly as some 97% of this community seems to think, you can point and laugh, but if he succeeds, everyone will be happy![]()
Think of it this way. Vote for Obama and if he fails horribly as some 3% of this community seems to think, you can point and laugh, but if he succeeds, everyone will be happy.
slinger wrote:
Think of it this way. If you flee the country you don't have to deal with any of them!
Don't worry, already got an airplane ticket to Bejing.
Here's a very good reason not to vote for Mitt. Obama has been giving some people in America Obama Phones, and this woman describes very clearly why she's not voting for Mitt. A very good reason, huh? NO.
Here it is: Original Obamaphone lady
that seems like laughing at her
'ohoho she has a funny voice, she looks funny, clearly isn't the brightest and votes for obama! let's all make fun of her!'
if that's the kind of contempt you have for obama voters i don't even what to stare in the abyss
jvvg wrote:
slinger wrote:
Think of it this way. If you flee the country you don't have to deal with any of them!
Any suggestions for which country I should go to?
I'm already on my way to Australia. ;P
yousmiledatme wrote:
that seems like laughing at her
'ohoho she has a funny voice, she looks funny, clearly isn't the brightest and votes for obama! let's all make fun of her!'
if that's the kind of contempt you have for obama voters i don't even what to stare in the abyss
and yet it's perfectly fine to mock Romney supporters incessantly.
i mean, the whole reason why I hate this thread is because it's filled with biased hypocrites.
backspace_ wrote:
yousmiledatme wrote:
that seems like laughing at her
'ohoho she has a funny voice, she looks funny, clearly isn't the brightest and votes for obama! let's all make fun of her!'
if that's the kind of contempt you have for obama voters i don't even what to stare in the abyssand yet it's perfectly fine to mock Romney supporters incessantly.
i mean, the whole reason why I hate this thread is because it's filled with biased hypocrites.
If you find one example where I mock someone you win
And no deconstructing arguments doesn't count as mocking
CN12 wrote:
Here's a very good reason not to vote for Mitt. Obama has been giving some people in America Obama Phones, and this woman describes very clearly why she's not voting for Mitt. A very good reason, huh? NO.
The interesting thing about the Obamaphone is it originated under Bush. It's also a great way for impoverished people to access 911 services. And now Republicans attack it, even though it's technically their policy, because it helps the "moochers".
Legum, Judd. The Truth About the Obamaphone. 27 September 2012. Web. 23 October 2012. <>
backspace_ wrote:
i mean, the whole reason why I hate this thread is because it's filled with biased hypocrites.
Wow. That's not flaming at all.
If you hate the thread, please, don't post on it, but if you do want to post on it, please don't insult your opponents - tell us why we're wrong, with a linked (and hopefully cited) argument, like me, eh?
OverPowered wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Here's a very good reason not to vote for Mitt. Obama has been giving some people in America Obama Phones, and this woman describes very clearly why she's not voting for Mitt. A very good reason, huh? NO.
The interesting thing about the Obamaphone is it originated under Bush. It's also a great way for impoverished people to access 911 services. And now Republicans attack it, even though it's technically their policy, because it helps the "moochers".
I heard of a woman in Baltimore who had 30+ Obamaphones. Thats excessive.
For those of you who don't understand how an election works, I've created a simple batch file to help you.
echo off cls set candidate="" if %canidate%==African_American goto win if %canidate%==Republican goto RParse if %canidate%==Democrat goto DParse goto loss :RParse if %random% lssr 45 goto win goto loss :DParse if NOT %canidate%==Religious_nut goto loss goto win :win echo Elected! pause exit :loss echo Not elected! pause exit
See? Really has nothing to do with logic or anything.
Claude_Monet wrote:
For those of you who don't understand how an election works, I've created a simple batch file to help you.
echo off cls set candidate="" if %canidate%==African_American goto win if %canidate%==Republican goto RParse if %canidate%==Democrat goto DParse goto loss :RParse if %random% lssr 45 goto win goto loss :DParse if NOT %canidate%==Religious_nut goto loss goto win :win echo Elected! pause exit :loss echo Not elected! pause exitSee? Really has nothing to do with logic or anything.
i bet thats offensive to somebody out there
More African Americans have run for president than just Barrack Obama.
I have a very serious question:
What has Obama done in the past 4 years?
And I dislike Obama, but I also kind of dislike Romney, too.
I don't care about any of the other people.
alldaykade28471 wrote:
I have a very serious question:
What has Obama done in the past 4 years?
And I dislike Obama, but I also kind of dislike Romney, too.
I don't care about any of the other people.![]()
have you taken the others into serious consideration
777w wrote:
alldaykade28471 wrote:
I have a very serious question:
What has Obama done in the past 4 years?
And I dislike Obama, but I also kind of dislike Romney, too.
I don't care about any of the other people.![]()
have you taken the others into serious consideration
I don't know any of them.
I'm not a 'politics' dude. Just know all of the important stuff.
Obamacare, tax, wars, etc.
Claude_Monet wrote:
For those of you who don't understand how an election works, I've created a simple batch file to help you.
echo off cls set candidate="" if %canidate%==African_American goto win if %canidate%==Republican goto RParse if %canidate%==Democrat goto DParse goto loss :RParse if %random% lssr 45 goto win goto loss :DParse if NOT %canidate%==Religious_nut goto loss goto win :win echo Elected! pause exit :loss echo Not elected! pause exitSee? Really has nothing to do with logic or anything.
First off, offensive to African Americans. Also, untrue. *coughHermanCaincough*
Second, why do the Democrats need a "religious nut" check?
But interesting nevertheless.
CN12, I prefer you cite at least ONE source for your information, but I know what you say is true. That's an abuse of a federal program that has gotten somewhat out of hand (Phone vans driving around baltimore), and I oppose that and hope the program is reformed.
Now tell me... Why does this abuse mean I should vote for Romney? :3
Also, I have another very serious question:
How will ObamaCare affect YOU?
alldaykade28471 wrote:
What has Obama done in the past 4 years?
Begun removing troops from Iraq & Afghanistan.
Assisted killing of Osama bin Laden.
Indirectly created ~4M jobs.
Added ~4tril. to national debt.
Brought back stock market & auto industry.
Left Guantanamo open.
Reformed healthcare.
Worked to save U.S. from debt ceiling.
Supported same-* marriage.
For me, that's a net plus over Gov. Romney.
Tax cuts, esp. on wealthy
Massachusetts debt reduction
Military spending bumps
Bain Capital job oversea shipping
Begun removing troops from Iraq & Afghanistan.
How is that good? Don't you want are country to be safe?
Assisted killing of Osama bin Laden.
Indirectly created ~4M jobs.
I can semi agree and disagree with this statement.
Added ~4tril. to national debt.
Don't know what that is.
Brought back stock market & auto industry.
Read post above.
Left Guantanamo open.
Read post above.
Reformed healthcare.
How? (Just wondering)
Worked to save U.S. from debt ceiling.
Read 2 posts above.
Supported same-* marriage.
For me, that's a net plus over Gov. Romney.
Tax cuts, esp. on wealthy
Massachusetts debt reduction
Military spending bumps
Wait, there's a Romneycare?! Tell me more please.
Bain Capital job oversea shipping
Edited post above.
So, he has not done anything AMAZING, correct?
Last edited by alldaykade28471 (2012-10-23 23:42:33)