You are a dragon and ghosts come flying toward you and you have to shoot them.
Keep going until you get hit by a ghost.
A simple single level game.
Set background to Starfield
Dragon is set to mouse Y position
If Dragon is hit by Ghost - Game Over
When mouse down bullet starts at dragon's mouth
Play sound
move +10
Hide if touching Ghost
Hide if touching edge
Hide if Game Over
Each Ghost waits from 1 to 5 seconds before appearing (again) at a random position from on the left of the screen
Hide if touching edge
Hide is touching bullet, increase Score by 1 and play sound
Created 1 Ghost first, sorted out all the above and then just duplicated the ghost 6 times to give 7 ghosts all doing the same thing.
Overtime as the ghosts get shot and they wait a random time from 1 to 5 seconds the 'waves' get tougher to avoid.
Nothing fancy but hopefully fun.