I_am_Tailsdoll wrote:
HoW aBoUt Sonic:The rise of Tailsdoll.
Sorry, I'm not doing Tails Doll games.
Speedthehedgehog87 wrote:
Sonic and the Mysterious Emerald?
Sorry dude! I made a RPG with the name nearly like that.
Aunya wrote:
I got a idea for it
Darkvid wrote:
Well im thinking of Sonic Evolution or Sonic Universe or something like that...
hey darkvid that bunnykill sires rock my computer cant reply on scrtach that good
Darkvid wrote:
Well im thinking of Sonic Evolution or Sonic Universe or something like that...
i have a perfict idea about light the mouse rival go to my supermalik scratch acount go to new charater his name is Aeon he s a metal overlord gun machine fenix hes super bad too can he be in bunny kill too like a enemy.
Darkvid wrote:
Well im thinking of Sonic Evolution or Sonic Universe or something like that...
hey darkvid reply on scratch be looking on here its only place a can