It now seems that I keep finding topics by people new to Scratch that ask something like a one sentence question, and then the rest of it is just a bunch of unrelated blockspam.
Does anybody have any reason for the recent surge in new users blockspamming?
jvvg wrote:
It now seems that I keep finding topics by people new to Scratch that ask something like a one sentence question, and then the rest of it is just a bunch of unrelated blockspam.
Does anybody have any reason for the recent surge in new users blockspamming?
Thay are to lazy to post a question then go to the play aria so they try to get two posts done at once.
jvvg wrote:
dvd4 wrote:
no. I just guess it's a new trend
In that case, we should start a new trend of reporting it.
dvd4 wrote:
no. I just guess it's a new trend
There's nothing "new" about it, it's been happening since the new blocks were released
RedRocker227 wrote:
dvd4 wrote:
no. I just guess it's a new trend
There's nothing "new" about it, it's been happening since the new blocks were released
Yeah, but this topic is about a surge in block spam.
Martiscratch wrote:
jvvg wrote:
dvd4 wrote:
no. I just guess it's a new trend
In that case, we should start a new trend of reporting it.
jvvg,The way you put that is funny!
Mokat wrote:
They should put a thing down by the scratchblocks that says "It you want to test out the Scratchblocks, please do so [and then a url to the test thread]"
Definitely Support, this should hopefully cut down on block- related spam since people now know where to go to "spam" blocks
they have done the try out thing.
how did you get a note from paddle?
jvvg wrote:
Martiscratch wrote:
how did you get a note from paddle?
He commented on one of my projects.
jvvg wrote:
I recently got a note from Paddle saying that blocks like that aren't totally unrelated are allowed.
Same here, I got one from Paddle to See too!