was anyone there today? i was-backstage and everything c:
i'm going to copy this from rr227's forums
so i've been at a march since 10:00
it was exhilarating
i got a vuvuzela and because my dad was pushing the secretary of the disabled branch i was right at the front but it was a bit scary because so many paparazzi and i saw someone with a special microphone interviewing a guy on a bridge!! it said cnsbc or something! i also almost got seperated from my dad ;_;
it was amazing
it was 3~ miles from bakerloo ish to picadilly
he then made a speech so i got to go backstage where i was less then a foot from ed milliband
and then i got to go on stage with him and i was watching the general secretary of the tuc which is amazing!!
then i watched the guy i was with's speech and wow that was amazing
it was talking about everything and oh god i'm tired ;_;
no but i heard his [ed milliband's] speech from backstage
mostly he was trashtalking the coalition but at one point he talked about cuts and everyone was booing and like why would he put that in there?? so i think he has some big cuts up his sleeve ;_;
but the signs were amazing
there was one with a picture of the joker on in the obama hope ad (didn't understand that..) and it was like 'this town deserves a better class of criminal' and simple no cuts and coalition of opposition
because unite were leading this year there were big balloons and a brass band!!
[werd talks about seeing ed on bbc]
omg bbc
was it just ed milliband or was the secretary of the disabled members of tuc on there as well??
also if you see a small boy with aproximately 70k freckles clutching a vuvuzela on any photos that's me!!!1!!
i wasn't even coming on at ed milly time! i was like on the side of the stage behind it!
i meant the other side! by the tent [of this (http://i.imgur.com/AA29F.png) image-the people coming in]
oh man
i'm just out of one of the mirror's site
shots i meant
[to werd's query over whether i'm in]
my dad is
wait wait i might be able to get a video of me maybe
wait no sorry
sorry; i can't quite grasp the discussion point in this thread.