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#5351 2012-10-18 22:05:45

Registered: 2012-01-01
Posts: 9

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be a curator please!  big_smile



#5352 2012-10-19 10:06:45

Registered: 2012-10-13
Posts: 1

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'd like to be a curator for scratch because:
¬ I've been on Scratch a while  so I know what kinds of things people curate.
¬ (self-Opinion) I personally think that I'm nice and have the ability to say "you're project didn't make it" without making the person feel to bad.

I hope I'm picked and good luck to everyone else!



#5353 2012-10-19 14:10:59

Registered: 2012-10-01
Posts: 55

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Klinklang wrote:

I would like to be a curator please!  big_smile

big_smile  Klinklang, I'm not of the scratch team, so I wouldn't know,  but I at least appreciate your enthusiasm, as though you'd actually enjoy being curator.  Howevfer, I believe you may have a greater chance of being curator if you give reasons that you'd like to be curator.  wink



#5354 2012-10-19 14:14:14

Registered: 2012-10-01
Posts: 55

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

NickyTheAwesome wrote:

I'd like to be a curator for scratch because:
¬ I've been on Scratch a while  so I know what kinds of things people curate.
¬ (self-Opinion) I personally think that I'm nice and have the ability to say "you're project didn't make it" without making the person feel to bad.

I hope I'm picked and good luck to everyone else!

NickyTheAwesome, if I'm incorrect, my apologies, but I believe you registered the thirteenth of this month. Basically, you haven't been on scratch for a 'while'. Also, people's feelings will get hurt, and that has to be something that you're prepared for.



#5355 2012-10-19 15:04:20

Registered: 2011-10-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

angelica101 wrote:

This is my, like, 20th time applying. :3

Hi! My name is Angelica, and I think I'd be a good curator. I've seen a ton of projects with zero views but amazing scripting and art. There are some things that are really front page worthy, and I'm planning to make that happen. Of course, I'll only curate appropriate projects, and will be open to requests. I will not curate anything with over 30 views. What you would probably see curated by me are stop motion, AMVs, animations, and other things. I will only curate a project for about a day or two, so everybody will have an equal amount of views. I really hope there's an open shift soon, so I can reach my goal of being a front page curator.

Thanks so much for listening,

Help with music please!|Nate, new OC! Bye 1.4... We'll miss you!



#5356 2012-10-19 15:05:21

Registered: 2011-11-24
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Greetings Scratch Team:

     I would like to apply for curator.  I have applied a few times before, but I'd like to apply again.  I have been working with Scratch for years now, and would like to have a say in what projects reach the front page.

     First, the projects.  On the front page, especially in the Top Remixed section, I see OK-quality projects.  Then, while browsing the forums, I see users with good projects, but they only have a few views!  Those users generally don't advertise on the forums, but their projects deserve views, unlike some others that sometimes get to the front page.  I will, however, do every effort to put projects on the front page that have less than 50 views.

     Second, the project types.  As with the projects themselves, I will only put unique projects.  Traditional projects, such as platformers, coloring contests, art dumps, and AMVs wouldn't be curated unless they were very unique.  I would curate the new, unique projects out there.  However, I would take all requests, and if there were a simply amazing project, I would curate it, providing it had minimal views.

     If I become curator, thank you.  If not, thank you still.  I love Scratch and want it to continually grow.  Harvard already uses it in its computer science course.  Who knows, one day Scratch may be the worldwide programming language for children!

     Thank you for your time in reading my speech.  I am hopeful, and am excited for this opportunity.  I wish all of my opponents luck in becoming curator!


Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-10-21 19:13:04)

Click the sign.



#5357 2012-10-19 16:31:46

Registered: 2012-10-01
Posts: 55

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Firedrake969 wrote:

Greetings Scratch Team:

     I would like to apply for curator.  I have applied a few times before, but I'd like to apply again.  I have been working with Scratch for years now, and would like to have a say in what projects reach the front page.

     First, the projects.  On the front page, especially in the Top Remixed section, I see OK-quality projects.  Then, while browsing the forums, I see users with good projects, but they only have a few views!  Those users generally don't advertise on the forums, but their projects deserve views, unlike some others that sometimes get to the front page.  I will, however, do every effort to put projects on the front page that have less than 50 views.

     Second, the project types.  As with the projects themselves, I will only put unique projects.  Traditional projects, such as platformers, coloring contests, art dumps, and AMVs wouldn't be curated.  I would curate the new, unique projects out there.  However, I would take all requests, and if there were a simply amazing project, I would curate it, providing it had minimal views.

     If I become curator, thank you.  If not, thank you still.  I love Scratch and want it to continually grow.  Harvard already uses it in its computer science course.  Who knows, one day Scratch may be the worldwide programming language for children!

     Thank you for your time in reading my speech.  I am hopeful, and am excited for this opportunity.  I wish all of my opponents luck in becoming curator!


Wow, Firedrake969! I applied for curator, and I gave an explanation, but I still hope that you become curator.  tongue  Although I'd think that you should put in some platformers. They can be very original.  big_smile



#5358 2012-10-20 08:39:23

Registered: 2011-12-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello. I'm Mokat and I'd like to apply to be curator. I'm an 11-year-old girl, and my favorite thing to do in my free time is to computer program- using Scratch, HTML, CSS, and I'd like to learn Python.

I would like to be curator because I feel that the quality of the front page is getting worse- More art projects, coloring contests, and "Remix this and add ____!" are getting frontpaged and less games, funny animations, and genuinely good projects are getting front-paged.

I enjoy looking at the curated projects to see what others have chosen to curate. I usually enjoy animations, AMVs, and certain games a lot, but I sometimes come across something where I'm like, "Wow! This is awesome!", but then I see that the project only has a few views. I wish I could help to increase those views, but I'm unsure of how. If I were curator, I would curate those projects.  smile 

I would curate new projects daily, because I know some curators that only curated a couple projects. I like variety, so I would choose a broad range of project genres: Games, simulation, platformers, animations, AMVs (as these can be quite original and complicated, unlike what Firedrake969 stated), platformers (which can also be quite original), and pretty much any project that I find "good".

I would take requests from people on curated projects, but I would have a few guidelines:
-The project has to have less than 60 views
-It can't be a project where you "remix and enter the contest!" or "Add yourself doing _____!"
-The project owner can't have been frontpaged recently (except for Scratch Design Studio or Newest)

I hope that the Scratch Team takes me into consideration for curator, and remember, Sⓒ®atch On!
-Mokat  smile



#5359 2012-10-21 22:21:57

Registered: 2012-01-01
Posts: 41

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Can I be a Curator I will do the best I can to make it fun. I want to make scratch the best it can and if I get chose I well promise I will make it better or the best.

I want to be a programer so I well do my best to judge programs.

Last edited by Snorp09 (2012-10-21 22:25:03)



#5360 2012-10-22 00:30:44

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

To all of you with great speeches:
The ST especially likes it when applicants include examples of projects they might curate.
Such as:
"This project (link to project) is one I might curate because I like its creative use of the pen blocks" etc.



#5361 2012-10-22 00:56:51

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I will make a Speech and hope for the best!

Hello Scratch team, although I have never succeded in becoming a curator, I will keep trying even if my homework piles up or if my mom gets mad at me (just kidding, but that homework part was real  smile  )  tongue

So you might be wondering, why me? (honestly, posting speeches and making other people try to beat it is just mean my opinion  big_smile  ) I think I am very nice (again, it seems very mean to say "pick me im best", but I have to try!) and will pick projects that have not gotten a place on front page and I will strive to make them grin soo much I will make their mouth hurt! Once, I gotten front paged and I grinned soo much and I ended up telling my friends (all 17 of them), my mom, my dad, my grandma (which does not know english, so I had to speak Cantonese to her, which, I cannot speak fluently, like I can only say major words), and my sister! I know what other people will feel if I front page one of their projects and let the whole world see!  Second, I am not bias. (I feel like I am trying to boast  sad  ) I will not just pick my friends project, only pick simulation projects, I will pick
Board games
Card games
Dice games
Miniature games
Pencil-and-paper games
Tile-based games
Role-playing games
Chess game
Alternate reality games
Educational games
Card Games
Children's games
Creative games
Letter games
Play-by-mail games
Play-by-post games
Locative games
and I will not only choose those games , but will also choose
Mathematical games
Parlor games
Party games
Conversation games
Daring games
Guessing games
Singing games
Paper and pencil games
Playground games
Role-playing games
Skill games
Street games
Travel games
Word games.

Credits to wikipedia

(I think scratch moderators will have trouble reading that list XD)
Being not bias, in my opinion, is the most important. This is because I feel like a curator cannot choose projects solely by their religion, likes and dislikes, relying on relationships (what I mean is like only choosing your friends, on Scratch or not on Scratch), randomly choosing projects (I am soo happy no one has done that before), leaving a project on front page longer because of some other reason and choosing a project because you think they will thank you back.
A good curator will not only do the things above, but will give comments on how to improve. An example is if a game is lacking views, I will help them try to reach their full potential! This can include commenting, curating if I can understand they tried their best , or if I know them, emailing. Downloading their project and helping to improve their scripting skills is an example. (you might be thinking how I can do this much in a day. Truth is, I spend a large amount of time on Scratch, because I quit another game a day ago, and I am not regretting that decision!) I will help people that is getting curated, just made a project, new to scratch (I will find them through the "Welcome to Scratch" post), and my friends (but I will not only help my friends)  Also, I will give people a chance to tell me their projects, by commenting on a project or posting on a forum, I am choosing, but either way, games really in the dustbin will get found, reviewed, and more love! You might be thinking this is too good to be true, but remember, I have been on Scratch for a while now and I have experience with majority of Scratch programs, except raycasting!!! Thanks for reading this massive post, if this post does not past the character limit I will be impressed XD (PS, I wanted to make sure that to the reader of this speech, I want Scratch members to be happy and to share the love with everyone, even you!!!! oh and by the way, if you have not noticed, I love scratch and if I did not, I would have not joined for soo long, as all my other games I joined, I only stayed on the game for about half a year, then quit.  smile
(To the post above me,

kayybee wrote:

To all of you with great speeches:
The ST especially likes it when applicants include examples of projects they might curate.
Such as:
"This project (link to project) is one I might curate because I like its creative use of the pen blocks" etc.

I cannot because I have a whole list! And really, I never knew, because my understanding is that posting a link to another project is kind of a red flag to biasm, but I do not think the moderators are bias, if you know what I am saying)

Last edited by KrIsMa (2012-10-22 01:18:24)
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



#5362 2012-10-22 20:15:57

Registered: 2012-10-01
Posts: 55

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

KrIsMa wrote:

I will make a Speech and hope for the best!

Hello Scratch team, although I have never succeded in becoming a curator, I will keep trying even if my homework piles up or if my mom gets mad at me (just kidding, but that homework part was real  smile  )  tongue

So you might be wondering, why me? (honestly, posting speeches and making other people try to beat it is just mean my opinion  big_smile  ) I think I am very nice (again, it seems very mean to say "pick me im best", but I have to try!) and will pick projects that have not gotten a place on front page and I will strive to make them grin soo much I will make their mouth hurt! Once, I gotten front paged and I grinned soo much and I ended up telling my friends (all 17 of them), my mom, my dad, my grandma (which does not know english, so I had to speak Cantonese to her, which, I cannot speak fluently, like I can only say major words), and my sister! I know what other people will feel if I front page one of their projects and let the whole world see!  Second, I am not bias. (I feel like I am trying to boast  sad  ) I will not just pick my friends project, only pick simulation projects, I will pick
Board games
Card games
Dice games
Miniature games
Pencil-and-paper games
Tile-based games
Role-playing games
Chess game
Alternate reality games
Educational games
Card Games
Children's games
Creative games
Letter games
Play-by-mail games
Play-by-post games
Locative games
and I will not only choose those games , but will also choose
Mathematical games
Parlor games
Party games
Conversation games
Daring games
Guessing games
Singing games
Paper and pencil games
Playground games
Role-playing games
Skill games
Street games
Travel games
Word games.

(I, Teslakat had to get rid of the link here as this is a new account.  tongue )

(I think scratch moderators will have trouble reading that list XD)
Being not bias, in my opinion, is the most important. This is because I feel like a curator cannot choose projects solely by their religion, likes and dislikes, relying on relationships (what I mean is like only choosing your friends, on Scratch or not on Scratch), randomly choosing projects (I am soo happy no one has done that before), leaving a project on front page longer because of some other reason and choosing a project because you think they will thank you back.
A good curator will not only do the things above, but will give comments on how to improve. An example is if a game is lacking views, I will help them try to reach their full potential! This can include commenting, curating if I can understand they tried their best , or if I know them, emailing. Downloading their project and helping to improve their scripting skills is an example. (you might be thinking how I can do this much in a day. Truth is, I spend a large amount of time on Scratch, because I quit another game a day ago, and I am not regretting that decision!) I will help people that is getting curated, just made a project, new to scratch (I will find them through the "Welcome to Scratch" post), and my friends (but I will not only help my friends)  Also, I will give people a chance to tell me their projects, by commenting on a project or posting on a forum, I am choosing, but either way, games really in the dustbin will get found, reviewed, and more love! You might be thinking this is too good to be true, but remember, I have been on Scratch for a while now and I have experience with majority of Scratch programs, except raycasting!!! Thanks for reading this massive post, if this post does not past the character limit I will be impressed XD (PS, I wanted to make sure that to the reader of this speech, I want Scratch members to be happy and to share the love with everyone, even you!!!! oh and by the way, if you have not noticed, I love scratch and if I did not, I would have not joined for soo long, as all my other games I joined, I only stayed on the game for about half a year, then quit.  smile
(To the post above me,

kayybee wrote:

To all of you with great speeches:
The ST especially likes it when applicants include examples of projects they might curate.
Such as:
"This project (link to project) is one I might curate because I like its creative use of the pen blocks" etc.

I cannot because I have a whole list! And really, I never knew, because my understanding is that posting a link to another project is kind of a red flag to biasm, but I do not think the moderators are bias, if you know what I am saying)

Wow,  tongue  You make my comment sound like just a 'I want to be curated,' When I really posted much more.  smile  I like your reference to the whole no-biasm-thing. People seem to forget that... alot. I hope that someone like you or FireDrake get curated. In my opinion, you guys actually deserve it more than me and some other people.



#5363 2012-10-22 20:55:35

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

TeslaKat wrote:

KrIsMa wrote:

I will make a Speech and hope for the best!

Hello Scratch team, although I have never succeded in becoming a curator, I will keep trying even if my homework piles up or if my mom gets mad at me (just kidding, but that homework part was real  smile  )  tongue

So you might be wondering, why me? (honestly, posting speeches and making other people try to beat it is just mean my opinion  big_smile  ) I think I am very nice (again, it seems very mean to say "pick me im best", but I have to try!) and will pick projects that have not gotten a place on front page and I will strive to make them grin soo much I will make their mouth hurt! Once, I gotten front paged and I grinned soo much and I ended up telling my friends (all 17 of them), my mom, my dad, my grandma (which does not know english, so I had to speak Cantonese to her, which, I cannot speak fluently, like I can only say major words), and my sister! I know what other people will feel if I front page one of their projects and let the whole world see!  Second, I am not bias. (I feel like I am trying to boast  sad  ) I will not just pick my friends project, only pick simulation projects, I will pick
Board games
Card games
Dice games
Miniature games
Pencil-and-paper games
Tile-based games
Role-playing games
Chess game
Alternate reality games
Educational games
Card Games
Children's games
Creative games
Letter games
Play-by-mail games
Play-by-post games
Locative games
and I will not only choose those games , but will also choose
Mathematical games
Parlor games
Party games
Conversation games
Daring games
Guessing games
Singing games
Paper and pencil games
Playground games
Role-playing games
Skill games
Street games
Travel games
Word games.

(I, Teslakat had to get rid of the link here as this is a new account.  tongue )

(I think scratch moderators will have trouble reading that list XD)
Being not bias, in my opinion, is the most important. This is because I feel like a curator cannot choose projects solely by their religion, likes and dislikes, relying on relationships (what I mean is like only choosing your friends, on Scratch or not on Scratch), randomly choosing projects (I am soo happy no one has done that before), leaving a project on front page longer because of some other reason and choosing a project because you think they will thank you back.
A good curator will not only do the things above, but will give comments on how to improve. An example is if a game is lacking views, I will help them try to reach their full potential! This can include commenting, curating if I can understand they tried their best , or if I know them, emailing. Downloading their project and helping to improve their scripting skills is an example. (you might be thinking how I can do this much in a day. Truth is, I spend a large amount of time on Scratch, because I quit another game a day ago, and I am not regretting that decision!) I will help people that is getting curated, just made a project, new to scratch (I will find them through the "Welcome to Scratch" post), and my friends (but I will not only help my friends)  Also, I will give people a chance to tell me their projects, by commenting on a project or posting on a forum, I am choosing, but either way, games really in the dustbin will get found, reviewed, and more love! You might be thinking this is too good to be true, but remember, I have been on Scratch for a while now and I have experience with majority of Scratch programs, except raycasting!!! Thanks for reading this massive post, if this post does not past the character limit I will be impressed XD (PS, I wanted to make sure that to the reader of this speech, I want Scratch members to be happy and to share the love with everyone, even you!!!! oh and by the way, if you have not noticed, I love scratch and if I did not, I would have not joined for soo long, as all my other games I joined, I only stayed on the game for about half a year, then quit.  smile
(To the post above me,

kayybee wrote:

To all of you with great speeches:
The ST especially likes it when applicants include examples of projects they might curate.
Such as:
"This project (link to project) is one I might curate because I like its creative use of the pen blocks" etc.

I cannot because I have a whole list! And really, I never knew, because my understanding is that posting a link to another project is kind of a red flag to biasm, but I do not think the moderators are bias, if you know what I am saying)

Wow,  tongue  You make my comment sound like just a 'I want to be curated,' When I really posted much more.  smile  I like your reference to the whole no-biasm-thing. People seem to forget that... alot. I hope that someone like you or FireDrake get curated. In my opinion, you guys actually deserve it more than me and some other people.

Thanks a lot! It took awhile!
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



#5364 2012-10-22 21:02:51

Registered: 2011-11-24
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Mokat wrote:


I did talk about ze platformers.

Click the sign.



#5365 2012-10-22 21:06:48

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Firedrake969 wrote:

Mokat wrote:


quoted text that I removed for no reason but to conserve space, unlike my speech, which was loooong

Yeah I saw it. Maybe Mokak posted a speech and did not see or did you edit it after mokat?  smile
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



#5366 2012-10-26 11:41:10

Registered: 2012-08-15
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to a Scratch curator, due to the fact I have a lot of experience in programming. I have used software such as Game Maker to produce games, and also use Scratch to create interactive and entertaining projects. My favorite type of project are either projects that do their purpose effectively, such as a detailed clock project, or projects that you can see obviously have had a lot of effort put into them. But most of all, I really like the simulations and mini games Scratchers have to offer. When I comment on a project to give it a review I always give a positive point and a target, whether that is a little niggle in the controls or a sprite hiding, for instance.

Also, if I was curator I would make sure that I would be dedicated and motivated into finding these projects, and showing Scratchers some of the most unique and entertaining projects Scratch has to offer, such as this entertaining mini game, and other projects that have not been seen a lot by the Scratch community, but are fun and enjoyable.

Last edited by GlennWright (2012-10-26 11:54:18)

Hello everyone!



#5367 2012-10-26 14:19:50

Registered: 2010-07-16
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Reposting with a couple changes because it's been a month:
Hi! I'm laser314 and this is my curator speech.
There are lots of projects on Scratch that have never been noticed. I remember how excited I was when one of my first projects got a comment. If I was elected curator, more New Scratchers' projects would get comments and views, maybe even a loveit or two!
I would curate new projects with not many views or comments. In my opinion, everyone should get a chance to be on the front page at some point.

Last edited by laser314 (2012-10-26 14:30:39) 2.0 Alpha Tester!



#5368 2012-10-27 09:49:21

Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

My last one was... lacking, so I'll give it another shot!

Some may know me, some may not.  I'm not famous.  I am StarscreamClone, and avid Scratcher with many interests.  I love Scratch about as much as I love Transformers (and I love Transformers a LOT!), and having the opportunity to be curator would really make my day.  I really like to play an active role in the community, and being curator would allow me to do just that!

I remember the first comment I ever go on a project: it was on Smart Talk with Grimlock, one of my very first projects, and the comment said "THIS IS AWESOME".  It felt good, especially to a beginning Scratcher!  There are many great projects out there without even that, possibly even negative.  I've had that on my OS that I worked REALLY hard on.  That did not feel good.  At all.  Some people get that, and it can be very discouraging (quite obviously).  So, as curator, I would curate those projects, the ones that are diserving.

What exactly would I curate?  Well, it wouldn't really matter, but I suppose the theme would be projects that show the creator worked hard on it.  Examples include:

~ Rainbow Chicken by fillergames. 
A very well done game that is fun to play.  The graphics and movement work well, it's quite possibly one of the best games I have ever played.

~Enchanted AMV by bieberfever13.
A very well done AMV; there are no words to describe how good it is.

~Symmetrical Paint by MauPau
A great, somewhat simple project that shows how much time was put into it.  No glitches to report.

There are, of course, more.  To get an idea of the kind of things I'd curate, check out this gallery.  These are the best projects I have found so far.  With curation, these users would have more than "THIS IS AWESOME"s, but possible friends who see their talents, constructive critisism on projects to make bigger and better, and the drive to create more projects, knowing that they would not go unnoticed.  I hope you will take me under consideration.

Hasta luego, amigos!
~ StarscreamClone ~

Last edited by StarscreamClone (2012-10-27 09:49:53)



#5369 2012-10-28 13:36:59

Registered: 2011-03-29
Posts: 96

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

if i was curator, i would post projects that new scratchers posted or non-popular projects that i liked. i would only put a project if that scratcher has not been on the front page in at least a week. i would only put one project for each scratcher that got curated.

Last edited by masonmario2 (2012-10-28 13:37:48)



#5370 2012-10-29 14:36:57

Registered: 2011-11-13
Posts: 19

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be one, I will choose my favorite projects.



#5371 2012-10-29 14:50:51

Registered: 2008-10-19
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello I am WaterHorse and I've been on scratch for four years. If I were to become curator, I would choose projects that aren't very popular, BUT they will have to be programmed well. Don't worry I would not pick some cat art or something like that.
I would pick the well programmed projects that aren't very popular. Please consider be a Curator; It would be amazing and i promise i will be a good one!  smile ~WaterHorse

Horses rock my world! <3



#5372 2012-10-29 18:50:02

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Laserjl wrote:

I would like to be one, I will choose my favorite projects.

Hello, please describe what projects, not just "My favorite projects". Scratch wants to know what you will curate and how you define a good project!;action=onlineStatus&amp;online=;offline=
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



#5373 2012-10-30 19:57:21

Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

If I become curator I will:
1. Help make good quality projects with less than 100 views, 5 love-its, and 100 comments more popular, but when they are popular and getting plenty of views remove it from curation.
2. I'll look for the usefulness of projects. Games are counted as entertainment, so they are useful as well as animations. The better* and more scripting there is in a project, the more likely it will be curated.
*better - original/unique scripting, can be used by other Scratchers
3. I'll try not to have add yourself projects, which I believe are pointless unless for a cause like pink signing for breast cancer.
4. I'll make a project specifically for people to tell me about great projects they saw.
5. Only other Scratchers can suggest a project. If a creator of a project suggests it, it must be the best project ever, otherwise I will deny it and consider it selfishness.
6. I'll consider all the above while still paying attention to number 1.
7. I'm a very active Scratcher who is on almost every single day and likes to explore the Scratch website looking for great projects.
8. I'll tell a Scratcher if I'm considering curating a project of theirs, but will first check everything like if they have already been front paged (not including newest projects) or if they have very many views, love-its, and usefulness.
I hope you consider me, for I am also a Scratch Wiki member and use Scratch everyday and fit it in my schedule, even if I have a tight one.



#5374 2012-10-30 20:21:35

Registered: 2012-08-31
Posts: 72

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Cool! I can tell that we're going to have some great curators! ^^
SilvyBellz~ c: <3



#5375 2012-10-30 20:22:50

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

SilverBells wrote:

Cool! I can tell that we're going to have some great curators! ^^

That is a very nice comment to curiouscrab! That is why I posted a "thank you" post on the forums, but it got removed! Thanks everyone!;action=onlineStatus&amp;online=;offline=
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



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