This is probably in the wrong forum spot. If so, sorry, I couldn't find a good place to write this question.
Okay, I know there is already a forum topic about it, but the answer wasn't very explanatory. I just want to know
a) what are they,
b) where do they originate from, and
c) can you tell me a bit about them?
There are lots of Toki things on Scratch, and I think they are cool, I'd just like to know a bit about them. Thanks!
when gf clicked ask [What are Tokis?] and wait
a) A weird lizard creature
2) maki-tak's character
z) There really is nothing more. People made accounts with toki characters, to support maki-tak.
AshKittie wrote:
Ask oogiemaster.
oogiemaster is super biased against them
the way i understand it tokis were a creature that the scratch user maki-tak came up with and let people use
the community liked them and i think they were really popular in 2009
Last edited by 777w (2012-10-18 16:41:02)