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#3801 2012-10-16 10:58:17

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-09-26
Posts: 100+

Re: poni poni poni

cinaparadox wrote:

jukyter wrote:

samid11 wrote:

Found something hilarious. The translated version of Cutie Mark Crusader's song in French. Here are the (roughly translated) English Lyrics:

Three ponies superstars
In colorful clothes
Listen! Because it is our history
We're going to sing really loud!

When you're a young pony
And that you are not marked
You t'sens silly and flawed
Without your beauty mark.

While all three we will fight
Nothing we will abandon
We are ready to sacrifice everything
Our beauty mark

We are three Talent Seekers
Nothing can stop us
Although the project is exhausting
We want to win our beauty mark

Everything comes to him who waits
That's what they telling us
So you do your best to learn more
But you unsatisfied t'sens

But it is not so easy, believe me
Be patient, it is difficult
We try to find our way
That is why we are here

We are three Talent Seekers
Nothing can stop us
Although the project is exhausting
We want to win our beauty mark

We are three Talent Seekers
Nothing can stop us
Although the project is exhausting
We want to win our beauty mark

i translated as much of it as i could into french again and it sounded good
but because we don't have the same expressions and stuff it will sound terrible
any foreign song/phrase/article/book directly translated will

I love you SATW siggie. ^^


ScratchDixie wrote:


I can't really get into specifics but the term brony originates from 'the darkest part of the Internet' and thus there are some -negative- connotations



#3802 2012-10-16 12:38:45

Registered: 2009-07-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

I saw the new S3 preview and I thought it sucked.

Seriously though, I've never seen such desperate attempts at appealing to your audience since spongebob.

The thing about S1 and S2 is that they appealed to the audience without even knowing, which was why it was funny and had a great story.


And the crystal ponies are abysmal. The plot for them is a madlibs of plots.

Character/s have... ...Amnesia

Characters have this because..... ..Original character do not steal as the villain.

It feels like a desperate cash in in the toys. I feel betrayed. ._.

MOMS SPAGHETTI. (Steam: (roblox: and (Xbox: Hal0r0cks1337)



#3803 2012-10-16 13:10:11

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

I'd rather wait until S3 airs than watch that preview... Though if you put it that way, that doesn't sound good. I'd wait and hope for the best.

Currently hunting for pony wallpapers on dA. I'm in a faving spree.  tongue  Here's some cool ones. trixie ftw

EDIT: also Johnny Bravo

Last edited by technoguyx (2012-10-16 13:35:21)



#3804 2012-10-16 17:57:54

Registered: 2011-08-31
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

Octavia and Rarity will apparently be singing some sort of duet in S3.



#3805 2012-10-16 21:45:35

Registered: 2010-06-29
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

I've bronified my profile.

LOL signature fail



#3806 2012-10-17 20:15:02

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

Well, I'm here with a bad pony fic. Kinda like Half Life Full Life Consequences.

Twilight Sarkle was studying in her was study labratoried when spike said "Twilight whart are you doing" and twilight said "I have finded a new type of spell that makes stoff blow up in a big boom but my works has been gone missinged. Spik was scarred because a bad pony could take the works and destroy Eqquestriah with it.

  Spike to princess celestias castle and said "There is a bad pony with a spell that can blow up all of equestria in a big boom what will we do" Spike said with scared. "You must take the elements of harmuny tto twilght and then she and her frends will use it and destroy the bad pony.

    Spike ran to twilights with scarred  and told her that the bad pony has to be destroyed with the elements of harmon. Twlight took a element to rainbow dash when she followed twilgiht to pinkie pies. Pinkie to the elemet with anger and was mad that a bad pony could blow up equestria and she lived in equestria so that would be bad. Twilight taked a nother element to applejack and applejack thought twilight was a bad pony so she threw apples at her but then she knew Twilight was good and took the element. The ponies gave all the elements to the other ponies.

   The ponies were nervos because a bad pony could blow them up at any time. Pinkie pie said "lets look in that big cave." There was a cave taht was big like the sky and the ponies went into tthe cave where they saw gems and a skeletin.

   Twilight saw a the bad pony and said look it's the bad pony. The badd pony waked out of shadow and saw the ponies. Twilight gasped with surpriesed because the bad pony not a pony but it was a unicorn and it was surprising to the ponies.

   Twilight panched the pony and the pony said "ow that hurt" The bad pony made part of the cave go boom. Twilight was scarred so she throwsed rock at the bad pony and it didn't hurt it but then a myterious pony broke the ruble and used spell to blind the bad pony and the blind pony went blind and couldn't see. "TIME TO END THIS ONES AND FOR ALL" Twilight screamd and punched the bad pony and the bad pony fell. But then thee bad ponys vibrations that hapended from the ponys fall made a rock fall on spike and kill spike and twilight was sad then she screamed "CURSE YOU BAD PONY" Twilight yelled at top of longs with cries in eyes.

  Twilight sarkle runnd to princes celestias house and sayed with sad "Spik is ded and I leted bad pony got away. Princess Celestia was scarred then she said back to twilight "Did you use the elements of harmny" "No twilight said back

  Twilgiht grabed elements of harmon and taked them to the ponies and gave them to the ponies and they used it and killed the bad pony so equatsriau would be saif and hapy.

Opinions plz?

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#3807 2012-10-17 20:36:12

Registered: 2008-05-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

weegeeissparta wrote:

I'm here with a bad pony fic.

Can't you try writing good fanfiction instead?
QUOTE OF THE RIGHT NOW: why are we arguing about dead babies? -videogame9



#3808 2012-10-17 21:32:20

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

videogame9 wrote:

weegeeissparta wrote:

I'm here with a bad pony fic.

Can't you try writing good fanfiction instead?

I can't do that. As I would fail and become a laughingstock.

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#3809 2012-10-17 21:58:59

Registered: 2011-07-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

you'll never do anything if you don't try

~~gotta bleev~~



#3810 2012-10-18 17:45:47

Registered: 2010-06-29
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

weegeeissparta wrote:

Well, I'm here with a bad pony fic. Kinda like Half Life Full Life Consequences.

Twilight Sarkle was studying in her was study labratoried when spike said "Twilight whart are you doing" and twilight said "I have finded a new type of spell that makes stoff blow up in a big boom but my works has been gone missinged. Spik was scarred because a bad pony could take the works and destroy Eqquestriah with it.

  Spike to princess celestias castle and said "There is a bad pony with a spell that can blow up all of equestria in a big boom what will we do" Spike said with scared. "You must take the elements of harmuny tto twilght and then she and her frends will use it and destroy the bad pony.

    Spike ran to twilights with scarred  and told her that the bad pony has to be destroyed with the elements of harmon. Twlight took a element to rainbow dash when she followed twilgiht to pinkie pies. Pinkie to the elemet with anger and was mad that a bad pony could blow up equestria and she lived in equestria so that would be bad. Twilight taked a nother element to applejack and applejack thought twilight was a bad pony so she threw apples at her but then she knew Twilight was good and took the element. The ponies gave all the elements to the other ponies.

   The ponies were nervos because a bad pony could blow them up at any time. Pinkie pie said "lets look in that big cave." There was a cave taht was big like the sky and the ponies went into tthe cave where they saw gems and a skeletin.

   Twilight saw a the bad pony and said look it's the bad pony. The badd pony waked out of shadow and saw the ponies. Twilight gasped with surpriesed because the bad pony not a pony but it was a unicorn and it was surprising to the ponies.

   Twilight panched the pony and the pony said "ow that hurt" The bad pony made part of the cave go boom. Twilight was scarred so she throwsed rock at the bad pony and it didn't hurt it but then a myterious pony broke the ruble and used spell to blind the bad pony and the blind pony went blind and couldn't see. "TIME TO END THIS ONES AND FOR ALL" Twilight screamd and punched the bad pony and the bad pony fell. But then thee bad ponys vibrations that hapended from the ponys fall made a rock fall on spike and kill spike and twilight was sad then she screamed "CURSE YOU BAD PONY" Twilight yelled at top of longs with cries in eyes.

  Twilight sarkle runnd to princes celestias house and sayed with sad "Spik is ded and I leted bad pony got away. Princess Celestia was scarred then she said back to twilight "Did you use the elements of harmny" "No twilight said back

  Twilgiht grabed elements of harmon and taked them to the ponies and gave them to the ponies and they used it and killed the bad pony so equatsriau would be saif and hapy.

Opinions plz?

Where to start? horrible spelling, nonexistent plot, and horrible climax. Add some bulk, spell and grammar check it, and make a better plot. If you do it may actually may be sort of good.

LOL signature fail



#3811 2012-10-18 17:56:34

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

FunDude wrote:

weegeeissparta wrote:


Where to start? horrible spelling, nonexistent plot, and horrible climax. Add some bulk, spell and grammar check it, and make a better plot. If you do it may actually may be sort of good.

^ Not to insult you or anything.

Just spellcheck and flesh it out with details. And add some bigger words.

"With really big boom!"

2nd grade talk here.

I can do the whole story, if you want.

Edit: Posting now

Last edited by owetre18 (2012-10-18 18:17:20)



#3812 2012-10-18 18:16:45

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

Twilight Sparkle was studying in her laboratory when spike said "Twilight, what are you doing?" and twilight said, "I found a new type of spell that makes stuff blow up in a huge explosion but my works have gone missing. Spike was scared because a bad pony could take the works and destroy Equestria with it.

  Spike went to Princess Celestia's castle and said, "There is a bad pony with a spell that can blow up all of Equestria in an explosion! What shall we do?" Spike said. She replied,  "You must take the Elements of Harmony to Twilight and then she and her friends will use it and destroy the bad pony."

    Spike ran to Twilight's and told her that the bad pony has to be destroyed with the Elements of Harmony. What happened after that? Speaking, people, speaking.

Twilight took a element to Rainbow dash when she followed Twilight to Pinkie Pie's. Pinkie was angry that a bad pony was trying to blow up where she lived, so she accepted her duty. Twilight took another element to Applejack and Applejack thought twilight was a bad pony, so she threw apples at her. But then she knew Twilight was good and took the element. The ponies gave all the elements to the other ponies.

   The ponies were nervous because a bad pony could blow them up at any time. Pinkie Pie said "Let's look in that big cave." There was a cave that was huge and the ponies went into the cave where they saw gems and a skeleton.

   Twilight saw the bad pony and said, "Look it's the bad pony!" The bad pony waked out of shadow and saw the ponies. Twilight gasped because the bad pony was not a pony, but a unicorn.

   Twilight punched the pony and the pony cried out in pain. The bad pony made part of the cave go boom. Twilight was scarred so she threw rock at the bad pony and it didn't hurt it, but then a mysterious pony broke the rubble and used spell to blind the bad pony so she couldn't see. "Time to end this once, and for all!" Twilight screamed as she punched the bad pony. The bad pony fell to the ground. But then the bad pony's vibrations that happened when the bad pony made the rocks fall made a rock fall on and kill Spike. Twilight was sad then she screamed "Curse you, bad pony!"

  Twilight ran to princes Celestia's house and said, "Spike is dead and I let the bad pony got away." Princess Celestia was scared, but then she said back to twilight, "Did you use the elements of harmony?" Twilight replied, "No."

  Twilight grabbed elements of harmony and took them to the ponies and gave them to the ponies and they used it and killed the bad pony so Equestria would be safe and happy. I thought that they already had the elements? (check back to the 2nd or 3rd paragraph. Story hole.

The 'bad pony' also needs a name.

I just fixed it up and added some stuff. It still needs work, but I made it readable.

Last edited by owetre18 (2012-10-18 18:21:21)



#3813 2012-10-18 18:35:51

Registered: 2010-06-29
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

owetre18 wrote:

Twilight Sparkle was studying in her laboratory when spike said "Twilight, what are you doing?" and twilight said, "I found a new type of spell that makes stuff blow up in a huge explosion but my works have gone missing. Spike was scared because a bad pony could take the works and destroy Equestria with it.

  Spike went to Princess Celestia's castle and said, "There is a bad pony with a spell that can blow up all of Equestria in an explosion! What shall we do?" Spike said. She replied,  "You must take the Elements of Harmony to Twilight and then she and her friends will use it and destroy the bad pony."

    Spike ran to Twilight's and told her that the bad pony has to be destroyed with the Elements of Harmony. What happened after that? Speaking, people, speaking.

Twilight took a element to Rainbow dash when she followed Twilight to Pinkie Pie's. Pinkie was angry that a bad pony was trying to blow up where she lived, so she accepted her duty. Twilight took another element to Applejack and Applejack thought twilight was a bad pony, so she threw apples at her. But then she knew Twilight was good and took the element. The ponies gave all the elements to the other ponies.

   The ponies were nervous because a bad pony could blow them up at any time. Pinkie Pie said "Let's look in that big cave." There was a cave that was huge and the ponies went into the cave where they saw gems and a skeleton.

   Twilight saw the bad pony and said, "Look it's the bad pony!" The bad pony waked out of shadow and saw the ponies. Twilight gasped because the bad pony was not a pony, but a unicorn.

   Twilight punched the pony and the pony cried out in pain. The bad pony made part of the cave go boom. Twilight was scarred so she threw rock at the bad pony and it didn't hurt it, but then a mysterious pony broke the rubble and used spell to blind the bad pony so she couldn't see. "Time to end this once, and for all!" Twilight screamed as she punched the bad pony. The bad pony fell to the ground. But then the bad pony's vibrations that happened when the bad pony made the rocks fall made a rock fall on and kill Spike. Twilight was sad then she screamed "Curse you, bad pony!"

  Twilight ran to princes Celestia's house and said, "Spike is dead and I let the bad pony got away." Princess Celestia was scared, but then she said back to twilight, "Did you use the elements of harmony?" Twilight replied, "No."

  Twilight grabbed elements of harmony and took them to the ponies and gave them to the ponies and they used it and killed the bad pony so Equestria would be safe and happy. I thought that they already had the elements? (check back to the 2nd or 3rd paragraph. Story hole.

The 'bad pony' also needs a name.

I just fixed it up and added some stuff. It still needs work, but I made it readable.

Great job, much better.

LOL signature fail



#3814 2012-10-18 18:42:12

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

FunDude wrote:

Great job, much better.

Maybe take my version out of your post? We don't need three of them on one page.

And thanks.

Last edited by owetre18 (2012-10-18 18:42:29)



#3815 2012-10-19 19:41:02

Registered: 2010-06-29
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

owetre18 wrote:

FunDude wrote:

Great job, much better.

Maybe take my version out of your post? We don't need three of them on one page.

And thanks.

smile , If I ever get enough time, I'll make it really good with an actual storyline.

LOL signature fail



#3816 2012-10-20 09:13:56

Registered: 2009-07-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

FunDude wrote:

weegeeissparta wrote:

Well, I'm here with a bad pony fic. Kinda like Half Life Full Life Consequences.

Twilight Sarkle was studying in her was study labratoried when spike said "Twilight whart are you doing" and twilight said "I have finded a new type of spell that makes stoff blow up in a big boom but my works has been gone missinged. Spik was scarred because a bad pony could take the works and destroy Eqquestriah with it.

  Spike to princess celestias castle and said "There is a bad pony with a spell that can blow up all of equestria in a big boom what will we do" Spike said with scared. "You must take the elements of harmuny tto twilght and then she and her frends will use it and destroy the bad pony.

    Spike ran to twilights with scarred  and told her that the bad pony has to be destroyed with the elements of harmon. Twlight took a element to rainbow dash when she followed twilgiht to pinkie pies. Pinkie to the elemet with anger and was mad that a bad pony could blow up equestria and she lived in equestria so that would be bad. Twilight taked a nother element to applejack and applejack thought twilight was a bad pony so she threw apples at her but then she knew Twilight was good and took the element. The ponies gave all the elements to the other ponies.

   The ponies were nervos because a bad pony could blow them up at any time. Pinkie pie said "lets look in that big cave." There was a cave taht was big like the sky and the ponies went into tthe cave where they saw gems and a skeletin.

   Twilight saw a the bad pony and said look it's the bad pony. The badd pony waked out of shadow and saw the ponies. Twilight gasped with surpriesed because the bad pony not a pony but it was a unicorn and it was surprising to the ponies.

   Twilight panched the pony and the pony said "ow that hurt" The bad pony made part of the cave go boom. Twilight was scarred so she throwsed rock at the bad pony and it didn't hurt it but then a myterious pony broke the ruble and used spell to blind the bad pony and the blind pony went blind and couldn't see. "TIME TO END THIS ONES AND FOR ALL" Twilight screamd and punched the bad pony and the bad pony fell. But then thee bad ponys vibrations that hapended from the ponys fall made a rock fall on spike and kill spike and twilight was sad then she screamed "CURSE YOU BAD PONY" Twilight yelled at top of longs with cries in eyes.

  Twilight sarkle runnd to princes celestias house and sayed with sad "Spik is ded and I leted bad pony got away. Princess Celestia was scarred then she said back to twilight "Did you use the elements of harmny" "No twilight said back

  Twilgiht grabed elements of harmon and taked them to the ponies and gave them to the ponies and they used it and killed the bad pony so equatsriau would be saif and hapy.

Opinions plz?

Where to start? horrible spelling, nonexistent plot, and horrible climax. Add some bulk, spell and grammar check it, and make a better plot. If you do it may actually may be sort of good.

"Well, I'm here with a bad pony fic. Kinda like Half Life Full Life Consequences."


Also, while we are on the topic of bad pony fics,

I did this a month or 2 ago.  tongue

MOMS SPAGHETTI. (Steam: (roblox: and (Xbox: Hal0r0cks1337)



#3817 2012-10-20 10:00:37

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: poni poni poni

FunDude wrote:

weegeeissparta wrote:

Well, I'm here with a bad pony fic. Kinda like Half Life Full Life Consequences.

Twilight Sarkle was studying in her was study labratoried when spike said "Twilight whart are you doing" and twilight said "I have finded a new type of spell that makes stoff blow up in a big boom but my works has been gone missinged. Spik was scarred because a bad pony could take the works and destroy Eqquestriah with it.

  Spike to princess celestias castle and said "There is a bad pony with a spell that can blow up all of equestria in a big boom what will we do" Spike said with scared. "You must take the elements of harmuny tto twilght and then she and her frends will use it and destroy the bad pony.

    Spike ran to twilights with scarred  and told her that the bad pony has to be destroyed with the elements of harmon. Twlight took a element to rainbow dash when she followed twilgiht to pinkie pies. Pinkie to the elemet with anger and was mad that a bad pony could blow up equestria and she lived in equestria so that would be bad. Twilight taked a nother element to applejack and applejack thought twilight was a bad pony so she threw apples at her but then she knew Twilight was good and took the element. The ponies gave all the elements to the other ponies.

   The ponies were nervos because a bad pony could blow them up at any time. Pinkie pie said "lets look in that big cave." There was a cave taht was big like the sky and the ponies went into tthe cave where they saw gems and a skeletin.

   Twilight saw a the bad pony and said look it's the bad pony. The badd pony waked out of shadow and saw the ponies. Twilight gasped with surpriesed because the bad pony not a pony but it was a unicorn and it was surprising to the ponies.

   Twilight panched the pony and the pony said "ow that hurt" The bad pony made part of the cave go boom. Twilight was scarred so she throwsed rock at the bad pony and it didn't hurt it but then a myterious pony broke the ruble and used spell to blind the bad pony and the blind pony went blind and couldn't see. "TIME TO END THIS ONES AND FOR ALL" Twilight screamd and punched the bad pony and the bad pony fell. But then thee bad ponys vibrations that hapended from the ponys fall made a rock fall on spike and kill spike and twilight was sad then she screamed "CURSE YOU BAD PONY" Twilight yelled at top of longs with cries in eyes.

  Twilight sarkle runnd to princes celestias house and sayed with sad "Spik is ded and I leted bad pony got away. Princess Celestia was scarred then she said back to twilight "Did you use the elements of harmny" "No twilight said back

  Twilgiht grabed elements of harmon and taked them to the ponies and gave them to the ponies and they used it and killed the bad pony so equatsriau would be saif and hapy.

Opinions plz?

Where to start? horrible spelling, nonexistent plot, and horrible climax. Add some bulk, spell and grammar check it, and make a better plot. If you do it may actually may be sort of good.

Wow. Did you not read the first part? THE TOP OF THE POST?

Dear Everyone,
This fanfic is supposed to be bad. OKAY?

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#3818 2012-10-20 12:30:59

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

Since I finally have a decent computer that doesn't lag horribly when watching YT videos, I'll start catching up on the S1 and S2 episodes to wait for S3 c:



#3819 2012-10-20 12:52:07

Registered: 2012-01-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

20 Days...  big_smile

I HAVE SWITCHED ACCOUNTS! My new username is NoxSpooth.



#3820 2012-10-20 13:17:23

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

Yeah c:

"Putting Your Hoof Down" is quite possibly my new favorite episode.  big_smile



#3821 2012-10-20 13:53:28

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-09-26
Posts: 100+

Re: poni poni poni

was that the minotaur episode
didn't like that one
flutters was too mean ;_;



#3822 2012-10-20 16:57:27

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

Yes, and yes. :c Pretty funny, still.  tongue



#3823 2012-10-20 17:07:07

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

I still can't believe that The Hub is trying to get us bronies to watch Littlest Pet Shop.



#3824 2012-10-20 17:09:22

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-09-26
Posts: 100+

Re: poni poni poni

i'm pretty sure they offhandedly referenced it /once/



#3825 2012-10-20 17:32:57

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: poni poni poni

Animeboy975 wrote:

I still can't believe that The Hub is trying to get us bronies to watch Littlest Pet Shop.


First Care Bears, now this. Seriously hope they're not serious.



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