If you like the way it looks then yeah, but it seems to be going back in time, to open many applications you have to type in a better looking command line
I would suggest Mint or some other Debian based OS. Check out distrowatch for some others
Hm, okay. I'll be sure to look at those.
This will be for my old xp desktop. ;3
Alright. Hm, would those be good for a virtualbox as well?
CN12 wrote:
I just saw a advertisement on tv about Windows 8 and it said (I guess) that it will be released on the 28th of OCTOBER 2012! I can't wait!
Sorry I made a mistake and forgot it was October 28th, 2012.
Windows 8 is hugely over hyped don't even bother looking at it
Wow, haven't seen you in forever. :o
Eh, I hear about the whole "It's faster" thing, but the interface and the "certification" is reason alone not to buy it.
The problem is that Microsoft CAN close what was an open platform. The certification process is fine for CONSOLES, since thats pretty much the QA for new xbox titles, but in a platform like this, it's not the case. You don't need to put N+ through the same process as Halo 3.
Bear in mind that the windows marketplaces also doesn't let UK users buy skyrim, since that violates the "no 18+ content", and thats a problem since some computers with W8 ONLY let you buy from there.
I'm not interested right now in W8. Hopefully I'll be able to downgrade to 7 when I get my Gaming PC on christmas.
Okay. I'll probably try out a lightweight one on there before fully installing.
I sorta don't want to upgrade, cuz Windows 7 will forever remain in my heart as the best operating system ever invented (besides Linux, of course). I'm not a huge fan of the new Windows Phone style interface. It would work great on a tablet, just not on a desktop or laptop.
It's a very friendly and easy-to-use interface, and it boots like 5 trillion times faster...
technoguyx wrote:
slinger wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
Won't get it - clearly oriented at mobile devices and I'll attempt to switch to an Ubuntu setup as soon as I get Internet (not neighbor's WiFi lol)
Ubuntu is going more towards a mobile phone interface now too
Keep your eye out here and you'll probably find a better OS ;pYeah, I noticed this too. There's always a thousand other distros, as you pointed out.
I've visited DistroWatch before, thanks for the link though c:
I found an article regarding Windows 8's closed distribution model - it's actually the one big reason I'm not even touching the OS, I gotta admit. Seems like they're going full Apple, with ridiculous content and functionality restrictions, and outright not allowing distribution of apps outside the store (!), to me. :U Thoughts?
Apps can be downloaded from anywhere, just like in previous Windows operating systems, for the x86 version, but not for the ARM version, which is for mobile devices with processors of the ARM architecture.
I don't really like the look of 8, but it will probably perform better. I think it has been optimized for tablets and smartphones though.
Yea, it has.
Actually, it's both for mobile and desktop. You can click on a box that says "Desktop" and it changes it to a desktop view basically like Windows 7. I kind of like how you can put it in a mobile or desktop view. But I don't think office really has many major changes, or the desktop. I think it's sort of like Windows 7/mobile combined in one.
Only the start menu has the mobile interface, although some apps are 'full-screen' and launch like the start menu, in full screen, rather than on the desktop.
CN12 wrote:
I kinda want to upgrade.
If you're going to bother 'upgrading', you might as well switch to a Mac
jji7skyline wrote:
CN12 wrote:
I kinda want to upgrade.
If you're going to bother 'upgrading', you might as well switch to a Mac
dont you go down that road man
jji7skyline wrote:
CN12 wrote:
I kinda want to upgrade.
If you're going to bother 'upgrading', you might as well switch to a Mac
I also want a Mac. back.
Doesn't (almost) everyone?
jji7skyline wrote:
Doesn't (almost) everyone?
please do not go there
^^Linux Mint or Ubuntu. I'm actually gonna check out Mint soon
jji7skyline wrote:
Apps can be downloaded from anywhere, just like in previous Windows operating systems, for the x86 version, but not for the ARM version, which is for mobile devices with processors of the ARM architecture.
Yes, but you won't be able to freely distribute "Metro" apps; apps that use features exclusive to Windows 8, outside the app store. All you can do is make a Windows 7 application, which won't be compatible with ARM devices - if you want to develop a mobile app which happens to be rated PEGI 18+ (most ESRB M hit titles), implements a store of sorts (Steam) or simply isn't approved by Microsoft, you're screwed.
Last edited by technoguyx (2012-10-16 22:28:44)
Well, x86 users of Windows 8 will still be able to install apps fine.