CN12 wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
I know why Biden was laughing a lot of the time.
Yep, me too. My whole family agrees on this too: Biden was silently laughing while Ryan was talking and acted like what Ryan was saying was a bunch of baloney. That is rude and disrespectful.
but that's irrelevant
I agree, Biden was disrespectful a bit
16Skittles wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
I guess if you cite that, should I cite the Colbert Report?
I love that show.
I'll second that!
Interesting that you like the Colbert Report, the show where Steven makes fun of conservatives and how they critique liberals.
CN12 wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
But he was right. He was laughing at how ridiculous most of what Ryan said was.
Yeah, how ridiculously smart Ryan's stuff was.
That is ridiculous.
16Skittles wrote:
No, no, no. Romney and Ryan aren't stupid. They know how the math works, they know they can't reveal what it says in public.
The only reason they don't relase their math is that they know it doesn't work...
Ryan might not be stupid, Romney straps his dog to his car roof, supports airplane windows, and has already insulted Britain, Russia, Poland, the Palestinians, and about 150 million United Statesmen...
CheeseMunchy wrote:
jvvg wrote:
CN12 wrote:
My mom is registered as a Democrat.
And I did cite my source. The Schnitt Show. Don't listen to it though.If you say I shouldn't listen to it, why should I trust it?
Oh, and, why did you copy my sig?He technically didn't. I find it funny that you put the "(Romney people, please don't copy this)".
Mine came first, and then I saw it in CN12's a few hours later.
If I lived in the US, it'd be Obama for me.
Hey, he got the US through the credit crunch, right?
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
"According to Fox News commentator Brit Hume..."
Last edited by stevetheipad (2012-10-13 12:26:50)
stevetheipad wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
"According to Fox News commentator Brit Hume..."
What's your point? Everyone noticed what Biden was doing. There's no use denying what he was doing.
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
What Ryan was saying WASN'T lies or malarky or whatever Biden called it. Obama and Biden do not know that much of Romney and Ryan's plan, so how could everything that Biden is saying about Romney and Ryan's plan be true, when it's not even their own plan? And do we really want a vp that lies? He said he voted against the Afganistan war AND the Iraq war, but that's a LIE. He voted FOR BOTH wars. And I've got 10 more of Joe's lies from the vp debate itself! … -VP-Debate
Last edited by CN12 (2012-10-13 12:41:41)
CN12 wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
What Ryan was saying WASN'T lies or malarky or whatever Biden called it. Obama and Biden do not know that much of Romney and Ryan's plan, so how could everything that Biden is saying about Romney and Ryan's plan be true, when it's not even their own plan? And do we really want a vp that lies? He said he voted against the Afganistan war AND the Iraq war, but that's a LIE. He voted FOR BOTH wars. And I've got 10 more of Joe's lies from the vp debate itself! … -VP-Debate
Another site that doesn't exactly appear trustworthy... And half of that is OPINIONS. The other half are "facts" that have no sources. And most if not all ARE incorrect.
CN12 wrote:
stevetheipad wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
"According to Fox News commentator Brit Hume..."
What's your point? Everyone noticed what Biden was doing. There's no use denying what he was doing.
If everyone noticed it then why not use a non biased source rather than Fox News which is a total republican and conservative company?
laptop97 wrote:
The only liable source for both sides is .gov or .edu
There will be some other sites that are nonbiased, but I do agree they are heavily outnumbered by extremely biased sites.
laptop97 wrote:
The only liable source for both sides is .gov or .edu
I think providing two sources, each from different points of view would be much more reliable than one from one party.
Fox is the ultimate republican company...and everyone knows it.
stevetheipad wrote:
laptop97 wrote:
The only liable source for both sides is .gov or .edu
I think providing two sources, each from different points of view would be much more reliable than one from one party.
Fox is the ultimate republican company...and everyone knows it.
zubblewu wrote:
CN12 wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
What Ryan was saying WASN'T lies or malarky or whatever Biden called it. Obama and Biden do not know that much of Romney and Ryan's plan, so how could everything that Biden is saying about Romney and Ryan's plan be true, when it's not even their own plan? And do we really want a vp that lies? He said he voted against the Afganistan war AND the Iraq war, but that's a LIE. He voted FOR BOTH wars. And I've got 10 more of Joe's lies from the vp debate itself! … -VP-Debate
Another site that doesn't exactly appear trustworthy... And half of that is OPINIONS. The other half are "facts" that have no sources. And most if not all ARE incorrect.
Like, none of them are incorrect. But this one is definetly not incorrect: Biden SAID he voted AGAINST BOTH wars. He lied. He voted FOR BOTH.
Sorry about the caps. I was too lazy too use italics.
Last edited by CN12 (2012-10-13 13:05:46)
CN12 wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
What Ryan was saying WASN'T lies or malarky or whatever Biden called it. Obama and Biden do not know that much of Romney and Ryan's plan, so how could everything that Biden is saying about Romney and Ryan's plan be true, when it's not even their own plan? And do we really want a vp that lies? He said he voted against the Afganistan war AND the Iraq war, but that's a LIE. He voted FOR BOTH wars. And I've got 10 more of Joe's lies from the vp debate itself! … -VP-Debate
5. "No, they are not four years closer to a nuclear weapon." Biden's attempt to lie about the glaring reality of the Iranian nuclear program fell flat. Iran is indeed four years closer to a nuclear weapon, and the Obama administration--believing it knew better than its predecessors--tried to reinvent the wheel on talks with Iran, causing frustration to our allies in Europe and the Middle East. Meeting after meeting this year has failed to produce results, and the loophole-filled sanctions, while hurting Iran somewhat, are not stopping its nuclear program.
This is one of the things Biden specifically talked about. Enriched Uranium isn't a bomb, and is worthless without a bomb or missile to put it in.
9. "The president has met with Bibi [Netanyahu] a dozen times....This is a bunch of stuff." While they have met several times--not a dozen--that includes a meeting at which Obama made the Israeli prime minister enter the White House through a back entrance, refused to take a picture with him, and left him on his own for dinner. Specifically, Ryan had criticized Obama's refusal to meet Netanyahu in New York last month, and to tape talk show interviews instead--a clear snub that sent the wrong signal, again, to Israel's enemies.
ABC News wrote:
Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu only met nine times face-to-face since Obama took the White House. But the two leaders have had over 20 phone calls in addition to these meetings. It's not clear if by "anyone" Biden is referring to heads of state, but that's the way we'll take it.
6. "The congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for." Biden's lie about Ryan's budget was an attempt to dodge responsibility for lax embassy security--and to cover up that the Obama administration called for new cuts to embassy security just days after the 9/11 attacks. Ryan's proposal, which called for a 19% overall decrease in non-defense discretionary spending, does not even mention embassy security--the Obama campaign merely made up that number by applying 19% across the board.
ABC News wrote:
Ryan's budget called for a 19 percent across-the-board cut to non-defense discretionary spending in the year 2014. Assuming an across-the-board distribution of cuts, his proposal would cut $298 million for Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance, and it'd slash Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials by $5 million, for a total of $303 million.
2. "What we did is we saved $716 billion and put it back -- applied it to Medicare." Biden repeated the lie the Obama administration has been telling since before Obamacare passed in 2010: that cuts to Medicare today were savings that extend the life of the program. They would be--if the same $716 billion wasn't also being used to pay for Obamacare. As Ryan pointed out in 2010, and again last night, you can't double-count the same cuts. Taking $716 billion out of Medicare means exactly that--and hurts, not helps, the program's solvency.
ABC News wrote:
Not quite factual ... a $716 billion reduction in future Medicare spending is part of the financing for Obamacare. But these are reductions in future increases (not cuts), and they explicitly do not cut benefits. Finally - Ryan included the same reductions in his own budget.
Edit: Here is a more balanced source. It calls out mistakes by both Obama and Romney, and has sources at the end. Any time there is a one-sided "[Candidate's name here]'s Lies" article it is clearly a biased attack source, not a balanced source.
Also, Here is their take on the VP debate.
Last edited by 16Skittles (2012-10-13 13:14:48)
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
The Obama Campaign is the one spouting lies!! They've lied for four years! The economy isn't better; we have more people on food stamps than ever and gas prices are sky high.
cartooncreator wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
The Obama Campaign is the one spouting lies!! They've lied for four years! The economy isn't better; we have more people on food stamps than ever and gas prices are sky high.
Gas prices have nothing to do with the economy, they have to do with the fact that we're using an outdated, harmful, and limited fuel source that we would do better without, as well as the fact that the majority of oil we get comes from the Middle East, a part of the world where they hate us for sending our entire armies there and for stupid people offending their religion.
Unemployment in September 2012 is the same as it was in January 2009 when Obama took office.
cartooncreator wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Jvvg, I had no idea that you had put that in your signature before I put that in mine. And you shouldn't listen to that show because they sometimes use bad words. But now I have another source for Biden giggling and stuff like that. … -sneering/
That site hardly appears to be a viable source. It's full of birthers and other conspiracy theorists. Anyone can see that Biden wasn't exactly self controled, but what would you do if someone else is spouting lies on national TV?
The Obama Campaign is the one spouting lies!! They've lied for four years! The economy isn't better; we have more people on food stamps than ever and gas prices are sky high.
I totally agree with you. Too bad no one else agrees with me.
Here are 6 things that Obama has done wrong: … _wron.html
From The Washington Post, in Washington D.C. A very reliable source, as it's IN Washington, D.C.
CN12 wrote:
Here are 6 things that Obama has done wrong: … _wron.html
From The Washington Post, in Washington D.C. A very reliable source, as it's IN Washington, D.C.
So you support more stimulus, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment act? Both of those are SUPPORTED in the article. Point number two was attacking his decision to keep a Republican in charge of the federal reserve. Points one, three, and six were not about the president's policies, just the way that he implemented them.
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Here are 6 things that Obama has done wrong: … _wron.html
From The Washington Post, in Washington D.C. A very reliable source, as it's IN Washington, D.C.So you support more stimulus, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment act? Both of those are SUPPORTED in the article. Point number two was attacking his decision to keep a Republican in charge of the federal reserve. Points one, three, and six were not about the president's policies, just the way that he implemented them.
You're too good of a debater. (By the way that's a compliment)
CN12 wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
CN12 wrote:
Here are 6 things that Obama has done wrong: … _wron.html
From The Washington Post, in Washington D.C. A very reliable source, as it's IN Washington, D.C.So you support more stimulus, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment act? Both of those are SUPPORTED in the article. Point number two was attacking his decision to keep a Republican in charge of the federal reserve. Points one, three, and six were not about the president's policies, just the way that he implemented them.
You're too good of a debater.
(By the way that's a compliment)
The quality of one's debating skills has little to nothing to do with this, really. If you can't maintain a good debate, chances are that you either don't know enough about it to really be arguing/have a valid opinion or that what you're backing up simply isn't comparable to the other argument.