Oh, alright. I guess that wouldn't work.
3/14th of the way done with this feature, wouldn't work
MidnightLeopard wrote:
The current staff consists of:
Project Managers / Main Programmers:
Secondary Programmers:
ProgrammingFreak*You must have an advanced knowledge of JavaScript and HTML to join*
Wouldn't it look better this way?
I'm using JsScratch in Chrome and it works fine. Is it supposed to work also in other browsers? I tried to install the userscript in FireFox but the JsScratch player shows up just for less than a second, then I get an empty page. And what about IE?
I tried adding the userscript to Chrome. It turns out that you can only install it from the store now. Are you going to put it in the Chrome store, or do you already have it in there?
MathWizz wrote:
The non-userscript version should work in any modern browser though...
How can I get the non-userscript version from the userscript one? A few details would be much appreciated
MathWizz wrote:
It's the one at jsscratch.co.cc
Of course Sorry for asking
This project too doens't complete loading.
Any new update?
Hey I have a challenge for the project. Make this project http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Jamohyperturbopro/2582518 play on the JsPlayer as a test for speed and calculations. If it works great I say this co-lab was very successful.
MathWizz, is there any specific part of JsScratch that you would like to be helped with so that JsScratch will soon work with (almost) all Scratch projects?
MathWizz wrote:
@s_federici - Do you know JavaScript?
Yes, I do. I'm following Jens' Snap development, but I'll try not to be influenced too much by its code :-) (that is very clean and I like a lot, but that is a lot slower than yours).
I can take care of the ask block. There are other major lacking features? I remember there were some pen/color issues, but I'm not sure you didn't solve them yet.
If you have any suggestion to start digging at best your code, please provide them before I start
Well, the things I just listed are more DOM heavy than everything else (that's why they're not done ) so it may be hard for you to figure out how to implement because there is no example to follow.
Thank you
I keep it up to date (my Javascript player) and I just noticed that it can run my Tile Engine (when in turbo) at a solid frame rate. So congratulations - you have made tile based games playable in scratch.
co.cc broken, other site wont load projects
Hello, MathWizz. I need to ask you a question. Here is the deal: I want to get Go Everywhere up and running ASAP. I need an HTML5 viewer. I want to use yours, since it is already really good. I need permission from you to allow Go Everywhere to use your player and modify it to allow certain features you do not have yet. At least let us use your viewer as is, with no modification (but if you allow us to modify it, that would be great). I found a repository with JsScratch in it on GitHub. I have already forked it, but I want your permission to use it.