For those who were around during the FireMMO era (so maybe April-ish), you'll know about me writing an MMO in Scratch, using my server, FireMMO. Back then, I was soloing the servers. But now, I'm re-writing everything in node.js... and I need YOUR help!
The github page can be found here.
If you are a JavaScript programmer, and would like github access, apply using the form below:
Name: bobbybee
Languages I know: C, C++, JavaScript, Scratch, HTML, etc.
Why I'm fit for the job: I have much experience in programming
Does bobbybee like you and give you an extra point on your test: Of course!
(italics are examples. Last question is a joke. Maybe)
Last edited by bobbybee (2012-10-10 16:06:51)
Name: TRocket
Languages I know: C++, Java, scratch, some squeak
Why I'm fit for the job: I have experience with the SRSCP and tried to do this a few years ago in java, but no one was interested
Does bobbybee like you and give you an extra point on your test: Probably
BTW: just realized I registered on scratch exactly two months after you
Last edited by TRocket (2012-10-11 16:19:01)
Yay! You're in! I don't care about the first three things! Um, jk...erm...yeah..
Um, install node.js, and clone the repo.
In the root directory, do a :
node core.js
It will hang. You can then do a:
telnet 8089
Type stuff into the second window, and the server'll echo it.
Name: pwiter(GitHub is lolzballs)
Languages I know: C++, JavaScript, Scratch, HTML, PHP, Java, (some)Assembly, Python
Why I'm fit for the job: I have lots of experience with github and programming.
Does bobbybee like you and give you an extra point on your test: Maybe?
You're in!
One of our other projects depends on Play Puppy, so please support me and bobby with contributions. Thank you
Oh yes, that is another thing. Play Puppy is now a Magnesium Beta product.
I will add you to the organisation now. EDIT: Added
Last edited by Zeusking19 (2012-11-05 14:31:02)
Please also bear in mind that the link to the repo has changed slightly if you are not using GitHub for Windows.
Zeusking19 wrote:
Oh yes, that is another thing. Play Puppy is now a Magnesium Beta product.
I will add you to the organisation now. EDIT: Added
What should i work on, add it to the issues section of Github please.
Could you make a better config file? (Don't change the format, just add to be more complete)
bobbybee wrote:
Could you make a better config file? (Don't change the format, just add to be more complete)
Add stuff like what?
Last edited by pwiter (2012-11-05 19:24:42)
Nvm. I know. Could you merge core.js (to update the mesh core) and coreWmesh.js. core.js is the newer one, btw.