I need something not too complicated, but I want it to be fun to play and fun to program. I get tired of updating my projects after a while, and I need something new.
Any ideas for what I should make next? You can borrow some ideas that people give me if you want to.
This means I have made it already
This means I am working on making a project with your idea.
This means I will make a project with your idea later.
This means I don't want to or am not able to for other reasons (too complicated, etc.) make that project, but someone else might
List of Ideas
A platformer where you race against a computer AI to complete the level
A realistic pet trainer in which you can walk your pet, feed it, take it to different competitions, and design it's house.
Make an interactive 3D globe.
A mining game where the minerals you mine can be traded for money. Money can then be spent on upgrades, fuel, or tools (explosives, extra fuel, ect...)
A random sudoku generator!
Last edited by awesomeness321 (2012-10-11 16:15:25)
You know that instead of using [*quote=list of ideas]Text [*quote], you could use [*quote][b]List of Ideas:[*/b] [*quote]. This way you don't have write after "list of ideas".
Anyway, here are my ideas:
1). A platformer where you race against a computer AI to complete the level.
2). A realistic pet trainer in which you can walk your pet, feed it, take it to different competitions, and design it's house.
3). Make an interactive 3D globe.
4). A mining game where the minerals you mine can be traded for money. Money can then be spent on upgrades, fuel, or tools (explosives, extra fuel, ect...)
5). A random sudoku generator!
I hope that you like my ideas!
Last edited by ErnieParke (2012-10-10 21:28:02)