Go to your Scratch folder (often C:/Program Files/Scratch), click on "Projects" and delete the project you want to delete!
if you have a mac, just drag the projects into the trash folder
YoSup: open the Projects folder and it is is very likely that you will see the projects there. So you can just delete those files by dragging them to the Windows Recycle Bin or by pressing the DEL key.
Under Vista, the projects appear to be under the Program Files/Scratch/Projects directory from within Scratch but when you look using the file manager supplied with the OS they are not there. I tracked down their actual location once using a file search of the entire C drive but I don't recall the location at the moment. I will track it down again as my projects need some weeding out.
Right, the location that Vista uses is
"C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Scratch"
The directory under Users may differ on your computer as it is the name of the current user. This is not an easy place to get to. The only way I've been able to hunt them down is using the Advanced Search, including non-indexed locations in the search and searching for MyProject.sb or similar. Then, once the file is located, you can back up a few levels to get access to the entire directory.
Since this is a tedious and involved process, it would be nice if there were a way to delete projects from within Scratch. But it's not high on my wish list.
I'm glad none of the school computers are new enough to have Vista!
At least the older Windows operating systems and Mac OS X left the projects in obvious places.