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#1 2007-12-18 17:14:10

Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 14

Most of my pictures are not available to load

Most of my pictures cant load for some reason.I'm trying to upload some pictures from  "Documents" and then "My Pictures", but mostly for all of my pictures it just shows a blank space.Please help!



#2 2007-12-18 20:41:44

Registered: 2007-04-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

Are the "Documents" and "My Pictures" directories ones you can write to?  Perhaps it is having trouble because it can't create the Scratch Thumbnails file.



#3 2007-12-18 20:47:35

Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 14

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

hmm ill check



#4 2007-12-18 20:53:04

Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 14

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

how do i check that?



#5 2007-12-18 20:57:09

Registered: 2007-04-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

Sorry, if you are on a Windows system, I can't really help you.  I could talk you through Mac OS X or Linux, but I don't have any Windows systems to check on.



#6 2007-12-19 03:17:37

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

I know the problem. I don't know why it happens, but the latest version of Scratch does not supports bitmaps (.BMP files) anymore. But it does supports PNG, GIF , JPEG, ... I think it is a bug. If you want to import bitmap images in Scratch, you can use image editors such as fotoshop etc. , but Microsoft Paint works fine for this.

Right click the image you want to import. (From the explorer, not the Scratch program). Select

open with > Paint

Now select

File > Save as

In this window, drop down the "Save as type: " list. Select

PNG     -   (Don't select GIF, MSPaint will destroy your image if you select that  smile  The PNG format will not cause any data-loss)

Type in your file name etc. Click save .

Now you can import the PNG image in Scratch.

I hope this information was usefull to you (and many other scratchers, working with bitmap images...)


Scratch Team: Please read this as a bug report.

Last edited by JSO (2007-12-19 03:19:44)



#7 2007-12-19 04:35:04

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

Hm... Joren, I just tried to import various bitmap (BMP) files into the Windows version of Scratch 1.2.1, and it worked flawlessly, so it doesn't seem to be a bug. I even created new ones with Windows Paint, and imported these into Scratch.

There are some bitmap formats, though, that come with a built-in compression, which might be a problem for Scratch, but I really don't know about this.

beandude202: You can right-click anywhere on the "Documents" and "My Pictures" folder to find out, if these directories are set to read-only (which I doubt). Which format are your pictures in? I'm sometimes having trouble with PNGs.

(after some more experimenting):

Now I can definitely confirm witnessing the same problem as beandude202, it seems to be confined to PNG's. Scratch recognizes these files as pictures but won't display them, showing blank spaces instead. Seems to be a PNG-related bug in Scratch.

This reminds me that I've seen the same problem in the (current) Squeak release. Maybe there's been a format change to PNG and Squeak is relying on old code...

Last edited by Jens (2007-12-19 04:44:14)

Jens Mönig



#8 2007-12-19 05:07:57

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

Hmmm... It's strange. On my PC (winXP pro)I'm not able to import bitmap files, but I do am able to import PNG images...

oops, i even can't import some GIF's... Maybe they are too big??? (in resolution)

Last edited by JSO (2007-12-19 05:10:01)



#9 2007-12-19 08:45:11

Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 14

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

ok thank you so much guys!!!God Bless!



#10 2007-12-19 10:51:01

Registered: 2007-03-08
Posts: 100+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

Hi, beandude202.

Kevin's idea that the folders you are visiting are read-only (maybe they belong to a different user) would definitely explain why you are not seeing thumbnails. However, an image should still import if you select it by name, even though you cannot see its thumbnail. Another way to get an image into Scratch is to drag and drop it from the desired folder onto the Scratch window. This will import the image as a costume of the currently selected sprite.

Joren, Scratch should be able read uncompressed BMP files (which is most of them) but it cannot read compressed formats. If you have a BMP that Scratch cannot read, you could try opening it in Paint and doing a "save as" being careful to not use any compression. The uncompressed version should read okay. I would love to look at one of the BMP files that doesn't read. Could you send it to scratch dash feedback at media dot mit dot edu. (I spelled out all the punction in that email address to prevent spam robots from finding it.) Thanks!

Jens, could you send me one of the PNG files you found that would not read? Thanks!

  -- John



#11 2007-12-19 13:06:19

Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 14

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load




#12 2007-12-20 02:53:11

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

johnm  I have (maybe another, maybe the same) image problem in Scratch. The thumbnails don't show up. If you click the name, select it, and then click OK to import it, nothing happens...

beandude202 -  wich images are failing? You can still read the name, isn't it? Try to check the name appearing in scratch, and then check in windows explorer wich filetype it is... Maybe I can help you thatway .


Last edited by JSO (2007-12-20 02:53:33)



#13 2007-12-20 07:22:11

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Most of my pictures are not available to load

Hi John and all,

I further investigated into my PNG problem and found out that it turns out to be just on 'my' side. In other words, It's *not* a bug in Scratch.

The PNGs that didn't work for me all happened to be downloaded or e-mailed ones which were either broken or incomplete, i.e. I couldn't open or view them in any other program either. All the PNGs I created myself did import fine into Scratch. Also, the Squeak PNG problem I mentioned turned out to be one of conflicting transparent colors. Again, my fault, not Squeak's.

Sorry for the false lead, I'll check more thorougly next time!

Jens Mönig



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