My idea is that since there is a scratch for little kids called Scratch Junior is being developed, that we should get a Scratch Senior for those of us that are experienced with Scratch but aren't quite ready to move on into Other Scratch Programming, it could offer new, more complex features.
What would this proposed language have that isn't covered by other intermediary tools like Stencyl?
You mean like Snap?
i'm gonna download Scratch Jr. for the heck of it.
I half support
I don't see this really becoming a priority for the developers to work on until a while after they're done their current work on Scratch version 2 (possibly not even then, since there are lots of similar level languages to scratch, and it would be a waste of time developing something that isn't really necessary).
chrisbown wrote:
sorry but scratch is for all ages, it would seperate the site too much and it would make downloading complicated.
Xenok doesn't mean replace, he means make another one that has a different download page. But also, Snap! if a nice alternative.