Pages: 1
Yup. I mean, obviously, it's not exactly true to the operating system, seeing as the simulated web browser supports HTML5 and Javascript (:P), but I think it's pretty neat. The link is here.
Last edited by jackrulez (2012-10-08 17:16:30)
jackrulez wrote:
Yup. I mean, obviously, it's not exactly true to the operating system, seeing as the simulated web browser supports HTML5 and Javascript (:P), but I think it's pretty neat. The link is here.
Fixed, you wrote 'Micheal' instead of "Michael".
Last edited by CylonToast (2012-09-29 10:14:51)
it supports html5 because your browser does and it's just an iframe
I'm glad I don't always have to use this... -.-
Wow, Windows has changed massively. Of course, it wasn't exactly the same as this, but close I'm assuming.
transparent wrote:
Wow, Windows has changed massively. Of course, it wasn't exactly the same as this, but close I'm assuming.
Thanks for bumping this
I wish I could get my hands on an actual Windows 3.1 simulator so that I could delete system32 and check out the BSOD.
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