I think that this block could make scratch allot easier- <when I recieve__>
It would be more usful because instead of making a variable for [repeat until <variable 1=__>] you could just do [repeat until <i recieve__>] or, [if <I recive__>] That would be cool to add to scratch 1.5
<I recieve [ ] > will never exist unless the Scratch team change [broadcast [ ] ] to [broadcast for (2) secs].
Let me explain it by the "long" method with variables.
To do something like this block, you have to use this script:
< when I receive[ message] >
[set variable [ recieved? ] to (1)]
[wait (2) secs]
[set variable [ recieved? ] to (0)]
[ repeat until < ( recieved? ) = (1) > ]
A < > block has to be boolean (1 or 0). Messages are not boolean as long as they can't be 1 or 0.
If the block is changed by the scratch team to [broadcast for (2) secs], it is boolean as it is 1 for 2 seconds and then is set back to 0. The number of seconds equals the [wait ( ) secs]-block in the example above.
Many people want this block, to make this work you would need:
[Broad cast |Hello!| for (1) seconds]
Hmm.. I didn't know that.