I'm assuming there will still be that status in 2.0. In this topic, all our forum posts will be GONE! Will everyone be a New Scratcher again???
I'm sure not.
scimonster wrote:
I'm sure not.
I'd like more info, please. I don't like the idea of new forums.
Wes64 wrote:
scratcher status has nothing to do with forum posts
yes it does, you gotta be active on the forums and on the main site to become a scratcher
Wes64 wrote:
scratcher status has nothing to do with forum posts
you will still be a scratcher
yeah actually it does
it's completely a forum rank too, it's not stored on the main site
I'm pretty sure you'll still have Scratcher - no worries.
But there is such thing as being wrong, as I said, I am not sure.
veggieman001 wrote:
Wes64 wrote:
scratcher status has nothing to do with forum posts
you will still be a scratcheryeah actually it does
it's completely a forum rank too, it's not stored on the main site
i became a scratcher with 2 posts
ive also been told on many occasions that you just need to make comments, upload projects, and be active for some amount of time/ oh well, could be wrong
From looking at the code, the criteria to become a Scratcher are 3 projects, 11 comments, and 1 month registration.
So, we should all have that, so we should be promoted as soon as the promote script runs, and that runs once every day. That means that most of us will only be New Scratchers for a day.