From the project page:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/static/misc/Scratch.swf" width="482" height="401" id="PlayerOnly" style="visibility: visible; position: relative; margin-left: 19px; z-index: 1000; "> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <param name="flashvars" value="project=/static/projects/Lucario621/"> </object>
Last edited by MathWizz (2012-09-25 21:58:38)
What MathWizz showed you will work for Chrome or Firefox. If you want to make it work on Internet Explorer it is a little more involved.
I have it working on my web site. You can see how I did it by viewing the source of the pages.
For an example, look here:
You will need to download several files from the Scratch web site and host them on your server in order to get this to work. The files include swfobject.js, PlayerOnly.swf (or whatever the new one's called), and your sb file.
BoltBait wrote:
What MathWizz showed you will work for Chrome or Firefox. If you want to make it work on Internet Explorer it is a little more involved.
I have it working on my web site. You can see how I did it by viewing the source of the pages.
For an example, look here:
You will need to download several files from the Scratch web site and host them on your server in order to get this to work. The files include swfobject.js, PlayerOnly.swf (or whatever the new one's called), and your sb file.
Hey, nice website! Never knew you had one.
stevetheipad wrote:
Hey, nice website! Never knew you had one.
BTW, I never did figure out how to get the player's full-screen button to work. If anyone gets that to work in IE, let me know.
No, I have my webpage here and it has the OLD player. I want the NEW player.
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-09-27 16:22:35)