Pitusky12 wrote:
bobbybee wrote:
I have a idea for a fully DOM based payer. I'll join.
Great! ,Will you join as Researcher,Tester,Programmer,Hoster,Graphic Designer,or Advertiser?
Thank You And Scratch On!
Programming. I thought I made it kinda obvious by what I said...
Hi Pitusky12,
I got your comments on my projects about this, but the links weren't working. I'd be happy to help, but what exactly would you want me to do?
TheSuccessor wrote:
Hi Pitusky12,
I got your comments on my projects about this, but the links weren't working. I'd be happy to help, but what exactly would you want me to do?
you could program.
GP1 wrote:
You've got the wrong server. Its http://goeverywhere.x11s.org/ios/
I downloaded the app and it takes me to a website hosting page. Also when I found the web page, it wouldn't let me sign in? Will you help me?
Yep. Use scratch on DSis, IPods and more small, portable devices.
With the power of... THE WEB.
But I need YOUR help!
So WE WILL build it not MIT!
BTW, it's priced $0.00
This is now "owned" by Macrobit.
Status xternal Links.
Go Everywhere Website : goev.co.cc
Check Uptime for Go Everywhere Website : http://www.serviceuptime.com/users/uptimemonitoring.php?S=1a7b8ef3b9ab6309a78168755217c288&Id=34576
: http://kitcatprogramming.net78.net/test … nloads.php
Please read before asking to become a developer:
Advertisers are basically people that make advertisements.
Testers test on portable devices (eg. DSi, iPod Touch) that are not computers and have internet. It is limited to 5 testers per device. We may be able to create an offline app for some devices. We might have an feature to upload from computers to the website for editing on portable devices.
Note: If the Online circle is green then it is online if not.. it is offline,
comp500 - Owner - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
Pitusky - Owner/Programmer/Hoster/Tester/Advertiser - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
GP1 - Owner/Tester/Hoster/Programmer - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
Guinea_Pig_Girl (or Cassiedragon) - Hoster/Advertiser/Tester/Graphic designer - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
TheSuccessor - Programmer - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
pwiter - Tester/Programmer - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
rdococ - Programmer - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
timothymh - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
3DSfan12345 - Tester/Hoster/Advertiser - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
Rosie906 - Graphic designer - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
jslomba - Tester/Advertiser - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
TornFusion - Graphic designer - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
majormax - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
poemon1 - Tester/Advertiser - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
whizzer - Tester/Advertiser/Graphic designer/Researcher - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
Laternenpfahl - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
samtwheels - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
ImagineIt - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
KyleK7 - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
robinp - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
samurai768 - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
ssss - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
coinman - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
antiSeptic - Tester - http://blocks.scratchr.org/API.php?user … ype=circle
LiquidMetal - Tester - [url]http://blocks.scratchr
currently the kitcat site is down. can you put it somewhere else?
Please could I be beta ipad2 tester?
RoboNeo9 wrote:
currently the kitcat site is down. can you put it somewhere else?
The Kitcat site for that server will be permenatly down. I'm working on a new one, yes, but it might take a long time.
I'm back from vacation, too, so I can help you guys.
AND I BRING HUGE NEWS! The next version of the Xbox 360 will have Internet Explorer in it! We can make GE for Xbox now! My friend has the Beta of it. It works with the Kinect, too.
roboguy88 wrote:
Is this project still going? i really hope so, cos when i try 2 load a new project all that comes up is a white box, and nothing happens.
Using Safari on iPod Touch 4g, jailbroken iOS 5.1.1
this project is still going on,im back from vacations so now i will post a lot,your problem is happening toeveryone we havent posted yet a project on the new project tab so a white box will appear,thanks for telling us your problem,scratch on!
bobbybee wrote:
Pitusky12 wrote:
bobbybee wrote:
I have a idea for a fully DOM based payer. I'll join.
Great! ,Will you join as Researcher,Tester,Programmer,Hoster,Graphic Designer,or Advertiser?
Thank You And Scratch On!Programming. I thought I made it kinda obvious by what I said...
TheSuccessor wrote:
Hi Pitusky12,
I got your comments on my projects about this, but the links weren't working. I'd be happy to help, but what exactly would you want me to do?
program or test,choose
GP1 wrote:
RoboNeo9 wrote:
currently the kitcat site is down. can you put it somewhere else?
The Kitcat site for that server will be permenatly down. I'm working on a new one, yes, but it might take a long time.
I'm back from vacation, too, so I can help you guys.
AND I BRING HUGE NEWS! The next version of the Xbox 360 will have Internet Explorer in it! We can make GE for Xbox now! My friend has the Beta of it. It works with the Kinect, too.
im glad,im back from vacations too,now i will be posting a lot again,thaks for the news about ge in xbox i already knew that but thanks,how did your friend get the beta?
Pitusky12 wrote:
GP1 wrote:
RoboNeo9 wrote:
currently the kitcat site is down. can you put it somewhere else?
The Kitcat site for that server will be permenatly down. I'm working on a new one, yes, but it might take a long time.
I'm back from vacation, too, so I can help you guys.
AND I BRING HUGE NEWS! The next version of the Xbox 360 will have Internet Explorer in it! We can make GE for Xbox now! My friend has the Beta of it. It works with the Kinect, too.im glad,im back from vacations too,now i will be posting a lot again,thaks for the news about ge in xbox i already knew that but thanks,how did your friend get the beta?
Me and my friend are Microsoft developers. We pay $99 per year for it, so we get the latest betas for Xbox, Windows (like Windows 8 for free!), Visual Studio 2012, Windows Servers series, Windows Phone series, etc. Its totally worth it for $99.
GP1 wrote:
Pitusky12 wrote:
GP1 wrote:
The Kitcat site for that server will be permenatly down. I'm working on a new one, yes, but it might take a long time.
I'm back from vacation, too, so I can help you guys.
AND I BRING HUGE NEWS! The next version of the Xbox 360 will have Internet Explorer in it! We can make GE for Xbox now! My friend has the Beta of it. It works with the Kinect, too.im glad,im back from vacations too,now i will be posting a lot again,thaks for the news about ge in xbox i already knew that but thanks,how did your friend get the beta?
Me and my friend are Microsoft developers. We pay $99 per year for it, so we get the latest betas for Xbox, Windows (like Windows 8 for free!), Visual Studio 2012, Windows Servers series, Windows Phone series, etc. Its totally worth it for $99.
Anyone can get Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 for free.