Babygirl wrote:
Trevor_bd_07 is his name
yeah, trever has an inapropiate avatar pic, you can see it on my friends list, its a half nude lady
S65 wrote:
Yakkers wrote:
I've noticed a series of projects called "Push the Button," it has no explicit content but It's definitely not suitable for children. It instucts you to push a buttton and when you do a startling face suddenly pops up. These are often known as "screamers" or "sabatoges" on the internet. If anyone sees anything like this, PLEASE flag it. They can terrify young children and mentally scar them for life. That actually happened to me when I was young and I'm still not over it to this day.
Please explain how my project scars children for life.
I'd say it scars them for a few seconds, then they get back to normal. It even has 7 LoveIts and 4 people have favorited it.
yeah that has happened to me to, i still see it almost everyday.(not on scratch) and on scratch i see a few projects like that, such as zombie massacre(not a push the button) and on others, it freaks me out alot. also my dad watches watches alot of action and sci-fi movies with alot of voilence (i remeber when i was going into second grade we watched this movie where someone got burned, doesnt scare me now, but i couldnt fall asleep until like 2 or somthing) and the movies he watches often have a lot of scaryt parts that creep me out, yes i know im a wimp, and extremely bloody parts. some of my favorite movies to, harry potter 4, the part in the maze, and graveyard when his arm gets cut, sky capton and the day after tomarrow, that movie is awesome, but it has thihs robotic woman who freaks me out, this old man who was exposed to some kind of radiation who asked sky capton and them to kill him, and this dead guy, not frashly dead, maybe for a few years dead
brie700 wrote:
as for yakkers ur right. but s65 u +babygirl put inappropriate project fyi the " push the buttons" R inapropriate. im saying it nicely though a bit frankly
PLEASE ERASE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what are you talking about i don't have anything inapropriate if so tell me what it is
i am very sorry it offended you but all my projects are approved by my mother
i think we should make a place in the site for mthe stuff that concerend parrents can block off with a filter and this part of the site should have the offensive scratch movies games ect
Can you post a project with possibly offensive content provided you give a warning ie. this project contains reference to guns and violence if you are making a war game? Thanks
ScipioBellorum: I guess you can do that, it all depends on the context. But... out of all the things you can do with Scratch why not making a peace project instead of war?
On my project, someone left a really mean (and long) comment. I forget who it was because I deleted it but I know he/she said something about how it was so boring he/she was crying and that he/she'd rather operate on him/herself with no anesthetic than play it.
would you be allowed to do a project if it had violence like starwars guys using lightsabers and pokemon battling each other?
There are a lot of projects with cartoon violence (bullets, lasers, light sabers, … ).
While some people object to any violence, the usual standard applied is whether it would be suitable for kid's TV (nothing very graphic, no bad language, no *).
I think it would be nice if you could link to projects that have been removed. For example, I LOVE the Stupid stickman series-and the 9th one got removed?[blocks]<when[ Flag as inappropriate ]clicked>
<broadcast[ project deleted ]>
<when I receive[ project deleted ]>
<repeat until> project put back
<change[ sad ]effect by( 10,000,000 )>
Last edited by bigreader (2008-01-03 15:51:04)
hmph/\. i saw some sick projects that shouldnt even be on scratch, so how would that work?
If you see an inappropriate project, then use the button to flag it, with an explanation of what is wrong with it. The Scratch team review flagged projects, but they don't have the time to look at every project that is ever submitted to the website. They are relying on the community of Scratch users to find the occasional inappropriate project.
This user has an inappropriate avatar of a half-nude lady!
The avatar for 14929693 is sufficiently clad for current American standards of decency, which is all that the Scratch team is trying to enforce.
Oh ok.
Here's a project about that
How about a few new buttons on the front page? The buttons could be AAA, AA, V, L and E. You could click on one and every project that had a higher rating than say, AA it would be hidden.
<when[ AA ]clicked> <broadcast[ rate change <set{ rating limit }to( AA <stop script>
And for a project that is rated V, L or E
<when I receive[ rate change <if> <( <{ rating limit }> <<> V, L or E )> <hide>
adolf_hitler writes mean and anti-semitic comments on many projects. It would be a good idea to ban "him."
Babygirl wrote:
brie700 wrote:
as for yakkers ur right. but s65 u +babygirl put inappropriate project fyi the " push the buttons" R inapropriate. im saying it nicely though a bit frankly
PLEASE ERASE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what are you talking about i don't have anything inapropriate
if so tell me what it is
i am very sorry it offended you but all my projects are approved by my mother
Yes I agree, also good idea getting a project approved by your parents!!!<think[ that's a mighty good idea ]for( infinite )secs>
penguinpenguin: the account has been deleted and the IP has been banned. Please report inappropriate behavior by clicking on the Contact Us link at the bottom of all pages.
I found inapropriate tags on plumbery's project Stupid Stickman v13 ( I checked who tagged it, and the person had no name and when I clicked it the "Sorry, no such page... Scratch on!" page showed up- I guess that person was banned, but the tags are still on.
Last edited by hmnwilson (2008-01-12 20:38:23)
hmnwilson: please do not use the forums to report inappropriate content. Instead, click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page. Thanks for helping create a nice community!