s_federici wrote:
I don't know if the counting is reliable, but when this project is run in flash player it says 31FPS, whereas jsscratch it says 40FPS.
Then, if you switch to turbo, whereas flash says 166FPS, jsscratch says 500/1000FPS...
Scratch 1.4 is 40 FPS, flash is 30 FPS, and my player is 40.
Speaking again about speed, in this project drawing a large circle in flash turbo takes several seconds, instead in jsscratch it is almost immediate.
Thank goodness. :3
MathWizz wrote:
I've made some HUGE optimizations with the pen
I got great results in the fractal project. Only one problem: right after the first click, now I see a thick black line at the top of the viewer.
MathWizz, you've made this project amazing.
This project doesn't work at all.
This project works in turbo mode, but it doesn't at normal speed.
Speaking about differences, in flash this project works in an acceptable way in turbo, but it is lighting fast in js turbo.
Umm... I feel really stupid asking this, but how do I run my project on JsScratch?
Hardmath123 wrote:
Umm... I feel really stupid asking this, but how do I run my project on JsScratch?
You can use this userscript to use any project in JsScratch. :3
MathWizz, any update? I have a long list of amazing Scratch projects that still don't work
(I guess because of pen/color sensing blocks)
Perhaps you can list out some tasks that need to be done and other Scratchers can contribute in a small (or large) way.
s_federici wrote:
MathWizz, any update?
I have a long list of amazing Scratch projects that still don't work
(I guess because of pen/color sensing blocks)
I might be able to fix it. What project is it?
I would like to become part of the team. I know a bit about HTML and JavaScript. I haven't been sucsessful with canvas though (I know some) I would be better help if I saw the viewer code. Also could you put that when the browser is recognized as safari that an a keyboard pops up or have an on screen keyboard apper below the project so that mobil devices can use wasd and such too?
Hey, just curious, how did you put the JS canvas on? I want to be able to add one to my site.
MathWizz wrote:
No, just the canvas.
im not so good at it yet
but i can help with images
MathWizz wrote:
I might be able to fix it. What project is it?
Here you are just a list of the very first projects I found in my favorites that do not work as expected:
In general:
- variable monitors have no sliders
- sprites cannot be dragged (as D1 and D2 in http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dapontesgr/2760223)
all tiles are the same color
tetris elements disappears when they reach to the bottom line
the little man falls through the pavement
you don't pass to next level
the game starts with a non-meaningful red square in the upper left corner
lines do not show up
(known issue) http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/s_federici/2622353
top part of the fractal is all black