pikachu1337 wrote:
Now, it's pokemon for god's sake, just enjoy it.
Best. quote. ever.
EDIT: Page 2 get
Last edited by agscratcher (2012-04-13 16:19:49)
A new Pokemon game just makes me miss gen 1 even more...
agscratcher wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Nono, I think it's lazy because they're postponing Grey.Actually, Grey WILL happen. You see, because there is no need for an RSE remake (sorry guys, but you can import RSE Pokémon into BW, which defies the purpose of the remakes, to obtain previously unobtainable Pokémon), they filled in the gap with a sequel in the same gen. They'll then have Grey, which will be BW with features from BW2, like how Emerald was pretty much RS with features from FRLG.
EDIT: @Miss_Webgal read my previous post.
Well... I think that BW2 IS Grey.
In Platinum, the Sinnoh Pokedex consisted of 210 Pokemon, including of others from different regions. BW2 has 300 Pokemon also including some from other regions.
On a different topic, I like how they added trainer movements during a battle. (In BW, it was only the Pokemon. See YTube)
JinnOfTheGale wrote:
- It is a repeat of the whole Diamond, Pearl...Platinum! thing, except with a number 2 added on the end instead of thinking of a different name. Grey wasn't the best name let's face it.
The whole diamond, pearl, platinum thing happened for every generation.
Red, Blue, Yellow
Gold, silver, Crystal
Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald
Diamond, Pearl, Platinum
Black, White, Black 2, White 2
I think I want to get B&W 2. However who is White Kyurem and Black Kyurem?
sdhfgbgvno wrote:
I think I want to get B&W 2. However who is White Kyurem and Black Kyurem?
In the first B/W, there was a legendary named Kyurem that you could get only once you finished the main storyline. It's a Dragon/Ice type. I guess they're expanding on it in the new B/W.
Last edited by Codebreaker (2012-04-14 14:50:50)
sdhfgbgvno wrote:
I think I want to get B&W 2. However who is White Kyurem and Black Kyurem?
To make short i have info on both of them.no pics though. Anyway,they are both formes of kyurem/reshiram/zekrom and are dragon/ice types
There are 2 new gyms, right?
In the updated Unova region map, the Striaton, Nacrene and Icirrus Cities were frozen. That leaves the 2 new gyms, with Homika and Shizui, and Castelia, Nimbasa, Driftveil (Oh, I like the new market there), Mistralton, and Opelucid. 7 gyms remain intact. But the Pokemon League sure won't be holding any battles soon. Will you be able to take away some of the frozen parts of Unova away as you progress through the game? Oh, and the new settlement on Route 4 should be cool too, along with the new underwater tunnels and the new Pokemon Theater.
Last edited by Shadowsonics (2012-04-17 19:37:20)
Shadowsonics wrote:
There are 2 new gyms, right?
In the updated Unova region map, the Striation, Nacrene and Icirrus Cities were frozen. That leaves the 2 new gyms, with Homika and Shizui, and Castelia, Nimbasa, Driftveil (Oh, I like the new market there), Mistralton, and Opelucid. 7 gyms remain intact. But the Pokemon League sure won't be holding any battles soon. Will you be able to take away some of the frozen parts of Unova away as you progress through the game? Oh, and the new settlement on Route 4 should be cool too, along with the new underwater tunnels and the new Pokemon Theater.
If you look closely, there is an entrance into the glacier's inside. Probably where you find Kyurem. Note how the area around the Giant Chasm has a huge part of the glacier covering it.
Kittyfoofs wrote:
Well... I think that BW2 IS Grey.
*facepalm* Grey is (supposedly) a remake of Black & White. B2 & W2 are SEQUELS, not remakes. There is a difference.
For those of you who say this is lazy...
I couldn't care less about a Pokemon Grey, because it would have been Platinum all over again, even if Platinum was better than D&P.
These are the first numbered games and, as stated on Bulbapedia, are the first actual numbered sequels to appear in the pokemon franchise.
Honestly, you start off in a city, with a gym in it, and a Center and Mart. When do you do that in any other game?
Every trainer, leader, everyone has an animation, even the youngster, with more frames for smoother animation.
So be happy about these two games and stop talking bad about it.
I can't wait! Hey supermon, maybe we can share our friends codes on skype after the game comes out so that we can trade!
MasterOfTheGames wrote:
A new Pokemon game just makes me miss gen 1 even more...
No offense, but I honestly think Pokemon is getting better with each new game. Sure, maybe some new designs aren't liked too much, but overall the games' aesthetics have improved, and they're becoming much more complex, which I think is for the better - yet it still chooses pixel art for the most over CGI graphics, which a lot of new games use - they do use CGI for some of the backgrounds, but still.
Also I'm excited for Oct. 7th since the games will come out in the US then, but then school will have started D:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
.....Honestly, I think this is the laziest thing Nintendo has done with Pokémon.
and yet the most epic (I am NOT being sarcastic).
spongebob123 wrote:
MasterOfTheGames wrote:
A new Pokemon game just makes me miss gen 1 even more...
No offense, but I honestly think Pokemon is getting better with each new game. Sure, maybe some new designs aren't liked too much, but overall the games' aesthetics have improved, and they're becoming much more complex, which I think is for the better - yet it still chooses pixel art for the most over CGI graphics, which a lot of new games use - they do use CGI for some of the backgrounds, but still.
Also I'm excited for Oct. 7th since the games will come out in the US then, but then school will have started D:
I agree... Gen 1 was pretty screwed up, there were like, a gazillion poison types and psychic-types were unbeatable because the only ghost-types (gastly, haunter, and gengar) were also part poison type which is weak to psychic... Plus psychic had mewtwo. But, typing aside, The previous games are more in depth story-wise, and have way more replay value then gen 1 did (i.e. after you catch em all, there's nothing to do.
Black and white are probably the best Pokemon games so far in my opinion, and were the first Pokemon games (I believe) to receive perfect reviews from famitsu magazine.
As far as the storyline goes, B2W2 look like they honestly won't be as good in my opinion but they feature so many awesome Pokemon (Heatran ftw) that it will more than make up for it. Also, these games are sequels instead of practically identical 3rd versions, which is pretty cool in my opinion.
Every generation pokemon comes out with 5 main games. USUALLY it's 2 new games, 1 sequel to those two games, and 2 remakes. BUT they switched it around with 2 new games and TWO sequels. That may mean that they're only gonna make 1 remake. Is a new pokemon emerald in the works?
to be honest pokemon stopped being original with Yellow, it never had a good storyline, its graphics were always outdated when compared to other games on the same console (Golden Sun > Firered, DQ9 > Platinum) except the gameboy color games which never had good graphics anyways, pokemon really never innovated much else than monster-capture.
still love it to death though gen V was by far the strongest for me, although firered has extreme nostalgic value. ive totalled 250 hours on black so dont call me a hater. im just honest enough to admit pokemon ha its faults
maxdoss wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
supermon wrote:
They were supposed to make Pokémon Grey. ;_;
I know.
I think that grey (If they make it) will be like yellow and crystal.
Svega006 wrote:
CatPerson wrote:
Their also lazy because black and white was just a remake of the old version.
What? I don't even get what you're saying.
You mean black 2 and white 2?