Today I feel it was a hard day on Sratch everybody was saying she's posting random things well guess what I'm curious I want know more about It's been a hard day for me I feel I'm not right for Scratch anymore everyone is being mean and saying your post random studd thats because I'm curious I want to learn and know about Scratch. Please I'm new here on I want to feel like a welcome Scratcher not a make-fun Scratcher please help and stop this mean things.
Sorry, this doesn't fit here. One thing you should know about Scratch is that you can't post topics that don't fit in with the section. I'm sorry if we did not make you feel welcome; please note that a lot of us are sarcastic rebl teenz lol!!1
...That was sarcastic too sorry
We're always glad to have new members of the community but you need to like
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Go to the New Members forums.
We would be happy to welcome you and show you around, but please do not post duplicate/force-fitted topics.
Offline not
While we encourage everyone to be welcoming here, pointing out that your thread is off-topic, as long as it's done politely, is a reasonable response. Threads you submit should follow the guidelines for the particular forum in which you're posting. If you can't find a forum section where your topic seems to fit, you probably shouldn't post it.
This forum, for example, is for discussing media, such as books and movies that you take in interest in. Unfortunately, this topic here is an example of one that doesn't fit, and so it needs to be closed.