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#1051 2012-09-04 02:28:17

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

CakePopAnimation wrote:

Pluroblox wrote:

New CP by me.
Haunted Busby 3D Game.
My brother and i went to garage sales to find games. I didnt find alot of games until i found a old man who had an ps1 game.... it said, bubsy 3D. He sold it 2$...  God.. can't think of a good story :C

Try putting a twist on an overused concept like NeilWest!  smile
Also, be sure to use good grammar when writing your stories.

I was used as an example!  big_smile



#1052 2012-09-04 20:14:50

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

The Dream Master
Easter is making it's new CD, the Dream Master. The CD was the highest produced CD of al time, Nobody ever headed out to see why it was made.

After that year, people recorded/found out that year was the year with the most child deaths in Japan,most coming from the city Easter is in.

The song was banned quickly because the song had children aboslutley losing thier minds. They would escape their house/apartment/condo the dangerous way they could.

Even though most of them actually never died from that, it was still a big problem. They would go to the most dangeorous place there.

The X Eggs would come out quickly. A year later, The Gaurdians of Seiyo Academy decided to see what was up with the CD.

They went,and found the song was made with 4 X eggs instead of Black Diomand having 1.

That was my first scary story. It's beyond awful.

Last edited by Animeboy975 (2012-09-04 20:15:03)



#1053 2012-09-04 20:27:04

Registered: 2009-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Animeboy975 wrote:

The Dream Master
Easter is making it's new CD, the Dream Master. The CD was the highest produced CD of al time, Nobody ever headed out to see why it was made.

After that year, people recorded/found out that year was the year with the most child deaths in Japan,most coming from the city Easter is in.

The song was banned quickly because the song had children aboslutley losing thier minds. They would escape their house/apartment/condo the dangerous way they could.

Even though most of them actually never died from that, it was still a big problem. They would go to the most dangeorous place there.

The X Eggs would come out quickly. A year later, The Gaurdians of Seiyo Academy decided to see what was up with the CD.

They went,and found the song was made with 4 X eggs instead of Black Diomand having 1.

That was my first scary story. It's beyond awful.

Ahahaha, this was so awful that I was crying of laughter.  lol

At first I thought you had just written this now, and I was about to start this entire ragereply about cliched and horrible it is. Then I saw the last line.  tongue
'Cause I'm NUMBER ONE.



#1054 2012-09-04 20:35:46

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

banana500 wrote:

Animeboy975 wrote:

The Dream Master
Easter is making it's new CD, the Dream Master. The CD was the highest produced CD of al time, Nobody ever headed out to see why it was made.

After that year, people recorded/found out that year was the year with the most child deaths in Japan,most coming from the city Easter is in.

The song was banned quickly because the song had children aboslutley losing thier minds. They would escape their house/apartment/condo the dangerous way they could.

Even though most of them actually never died from that, it was still a big problem. They would go to the most dangeorous place there.

The X Eggs would come out quickly. A year later, The Gaurdians of Seiyo Academy decided to see what was up with the CD.

They went,and found the song was made with 4 X eggs instead of Black Diomand having 1.

That was my first scary story. It's beyond awful.

Ahahaha, this was so awful that I was crying of laughter.  lol

At first I thought you had just written this now, and I was about to start this entire ragereply about cliched and horrible it is. Then I saw the last line.  tongue

I know. It's so bad it's funny.



#1055 2012-09-04 21:38:28

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:



But yeah, I tried to finish mine but it became all suspenseful and explosion-y and not supernatural or anything... I can still post it if it's  okay or anyone cares.



#1056 2012-09-05 01:58:04

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Animeboy975 wrote:

The Dream Master
Easter is making it's new CD, the Dream Master. The CD was the highest produced CD of al time, Nobody ever headed out to see why it was made.

After that year, people recorded/found out that year was the year with the most child deaths in Japan,most coming from the city Easter is in.

The song was banned quickly because the song had children aboslutley losing thier minds. They would escape their house/apartment/condo the dangerous way they could.

Even though most of them actually never died from that, it was still a big problem. They would go to the most dangeorous place there.

The X Eggs would come out quickly. A year later, The Gaurdians of Seiyo Academy decided to see what was up with the CD.

They went,and found the song was made with 4 X eggs instead of Black Diomand having 1.

That was my first scary story. It's beyond awful.




#1057 2012-09-05 07:52:11

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Animeboy975 wrote:

The Dream Master
Easter is making it's new CD, the Dream Master. The CD was the highest produced CD of al time, Nobody ever headed out to see why it was made.

After that year, people recorded/found out that year was the year with the most child deaths in Japan,most coming from the city Easter is in.

The song was banned quickly because the song had children aboslutley losing thier minds. They would escape their house/apartment/condo the dangerous way they could.

Even though most of them actually never died from that, it was still a big problem. They would go to the most dangeorous place there.

The X Eggs would come out quickly. A year later, The Gaurdians of Seiyo Academy decided to see what was up with the CD.

They went,and found the song was made with 4 X eggs instead of Black Diomand having 1.

That was my first scary story. It's beyond awful.

what tense was that in...?



#1058 2012-09-06 18:53:00

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I should write a pasta about... um
The Dream.
If I were a better writer it'd scare the HECK out of you. Especially if it was a movie. That dream would make a good horror movie.

Do to my lack of writing abilities, I won't write it.
If anyone'd care to write a GOOD pasta about it that'd be great.
I'll tell you what The Dream was about once I sum up the courage.
It's haunted me scinse I was nine.

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#1059 2012-09-07 20:01:50

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

NeilWest wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

Pluroblox wrote:

New CP by me.
Haunted Busby 3D Game.
My brother and i went to garage sales to find games. I didnt find alot of games until i found a old man who had an ps1 game.... it said, bubsy 3D. He sold it 2$...  God.. can't think of a good story :C

Try putting a twist on an overused concept like NeilWest!  smile
Also, be sure to use good grammar when writing your stories.

I was used as an example!  big_smile

For using overused ideas.

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#1060 2012-09-07 20:06:06

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

soupoftomato wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

Try putting a twist on an overused concept like NeilWest!  smile
Also, be sure to use good grammar when writing your stories.

I was used as an example!  big_smile

For using overused ideas.

...Is it wrong that I just cracked up when I read that?

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#1061 2012-09-07 20:08:59

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

soupoftomato wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

I was used as an example!  big_smile

For using overused ideas.

...Is it wrong that I just cracked up when I read that?

It was intended inoffensively as a joke so no I would say.

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#1062 2012-09-08 02:04:41

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

soupoftomato wrote:

samid11 wrote:

soupoftomato wrote:

For using overused ideas.

...Is it wrong that I just cracked up when I read that?

It was intended inoffensively as a joke so no I would say.


I didn't even though about the Core Theory and such when I wrote it - I THOUGHT MY IDEA WAS ORIGINAL.



#1063 2012-09-08 10:05:14

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

NeilWest wrote:

soupoftomato wrote:

samid11 wrote:

...Is it wrong that I just cracked up when I read that?

It was intended inoffensively as a joke so no I would say.


I didn't even though about the Core Theory and such when I wrote it - I THOUGHT MY IDEA WAS ORIGINAL.

I'm not even sure what you're talking about because I have better things to do than like
actually READ these

but you should always look around to see if your idea has been used.

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#1064 2012-09-08 12:29:20

Registered: 2012-09-02
Posts: 15

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 i have a better story it beginning like this .
i was on minecraft playing i ingnore herobrine and killed him and i notice a guy who stared at it was not moving and it was glitch in minecraft so i went
to bed and heard weird noises it was someone in the stirs mumbling and i heard a scream like never before it pop me and made my ears bleed and i went to the stirs and no one was there weird and i went back to sleep to the bed and i heard a wisper  it said this im watching you. THE END



#1065 2012-09-08 15:24:16

Registered: 2010-06-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

here is a scary story(drum roll please!)

story wrote:

once upon a time there was a kingdom that did not exist.It's king was not happy that he ruled over a kingdom that was not real,so he set out on a journey to find the magical hfdj that legend said could make things real.On the first day,he asked someone where the magical hfdj could be found.the person replied :"the magical hfdj is guarded by a very strong guardian,so you might just as well give up".But the king was determined to find the hfdj,so he continued his journey.On the second and third day,he met more people and all of them them said the same thing.The king began to doubt wether he could find the magical hfdj, because it sounded like their really was a very strong guardian.So he stopped at the side of the road to think about it,and suddenly he realized that the sun was setting and said to him self :"I really should have continued to the nearest town".He made his tent and settled down to sleep.hours later he was woken by a scream,and nearly jumped out of his skin ! When he calmed down he decided to find out where the scream came from.When he came out of his tent and looked around the entire surrounding had changed ! He immediately realized something was wrong.He hadn't felt his tent move so the guessed that he had been teleported.Gathering his courage he walked forwards into a clearing in witch there was an old oak tree,and suddenly stopped.Right before him was the magical hfdj ! Struck with awe he went toward it.Then he realize that there was a giant ogre blocking his path.It was too late to run,so he charged toward it,not realizing that the tree was very slowly moving.Too late he realized that the ogre wasn't real and it was the tree that was the real guardian.That was his only mistake,and it was his last one too.The tree hit him so hard that he flew all the way back to his kingdom,and since he was so hurt he found not go looking for the magical hfdj. And he spent the last of his days advising adventurers not to try to find the hfdj,but they all just said:"I am determined to find the magical hfdj !"  THE END

I made a mod  big_smile  It's called blook!



#1066 2012-09-08 15:28:51

Registered: 2010-06-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

dvd4 wrote:

once upon a time there was a kingdom that did not exist.It's king was not happy that he ruled over a kingdom that was not real,so he set out on a journey to find the magical hfdj that legend said could make things real.On the first day,he asked someone where the magical hfdj could be found.the person replied :"the magical hfdj is guarded by a very strong guardian,so you might just as well give up".But the king was determined to find the hfdj,so he continued his journey.On the second and third day,he met more people and all of them them said the same thing.The king began to doubt wether he could find the magical hfdj, because it sounded like their really was a very strong guardian.So he stopped at the side of the road to think about it,and suddenly he realized that the sun was setting and said to him self :"I really should have continued to the nearest town".He made his tent and settled down to sleep.hours later he was woken by a scream,and nearly jumped out of his skin ! When he calmed down he decided to find out where the scream came from.When he came out of his tent and looked around the entire surrounding had changed ! He immediately realized something was wrong.He hadn't felt his tent move so the guessed that he had been teleported.Gathering his courage he walked forwards into a clearing in witch there was an old oak tree,and suddenly stopped.Right before him was the magical hfdj ! Struck with awe he went toward it.Then he realize that there was a giant ogre blocking his path.It was too late to run,so he charged toward it,not realizing that the tree was very slowly moving.Too late he realized that the ogre wasn't real and it was the tree that was the real guardian.That was his only mistake,and it was his last one too.The tree hit him so hard that he flew all the way back to his kingdom,and since he was so hurt he found not go looking for the magical hfdj. And he spent the last of his days advising adventurers not to try to find the hfdj,but they all just said:"I am determined to find the magical hfdj !"  THE END


I'm sorry, but... just WHAT?

You say goodbye to 1.4, I say hello to 2.0.



#1067 2012-09-08 15:43:03

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

dvd4 wrote:

here is a scary story(drum roll please!)

story wrote:

once upon a time there was a kingdom that did not exist.It's king was not happy that he ruled over a kingdom that was not real,so he set out on a journey to find the magical hfdj that legend said could make things real.On the first day,he asked someone where the magical hfdj could be found.the person replied :"the magical hfdj is guarded by a very strong guardian,so you might just as well give up".But the king was determined to find the hfdj,so he continued his journey.On the second and third day,he met more people and all of them them said the same thing.The king began to doubt wether he could find the magical hfdj, because it sounded like their really was a very strong guardian.So he stopped at the side of the road to think about it,and suddenly he realized that the sun was setting and said to him self :"I really should have continued to the nearest town".He made his tent and settled down to sleep.hours later he was woken by a scream,and nearly jumped out of his skin ! When he calmed down he decided to find out where the scream came from.When he came out of his tent and looked around the entire surrounding had changed ! He immediately realized something was wrong.He hadn't felt his tent move so the guessed that he had been teleported.Gathering his courage he walked forwards into a clearing in witch there was an old oak tree,and suddenly stopped.Right before him was the magical hfdj ! Struck with awe he went toward it.Then he realize that there was a giant ogre blocking his path.It was too late to run,so he charged toward it,not realizing that the tree was very slowly moving.Too late he realized that the ogre wasn't real and it was the tree that was the real guardian.That was his only mistake,and it was his last one too.The tree hit him so hard that he flew all the way back to his kingdom,and since he was so hurt he found not go looking for the magical hfdj. And he spent the last of his days advising adventurers not to try to find the hfdj,but they all just said:"I am determined to find the magical hfdj !"  THE END




#1068 2012-09-08 19:59:17

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories


I'm gonna stop writing scary stories for a while, i kinda lost my joy in it...  hmm



#1069 2012-09-08 20:37:23

Registered: 2010-06-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

NeilWest wrote:

dvd4 wrote:

here is a scary story(drum roll please!)

story wrote:

once upon a time there was a kingdom that did not exist.It's king was not happy that he ruled over a kingdom that was not real,so he set out on a journey to find the magical hfdj that legend said could make things real.On the first day,he asked someone where the magical hfdj could be found.the person replied :"the magical hfdj is guarded by a very strong guardian,so you might just as well give up".But the king was determined to find the hfdj,so he continued his journey.On the second and third day,he met more people and all of them them said the same thing.The king began to doubt wether he could find the magical hfdj, because it sounded like their really was a very strong guardian.So he stopped at the side of the road to think about it,and suddenly he realized that the sun was setting and said to him self :"I really should have continued to the nearest town".He made his tent and settled down to sleep.hours later he was woken by a scream,and nearly jumped out of his skin ! When he calmed down he decided to find out where the scream came from.When he came out of his tent and looked around the entire surrounding had changed ! He immediately realized something was wrong.He hadn't felt his tent move so the guessed that he had been teleported.Gathering his courage he walked forwards into a clearing in witch there was an old oak tree,and suddenly stopped.Right before him was the magical hfdj ! Struck with awe he went toward it.Then he realize that there was a giant ogre blocking his path.It was too late to run,so he charged toward it,not realizing that the tree was very slowly moving.Too late he realized that the ogre wasn't real and it was the tree that was the real guardian.That was his only mistake,and it was his last one too.The tree hit him so hard that he flew all the way back to his kingdom,and since he was so hurt he found not go looking for the magical hfdj. And he spent the last of his days advising adventurers not to try to find the hfdj,but they all just said:"I am determined to find the magical hfdj !"  THE END


are you saying that I am a troll ?

I made a mod  big_smile  It's called blook!



#1070 2012-09-08 20:39:30

Registered: 2010-06-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

nama wrote:

dvd4 wrote:

once upon a time there was a kingdom that did not exist.It's king was not happy that he ruled over a kingdom that was not real,so he set out on a journey to find the magical hfdj that legend said could make things real.On the first day,he asked someone where the magical hfdj could be found.the person replied :"the magical hfdj is guarded by a very strong guardian,so you might just as well give up".But the king was determined to find the hfdj,so he continued his journey.On the second and third day,he met more people and all of them them said the same thing.The king began to doubt wether he could find the magical hfdj, because it sounded like their really was a very strong guardian.So he stopped at the side of the road to think about it,and suddenly he realized that the sun was setting and said to him self :"I really should have continued to the nearest town".He made his tent and settled down to sleep.hours later he was woken by a scream,and nearly jumped out of his skin ! When he calmed down he decided to find out where the scream came from.When he came out of his tent and looked around the entire surrounding had changed ! He immediately realized something was wrong.He hadn't felt his tent move so the guessed that he had been teleported.Gathering his courage he walked forwards into a clearing in witch there was an old oak tree,and suddenly stopped.Right before him was the magical hfdj ! Struck with awe he went toward it.Then he realize that there was a giant ogre blocking his path.It was too late to run,so he charged toward it,not realizing that the tree was very slowly moving.Too late he realized that the ogre wasn't real and it was the tree that was the real guardian.That was his only mistake,and it was his last one too.The tree hit him so hard that he flew all the way back to his kingdom,and since he was so hurt he found not go looking for the magical hfdj. And he spent the last of his days advising adventurers not to try to find the hfdj,but they all just said:"I am determined to find the magical hfdj !"  THE END


I'm sorry, but... just WHAT?

very random scary story

I made a mod  big_smile  It's called blook!



#1071 2012-09-08 22:25:04

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

dvd4 wrote:

nama wrote:

dvd4 wrote:

once upon a time there was a kingdom that did not exist.It's king was not happy that he ruled over a kingdom that was not real,so he set out on a journey to find the magical hfdj that legend said could make things real.On the first day,he asked someone where the magical hfdj could be found.the person replied :"the magical hfdj is guarded by a very strong guardian,so you might just as well give up".But the king was determined to find the hfdj,so he continued his journey.On the second and third day,he met more people and all of them them said the same thing.The king began to doubt wether he could find the magical hfdj, because it sounded like their really was a very strong guardian.So he stopped at the side of the road to think about it,and suddenly he realized that the sun was setting and said to him self :"I really should have continued to the nearest town".He made his tent and settled down to sleep.hours later he was woken by a scream,and nearly jumped out of his skin ! When he calmed down he decided to find out where the scream came from.When he came out of his tent and looked around the entire surrounding had changed ! He immediately realized something was wrong.He hadn't felt his tent move so the guessed that he had been teleported.Gathering his courage he walked forwards into a clearing in witch there was an old oak tree,and suddenly stopped.Right before him was the magical hfdj ! Struck with awe he went toward it.Then he realize that there was a giant ogre blocking his path.It was too late to run,so he charged toward it,not realizing that the tree was very slowly moving.Too late he realized that the ogre wasn't real and it was the tree that was the real guardian.That was his only mistake,and it was his last one too.The tree hit him so hard that he flew all the way back to his kingdom,and since he was so hurt he found not go looking for the magical hfdj. And he spent the last of his days advising adventurers not to try to find the hfdj,but they all just said:"I am determined to find the magical hfdj !"  THE END


I'm sorry, but... just WHAT?

very random scary story

It also had very random grammar control and spelling.

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#1072 2012-09-09 02:12:49

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

dvd4 wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

dvd4 wrote:

here is a scary story(drum roll please!)


are you saying that I am a troll ?

No, the style of creepypasta you're writing in is called 'troll pasta' - which is more like silly fanfics for various reasons:

- Obviously random.
- No horrorline (like a punchline but instead of making you laugh, it makes you creeped out)
- There is no intention that its scary.
- It's badly spelled.
- No proper grammar.
- Silly plot.
- More of a gorefic (exception if other rules are accepted).
- Relies on cliches.
- TO BE CONTINUED but never is.
- Uses an established creepypasta character (Jeff) (exception if other rules accepted)

And more.

Last edited by NeilWest (2012-09-09 02:16:20)



#1073 2012-09-09 11:46:41

Registered: 2011-01-03
Posts: 43

Re: User-made Scary Stories


Pokemon trade!  Celebi for victini!



#1074 2012-09-09 12:04:48

Registered: 2011-01-03
Posts: 43

Re: User-made Scary Stories

The doll on the hill: In my childhood, I had a red human-shaped ragdoll that i used to LOVE Too much. It got in the way of my family, Diet, And even my usual way of life. But that was when i  about five, My mom took it away, And threw the poor thing into a landfill. I cried for days, Untill finally i snapped out of it and went on with my life.
Today i just bought my car and i was ready to use it. I had just got my driver's lisence and all that. Later on After my job, I Went driving up a hill for no apparent reason. Something urged me to contine driving up the steep hill. Strangely, There were no police around to stop anyone. In fact, NOBODY was around, Which made me feel a little lonely.
I wished my ragdoll was around, For my comfort...
Suddenly, The car stopped at the top of the hill, And then i heard a loud THUMP.  What i saw on the ground was a Suprise, A deadly surpise later on. I got out of my car to look. It was a torn up red humanoid ragdoll. Which looked like my old one! Ecstaticly, I put it in the car. I didn't know what little monster i was going to fix up then.. I then Got in the car and shut the car doors. Then drove down the hill very Carefully so i wouldn't ram into something. I finally got off of the hill in a matter of minutes. I drove to my new house that i bought yesterday, And went inside with the torn creature.
I walked around the kitchen, Sympathetically Wondering what would happen once i fix the Old rag doll.  I quickly went to work on the doll after a few small thoughts. "NoW wHeRe WaS- wAiT wHeRe Am I?" A Demonic voice spoke. Me, Being the coward i am, Fell on the floor, In shock.
I woke up from fainting, In a bed made of pure steel. It hurt to turn around or do anything. I saw a red rag doll, That looked like mine actually SITTING on the steel bed with me. "YoU ReAlIzE WhAt yOu HaVe DoNe To Me?" He said in a raspy voice. "Um.. No.." I hesitated. "Im GoNnA GeT VoIoLeNt If yOu DaRe" He warned. My skin was really pale at the moment, I shivered faintly, Knowing that SOMETHING'S wrong. "The dolls aren't gonna live." Then my rag doll disappeared Without me noticing. My New floor started to creek, And i heard screams coming from the guest room.
I wasn't going to take this FEAR much Longer!
I went in the guest room. The lights were off, Then a dim light turned on without me turning the Knob on that light switch. What i saw was HORRIFYING For a toy. Heads of my old doll were thrown in random places. Stuffing seemed to ooze out of my old Winnie the pooh Stuff animal collection. My old action figures were burnt too. My build-a-bear's Little heart things were put in scratched cabinets, And other stuff i didn't want to talk about. It was all to disturbing.
Then i saw my rag doll, STANDING in a corner, and said somewhat pridefully: "I want to know if you like my 'Trophies'." I was disgusted, The guest room was a mess, And my build-a-bears were just torn up messes of fur. This would take, like a YEAR to fix!
"Sorry, But No." I said. What have i done.
The doll's facial expression looked as if it was having A very realistic temper. He lit a match, With the match box and said something that still haunts me to this day, "You want to burn? Because it LOOKS Like it. Another day to live or to burn?" "Not today." I snatched the match from the doll, And burnt him. He screamed in Agony, Then said his final words: "I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" And he turned into some dust, and then i felt something come over me..
Guess who wrote this? ME! The doll who shall get you all! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAA!

What do you think? If it was too violent, Please let me know.

Pokemon trade!  Celebi for victini!



#1075 2012-09-09 21:20:06

Registered: 2010-06-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

sonicpikmin wrote:

The doll on the hill: In my childhood, I had a red human-shaped ragdoll that i used to LOVE Too much. It got in the way of my family, Diet, And even my usual way of life. But that was when i  about five, My mom took it away, And threw the poor thing into a landfill. I cried for days, Untill finally i snapped out of it and went on with my life.
Today i just bought my car and i was ready to use it. I had just got my driver's lisence and all that. Later on After my job, I Went driving up a hill for no apparent reason. Something urged me to contine driving up the steep hill. Strangely, There were no police around to stop anyone. In fact, NOBODY was around, Which made me feel a little lonely.
I wished my ragdoll was around, For my comfort...
Suddenly, The car stopped at the top of the hill, And then i heard a loud THUMP.  What i saw on the ground was a Suprise, A deadly surpise later on. I got out of my car to look. It was a torn up red humanoid ragdoll. Which looked like my old one! Ecstaticly, I put it in the car. I didn't know what little monster i was going to fix up then.. I then Got in the car and shut the car doors. Then drove down the hill very Carefully so i wouldn't ram into something. I finally got off of the hill in a matter of minutes. I drove to my new house that i bought yesterday, And went inside with the torn creature.
I walked around the kitchen, Sympathetically Wondering what would happen once i fix the Old rag doll.  I quickly went to work on the doll after a few small thoughts. "NoW wHeRe WaS- wAiT wHeRe Am I?" A Demonic voice spoke. Me, Being the coward i am, Fell on the floor, In shock.
I woke up from fainting, In a bed made of pure steel. It hurt to turn around or do anything. I saw a red rag doll, That looked like mine actually SITTING on the steel bed with me. "YoU ReAlIzE WhAt yOu HaVe DoNe To Me?" He said in a raspy voice. "Um.. No.." I hesitated. "Im GoNnA GeT VoIoLeNt If yOu DaRe" He warned. My skin was really pale at the moment, I shivered faintly, Knowing that SOMETHING'S wrong. "The dolls aren't gonna live." Then my rag doll disappeared Without me noticing. My New floor started to creek, And i heard screams coming from the guest room.
I wasn't going to take this FEAR much Longer!
I went in the guest room. The lights were off, Then a dim light turned on without me turning the Knob on that light switch. What i saw was HORRIFYING For a toy. Heads of my old doll were thrown in random places. Stuffing seemed to ooze out of my old Winnie the pooh Stuff animal collection. My old action figures were burnt too. My build-a-bear's Little heart things were put in scratched cabinets, And other stuff i didn't want to talk about. It was all to disturbing.
Then i saw my rag doll, STANDING in a corner, and said somewhat pridefully: "I want to know if you like my 'Trophies'." I was disgusted, The guest room was a mess, And my build-a-bears were just torn up messes of fur. This would take, like a YEAR to fix!
"Sorry, But No." I said. What have i done.
The doll's facial expression looked as if it was having A very realistic temper. He lit a match, With the match box and said something that still haunts me to this day, "You want to burn? Because it LOOKS Like it. Another day to live or to burn?" "Not today." I snatched the match from the doll, And burnt him. He screamed in Agony, Then said his final words: "I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" And he turned into some dust, and then i felt something come over me..
Guess who wrote this? ME! The doll who shall get you all! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAA!

What do you think? If it was too violent, Please let me know.

look at the comments above [/JustRemindingYouAboutThat]

I made a mod  big_smile  It's called blook!



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