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#1126 2012-09-08 06:50:16

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

NeilWest wrote:

sonicpikmin wrote:

mythbusteranimator wrote:

I hate ads with creepy trailers.

Me too,  0__0 I get scared easilly sometimes. D:

Same. *coughs* traumatized by Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride.

If you'd actually WATCH the movie, the "corpse bride", named Emilly, is actually a really sympathetic character.

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#1127 2012-09-08 08:15:51

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

samid11 wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

sonicpikmin wrote:

Me too,  0__0 I get scared easilly sometimes. D:

Same. *coughs* traumatized by Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride.

If you'd actually WATCH the movie, the "corpse bride", named Emilly, is actually a really sympathetic character.

She looks really, really creepy though, likewise with all the other characters.



#1128 2012-09-08 08:45:56

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

NeilWest wrote:

samid11 wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

Same. *coughs* traumatized by Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride.

If you'd actually WATCH the movie, the "corpse bride", named Emilly, is actually a really sympathetic character.

She looks really, really creepy though, likewise with all the other characters.

I actually liked the plot. I just don't like the movie style.  tongue



#1129 2012-09-08 12:12:39

Registered: 2011-01-03
Posts: 43

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Part two of The Doll on the hill
I walked around the kitchen, Sympathetically Wondering what would happen once i fix the Old rag doll.  I quickly went to work on the doll after a few small thoughts. "NoW wHeRe WaS- wAiT wHeRe Am I?" A Demonic voice spoke. Me, Being the coward i am, Fell on the floor, In shock.
I woke up from fainting, In a bed made of pure steel. It hurt to turn around or do anything. I saw a red rag doll, That looked like mine actually SITTING on the steel bed with me. "YoU ReAlIzE WhAt yOu HaVe DoNe To Me?" He said in a raspy voice. "Um.. No.." I hesitated. "Im GoNnA GeT VoIoLeNt If yOu DaRe" He warned. My skin was really pale at the moment, I shivered faintly, Knowing that SOMETHING'S wrong. "The dolls aren't gonna live." Then my rag doll disappeared Without me noticing. My New floor started to creek, And i heard screams coming from the guest room.
I wasn't going to take this FEAR much Longer!
I went in the guest room. The lights were off, Then a dim light turned on without me turning the Knob on that light switch. What i saw was HORRIFYING For a toy. Heads of my old doll were thrown in random places. Stuffing seemed to ooze out of my old Winnie the pooh Stuff animal collection. My old action figures were burnt too. My build-a-bear's Little heart things were put in scratched cabinets, And other stuff i didn't want to talk about. It was all to disturbing.
Then i saw my rag doll, STANDING in a corner, and said somewhat pridefully: "I want to know if you like my 'Trophies'." I was disgusted, The guest room was a mess, And my build-a-bears were just torn up messes of fur. This would take, like a YEAR to fix!
"Sorry, But No." I said. What have i done.
The doll's facial expression looked as if it was having A very realistic temper. He lit a match, With the match box and said something that still haunts me to this day, "You want to burn? Because it LOOKS Like it. Another day to live or to burn?" "Not today." I snatched the match from the doll, And burnt him. He screamed in Agony, Then said his final words: "I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" And he turned into some dust, and then i felt something come over me..
Guess who wrote this? ME! The doll who shall get you all! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAA!

What do you think? Was it better than my other one? If it was too violent, Please let me know.

Pokemon trade!  Celebi for victini!



#1130 2012-09-08 12:18:06

Registered: 2010-06-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

sonicpikmin wrote:

Part two of The Doll on the hill
I walked around the kitchen, Sympathetically Wondering what would happen once i fix the Old rag doll.  I quickly went to work on the doll after a few small thoughts. "NoW wHeRe WaS- wAiT wHeRe Am I?" A Demonic voice spoke. Me, Being the coward i am, Fell on the floor, In shock.
I woke up from fainting, In a bed made of pure steel. It hurt to turn around or do anything. I saw a red rag doll, That looked like mine actually SITTING on the steel bed with me. "YoU ReAlIzE WhAt yOu HaVe DoNe To Me?" He said in a raspy voice. "Um.. No.." I hesitated. "Im GoNnA GeT VoIoLeNt If yOu DaRe" He warned. My skin was really pale at the moment, I shivered faintly, Knowing that SOMETHING'S wrong. "The dolls aren't gonna live." Then my rag doll disappeared Without me noticing. My New floor started to creek, And i heard screams coming from the guest room.
I wasn't going to take this FEAR much Longer!
I went in the guest room. The lights were off, Then a dim light turned on without me turning the Knob on that light switch. What i saw was HORRIFYING For a toy. Heads of my old doll were thrown in random places. Stuffing seemed to ooze out of my old Winnie the pooh Stuff animal collection. My old action figures were burnt too. My build-a-bear's Little heart things were put in scratched cabinets, And other stuff i didn't want to talk about. It was all to disturbing.
Then i saw my rag doll, STANDING in a corner, and said somewhat pridefully: "I want to know if you like my 'Trophies'." I was disgusted, The guest room was a mess, And my build-a-bears were just torn up messes of fur. This would take, like a YEAR to fix!
"Sorry, But No." I said. What have i done.
The doll's facial expression looked as if it was having A very realistic temper. He lit a match, With the match box and said something that still haunts me to this day, "You want to burn? Because it LOOKS Like it. Another day to live or to burn?" "Not today." I snatched the match from the doll, And burnt him. He screamed in Agony, Then said his final words: "I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" And he turned into some dust, and then i felt something come over me..
Guess who wrote this? ME! The doll who shall get you all! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAA!

What do you think? Was it better than my other one? If it was too violent, Please let me know.

Please post pastas you made in the User-made Scary Stories thread.

You say goodbye to 1.4, I say hello to 2.0.



#1131 2012-09-09 11:14:52

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-05-20
Posts: 5

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)



#1132 2012-09-09 11:29:14

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

amaru2005 wrote:

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)



#1133 2012-09-09 11:32:33

Registered: 2010-06-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

amaru2005 wrote:

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)

i waht i seriously casn hardly type im luaghing and wtefing so hard

You say goodbye to 1.4, I say hello to 2.0.



#1134 2012-09-09 11:36:51

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

agscratcher wrote:

amaru2005 wrote:

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)


"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#1135 2012-09-09 11:47:33

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

wolvesstar97 wrote:

Lol, look what I found in the old pasta thread:

Teh Day Of All Teh Blod:

This Is The Story Of A Day Where There Was All This Blood. A Man Was Walking Around And Blood Started Coming Out Of Him Everywhere. There Was So Much Blood That It Filled Up An Elevator. He Went To The Store And There Was Just Blood All Over The Place! People Were Slipping In It And They Were All Grossed Out. He Tried To Go Swimming And All Of The Sharks Went Nuts And Bittened Everybody. He Got Chased By All The Vampires Ever. One Time The Blood Got A Kid And A Dog. At The End Of The Day Everyone Decided They Would Send Him To Space So That He Would Stop Getting Blood Every Where. The Scariest Part Is That The Man Was You!!! (or He Was A Lady If You Are A Lady) And You Forgot That This Happened.


Best creepypasta ever.



#1136 2012-09-09 12:01:04

Registered: 2011-01-03
Posts: 43

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

nama wrote:

sonicpikmin wrote:

Part two of The Doll on the hill
I walked around the kitchen, Sympathetically Wondering what would happen once i fix the Old rag doll.  I quickly went to work on the doll after a few small thoughts. "NoW wHeRe WaS- wAiT wHeRe Am I?" A Demonic voice spoke. Me, Being the coward i am, Fell on the floor, In shock.
I woke up from fainting, In a bed made of pure steel. It hurt to turn around or do anything. I saw a red rag doll, That looked like mine actually SITTING on the steel bed with me. "YoU ReAlIzE WhAt yOu HaVe DoNe To Me?" He said in a raspy voice. "Um.. No.." I hesitated. "Im GoNnA GeT VoIoLeNt If yOu DaRe" He warned. My skin was really pale at the moment, I shivered faintly, Knowing that SOMETHING'S wrong. "The dolls aren't gonna live." Then my rag doll disappeared Without me noticing. My New floor started to creek, And i heard screams coming from the guest room.
I wasn't going to take this FEAR much Longer!
I went in the guest room. The lights were off, Then a dim light turned on without me turning the Knob on that light switch. What i saw was HORRIFYING For a toy. Heads of my old doll were thrown in random places. Stuffing seemed to ooze out of my old Winnie the pooh Stuff animal collection. My old action figures were burnt too. My build-a-bear's Little heart things were put in scratched cabinets, And other stuff i didn't want to talk about. It was all to disturbing.
Then i saw my rag doll, STANDING in a corner, and said somewhat pridefully: "I want to know if you like my 'Trophies'." I was disgusted, The guest room was a mess, And my build-a-bears were just torn up messes of fur. This would take, like a YEAR to fix!
"Sorry, But No." I said. What have i done.
The doll's facial expression looked as if it was having A very realistic temper. He lit a match, With the match box and said something that still haunts me to this day, "You want to burn? Because it LOOKS Like it. Another day to live or to burn?" "Not today." I snatched the match from the doll, And burnt him. He screamed in Agony, Then said his final words: "I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" And he turned into some dust, and then i felt something come over me..
Guess who wrote this? ME! The doll who shall get you all! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAA!

What do you think? Was it better than my other one? If it was too violent, Please let me know.

Please post pastas you made in the User-made Scary Stories thread.

Well.. Okay then.

Pokemon trade!  Celebi for victini!



#1137 2012-09-09 13:30:26

Registered: 2008-01-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

amaru2005 wrote:

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)

Do creepypasta themes change this much between cultures?

Last edited by maxskywalker (2012-09-09 13:30:50)



#1138 2012-09-09 13:39:11

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

maxskywalker wrote:

amaru2005 wrote:

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)

Do creepypasta themes change this much between cultures?

I have no idea.

I just know that I want to make one...

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#1139 2012-09-09 13:41:42

Registered: 2011-08-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

amaru2005 wrote:

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)





#1140 2012-09-09 17:14:17

Registered: 2012-09-02
Posts: 15

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

i was on minecraft playing i ingnore herobrine and killed him and i notice a guy who stared at it was not moving and it was glitch in minecraft so i went
to bed and heard weird noises it was someone in the stirs mumbling and i heard a scream like never before it pop me and made my ears bleed and i went to the stirs and no one was there weird and i went back to sleep to the bed and i heard a wisper it said this im watching you. THE END more views please maybe it was this guy



#1141 2012-09-09 17:54:11

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

therealloleegy wrote:

i was on minecraft playing i ingnore herobrine and killed him and i notice a guy who stared at it was not moving and it was glitch in minecraft so i went
to bed and heard weird noises it was someone in the stirs mumbling and i heard a scream like never before it pop me and made my ears bleed and i went to the stirs and no one was there weird and i went back to sleep to the bed and i heard a wisper it said this im watching you. THE END more views please maybe it was this guy

If you and amaru2005 are the same person, It'd make total sense.



#1142 2012-09-09 18:22:08

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

agscratcher wrote:

therealloleegy wrote:

i was on minecraft playing i ingnore herobrine and killed him and i notice a guy who stared at it was not moving and it was glitch in minecraft so i went
to bed and heard weird noises it was someone in the stirs mumbling and i heard a scream like never before it pop me and made my ears bleed and i went to the stirs and no one was there weird and i went back to sleep to the bed and i heard a wisper it said this im watching you. THE END more views please maybe it was this guy

If you and amaru2005 are the same person, It'd make total sense.




#1143 2012-09-12 16:58:35

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

This is more ruined childhood, but I feel it fits here somewhat:



#1144 2012-09-13 02:05:23

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

agscratcher wrote:

This is more ruined childhood, but I feel it fits here somewhat:




#1145 2012-09-15 13:00:26

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-09-15
Posts: 1

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

My favorite creepypastas are basicly lost episodes and video games and stuff. :3



#1146 2012-09-15 13:26:04

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

agscratcher wrote:

This is more ruined childhood, but I feel it fits here somewhat:


Even though I didn't grow up with Calvin & Hobbes


"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#1147 2012-09-15 14:13:23

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

samid11 wrote:

agscratcher wrote:

This is more ruined childhood, but I feel it fits here somewhat:


Even though I didn't grow up with Calvin & Hobbes





#1148 2012-09-15 14:35:16

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

samid11 wrote:

agscratcher wrote:

This is more ruined childhood, but I feel it fits here somewhat:


Even though I didn't grow up with Calvin & Hobbes


I *sniffs* grew up with *sniffs* Calvin and Hobbes.



#1149 2012-09-20 06:45:14

Registered: 2011-12-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

agscratcher wrote:

amaru2005 wrote:

Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: when i tryed to make an project i selected an sprite called ''Clock-hand'' i maked like 546724371761765716715617565555% fast but i tried to  close it and appeared like 60 errors (English)
Creepypasta Scratch 1.4: cuando yo intente hacer un proyecto yo seleccione un objetito llamado ''Clock-hand'' yo lo hice como 546724371761765716715617565555% de rapido pero yo intente cerrarlo y yo creo que hubo 60 errores (Español)

internet's all about cats today.



#1150 2012-09-20 10:12:18

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Anyway...back on topic?




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