Apparently, Hasbro decided the first two times weren't enough. Just in time for this Christmas, they are releasing the Furby v3. Some people think that there will be zombie apocalypse, they are wrong. It will be a furby apocalypse. D:
Talk about how evil they are and your favorite ideas for how to fight them.
(AKA, talk about them in general, and how Hasbro is full of idiots for rereleasing these things. )
I heard about that 2 months ago.
I like their new models, the LOOK CUTE.
Animeboy975 wrote:
I heard about that 2 months ago.
I like their new models, the LOOK CUTE.
Sure, they LOOK cute, but on the inside, they want to kill you.
The furby apocalypse will start when everyone wakes up to certain furry objects at the door saying "I love you!" and "I want to be your friend!".
Come on, They don't look THAT bad...
oh god
furbies are creepy as heck
fire219 wrote:
Apparently, Hasbro decided the first two times weren't enough. Just in time for this Christmas, they are releasing the Furby v3. Some people think that there will be zombie apocalypse, they are wrong. It will be a furby apocalypse. D:
Talk about how evil they are and your favorite ideas for how to fight them.
(AKA, talk about them in general, and how Hasbro is full of idiots for rereleasing these things. )
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Come on, They don't look THAT bad...
Just look on the internet for some of the stories people post about them, here is one from one of my friends at school:
... maybe 4-5 years ago I was at my nana's house and I had went up in her outside attic storage thing, and the lights were off in there, but you could still see stuff from light coming in the door and windows, so it wasn't really that dark. So I'm in there looking around for whatever and then I hear that furby thing singing twinkle twinkle little star in it's own demonic language. That already creeped me out so I go turn on lights and walk over to it and turned the thing off. It kept talking. I got whatever I had to get (I think it was balloons..) and I got out of there.
fire219 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Come on, They don't look THAT bad...
Just look on the internet for some of the stories people post about them, here is one from one of my friends at school:
... maybe 4-5 years ago I was at my nana's house and I had went up in her outside attic storage thing, and the lights were off in there, but you could still see stuff from light coming in the door and windows, so it wasn't really that dark. So I'm in there looking around for whatever and then I hear that furby thing singing twinkle twinkle little star in it's own demonic language. That already creeped me out so I go turn on lights and walk over to it and turned the thing off. It kept talking. I got whatever I had to get (I think it was balloons..) and I got out of there.
So a toy started singing?
fire219 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Come on, They don't look THAT bad...
Just look on the internet for some of the stories people post about them, here is one from one of my friends at school:
... maybe 4-5 years ago I was at my nana's house and I had went up in her outside attic storage thing, and the lights were off in there, but you could still see stuff from light coming in the door and windows, so it wasn't really that dark. So I'm in there looking around for whatever and then I hear that furby thing singing twinkle twinkle little star in it's own demonic language. That already creeped me out so I go turn on lights and walk over to it and turned the thing off. It kept talking. I got whatever I had to get (I think it was balloons..) and I got out of there.
There's already a topic about these right here. Let's continue discussion on the one that already exists. Closing.