My neighbor taught me something she learned in School. You get a box full of crayons, line them up, take them in them in the bathroom and put a hair-dryer on. Set it on hot, and it will melt the crayons and make a cool design. You can even let them drip on some kind of clay which me and my neighbor made. How cool is that?
Scratch On!
Me and my friend once had this awesome plan to melt a bunch of crayons into one big supercrayon but then we realized we didn't have a properly shaped mold
So now I've got two muffin tin shaped things that function as crayons
I done this ages ago. I was going to make a big rainbow crayon, but I failed.
When using a hair dryer, i recommend those ice silicone molds you can get at ikea
That sounds really neat! If they didn't cost $4.99 I'd go out and get 5-10 (assuming the price is $1 a pack) packs right now!
Sounds quite creative. I'll file it away for later
I might do it tomorrow.
Maybe I should do it when I go over to my friend's house (if I do )