I found a project saying someone trolled Jonzo (User). And I don't know what trolling is so will you please help me and reply with the answer? Thanks
Trolling is more or less the act of posting something designed to anger or annoy people. That kind of behavior is not okay around here.
It's also when you try and trick someone into believing information is true, when it's not
CN12 wrote:
Don't troll. It's not very cool.
I was just wondering what it was. But I guess it's everything I heard so far, it's like spamming (Like CN12 said), it's designed to anger or annoy people (Like Cheddargirl said), it's tricking someone into thinking something is true when it's not (Like Jji7skyline said), AND it can just annoy someone (Like Mokat said). I guess that's what trolling is so thanks people!
It's when giants stand in front of bridge. Just kidding. Yeah, it's what they said above., cheddargirls is probably the most accurate.
chrisbown wrote:
as it always has, trolling is not tolerated on scratch, anyone can quote me if i have made a mistake.
Yes: capitalize your "as" and "i", and preferably break the sentence into two since it's run-on.
Trolling can be something as simple as "YOU'RE TERRIBLE GET OFF SCRATCH SINCE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT". Anything intentionally mean and disrespectful, basically. And yes, we have a zero-tolerance policy of it.
Hardmath123 wrote:
chrisbown wrote:
as it always has, trolling is not tolerated on scratch, anyone can quote me if i have made a mistake.
Yes: capitalize your "as" and "i", and preferably break the sentence into two since it's run-on.
Trolling can be something as simple as "YOU'RE TERRIBLE GET OFF SCRATCH SINCE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT". Anything intentionally mean and disrespectful, basically. And yes, we have a zero-tolerance policy of it.![]()
It can be kept one sentence:
As it always has, trolling is not tolerated on scratch, and anyone can quote me if I have made a mistake.[/offtopic]