HELP! i tried to upload a project i had worked very hard on. After waiting a bit it said "your project is now on " . I closed without saving, thinking okay its online i dont need to save, but when i came online, it wasn't there! What's the deal? it was an "add your anthro dancing" type project. >
Last edited by Penguingirl55 (2009-06-16 11:39:15)
won't ANYONE help?!?!?
i think you should share it again then it ight show up so save before closing just in case
<when green flag clicked>
Maybe you already had a project with the same name already on the web site? If you did, it would just replace the one that was up there first.
i would probably think one of these things
1. the file size was too big
2. what paddle2see said
3. your internet connection could have been disconnected at the moment causing it to not post properly
4. your firewall settings have prevented you from posting the project
still i dunno what it would say it worked. make sure to save periodically to avoid this, are you still having the same problem or was it a one time thing?
No, i had no projects with a similar name, the internet was fine, and my firewall settings allow me to upload things. Mabye the file was too big though, it only happens with really big remixed projects........
Hmmm. I would hope you would get an error message when you try to load a file that is too big. Isn't that what normally happens?
Paddle2See wrote:
Hmmm. I would hope you would get an error message when you try to load a file that is too big. Isn't that what normally happens?
yes i should know, I get that alot haha lol
it's probably just a one time glitch, maybe this was during a time where the site wasnt working and it wouldn't let anyone post. i don't think that happened recently but it could have maybe.