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#1051 2012-09-03 11:36:38

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

banana500 wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

banana500 wrote:

Yeah, I just reread Ash's Coma. It's the most famous Pokemon theory, but it pertains to the TV show rather than the games. I'm not posting it here because it is extremely depressing, with many mature themes, including sexuality. If I post it here, the post will either get deleted within five minutes, or I'll probably get banned.

If you want to read it...well, look it up on Creepypasta Wiki, lazy.  tongue  Don't worry, there's no scary images or anything.

Also, I just realized that most "theory" creepypastas usually have some character with schizophrenia or something. Like for example, The Rugrats Theory. That's all about Angelica's schizophrenic imagination.

And the Regular Show Theory. That's about how all the main characters, the park groundskeepers, are all really in an insane asylum, with Mordecai and Rigby being schizophrenic, Benson being a drug addict, etc. A lot of you may not know about the Regular Show theory, but I may be able to post that.

The Rugrats Theory seems intersting (the only one out of the three which don't seem too adult), could you post that?

I don't want to post it for two reasons: 1. I'm lazy. 2. It's not appropriate for Scratch.

Why don't you guys just look the pasta up instead of relying on people to post it. >.>

I'll look, it's been a while since I was on the creepypasta wiki (after my Squidward pic meltdown).



#1052 2012-09-03 11:54:42

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

I read Ash's Coma. It's really sad.
I think I might write an alternative ending for it.



#1053 2012-09-03 12:06:32

Registered: 2009-12-12
Posts: 18

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Ok guys i did some digging on adventure time and this is what i found. I put it together and thought i might lost it. -wdc

Fin was a kid that was kind of a geek, nerd if you will. he didn't know what he was going to do with his life and never happy. His only friend was his dog, named jake.

Fin had had a father and mother, but his dad had died in a car accident, so his mom remarried some jerk who was nice to them for about 10 seconds  until they actually got married and he moved in. His mom died a year later, leaving fin with his mean step dad, who abused him and hired hokers all the time. He had no brothers or sisters, and lived with no one else in the house except his dog jake, who was the only friend he

One day, a new kid in school showed him a game called DND (dungeons and dragons). Jake loved it, and became addicted to the game. He played with the new kid in town, who was named ted, who was the dungeon master, the kind of god that said what was happening in the game, A girl named Marceline  who played as a vampire rouge character, and the most popular kid in school, who played as a orc barbarian, and fin, who played as a human fighter.

One day, fin and his friends were playing DND and fighting an evil wizard by the name of the ice king. Fin had already taken a lot of damage, and when the ice king used a spell that pushed him off the ledge he landed on some spikes made of ice and died. There is no respawing in DND, and he would have to make a new character. Fin got so angry he left the place they were playing in tears. When he got home he tried to kill himself through overdose, but insted got put in a coma. In that comma, he made his own imaginary world. He and his dog fin were adventurers like in DND, he had never died from they ice king, and he was loved by everyone around him. They ice king was like his evil step dad and "captured" princesses, and fin would defeat him vary easily, taking revenge each time, unknowingly, for his dead character. This explains why the world he lived in in this imaginary world resembled some of the same elements as DND. About two years later, the life support ran out, and fin died.

But you might ask, why make this a TV show then? They answer is simple: They creator of the show herd about this, and decided it was so touching that he would make it into a show. He tried to make the first episode named "Pilot" telling the story of this theory, how fin went into his comma, and sell the show to adult swim. Sense adult swim and cartoon network are the same channel, cartoon network saw the show and took the offer, selling the show as a fun little thing called adventure time, gust not posting the first episode. There are probably many leaked "adventure time lost episode" things like this, gust do a little digging. This isn't meant to be a creepy pasta. I gust know that there is a community out there that will listen, so here we are.

Last edited by wdc (2012-09-03 12:08:10)



#1054 2012-09-03 13:09:29

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

I read the Rugrats theory.

I have the same opinion on this as Squidward's suicide. Weird, disturbing, twisted, but AWESOME.



#1055 2012-09-03 13:12:12

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Animeboy975 wrote:

I read the Rugrats theory.

I have the same opinion on this as Squidward's suicide. Weird, disturbing, twisted, but AWESOME.

Should I read it? >:3



#1056 2012-09-03 13:13:50

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

mythbusteranimator wrote:

Animeboy975 wrote:

I read the Rugrats theory.

I have the same opinion on this as Squidward's suicide. Weird, disturbing, twisted, but AWESOME.

Should I read it? >:3

Yeah. It's very mature, sick, twisted, disturbing, and creepy.



#1057 2012-09-03 14:11:34

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

wdc wrote:

Adventure Time Theory

This obviously mixes elements of Ash's Coma and Rugrats Theory well.



#1058 2012-09-03 14:36:17

Registered: 2009-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Animeboy975 wrote:

I read the Rugrats theory.

I have the same opinion on this as Squidward's suicide. Weird, disturbing, twisted, but AWESOME.

Haha, I totally agree with you. Except for the part about Squidward's Suicide, because, in my eyes, that one sucked.  tongue
'Cause I'm NUMBER ONE.



#1059 2012-09-03 14:54:38

Registered: 2009-12-12
Posts: 18

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

NeilWest wrote:

wdc wrote:

Adventure Time Theory

This obviously mixes elements of Ash's Coma and Rugrats Theory well.

pretty much



#1060 2012-09-03 15:23:50

Registered: 2009-12-12
Posts: 18

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!


During my childhood my family was like a drop of water in a vast river, never remaining in one location for long. We settled in Rhode Island when I was eight, and there we remained until I went to college in Colorado Springs. Most of my memories are rooted in Rhode Island, but there are fragments in the attic of my brain which belong to the various homes we had lived in when I was much younger.

Most of these memories are unclear and pointless – chasing after another boy in the back yard of a house in North Carolina, trying to build a raft to float on the creek behind the apartment we rented in Pennsylvania, and so on. But there is one set of memories which remains as clear as glass, as though they were just made yesterday. I often wonder whether these memories are simply lucid dreams produced by the long sickness I experienced that Spring, but in my heart, I know they are real.

We were living in a house just outside the bustling metropolis of New Vineyard, Maine, population 643. It was a large structure, especially for a family of three. There were a number of rooms that I didn’t see in the five months we resided there. In some ways it was a waste of space, but it was the only house on the market at the time, at least within an hour’s commute to my father’s place of work.

The day after my fifth birthday (attended by my parents alone), I came down with a fever. The doctor said I had mononucleosis, which meant no rough play and more fever for at least another three weeks. It was horrible timing to be bed-ridden– we were in the process of packing our things to move to Pennsylvania, and most of my things were already packed away in boxes, leaving my room barren. My mother brought me ginger ale and books several times a day, and these served the function of being my primary form of entertainment for the next few weeks. Boredom always loomed just around the corner, waiting to rear its ugly head and compound my misery.
Instantly what i think of...
EpicMrVAdded by EpicMrV

I don’t exactly recall how I met Mr. Widemouth. I think it was about a week after I was diagnosed with mono. My first memory of the small creature was asking him if he had a name. He told me to call him Mr. Widemouth, because his mouth was large. In fact, everything about him was large in comparison to his body– his head, his eyes, his crooked ears– but his mouth was by far the largest.
Creepy Furby by awright60.jpg
* by *

“You look kind of like a Furby,” I said as he flipped through one of my books.

Mr. Widemouth stopped and gave me a puzzled look. “Furby? What’s a Furby?” he asked.

I shrugged. “You know… the toy. The little robot with the big ears. You can pet and feed them, almost like a real pet.”

“Oh.” Mr. Widemouth resumed his activity. “You don’t need one of those. They aren’t the same as having a real friend.”

I remember Mr. Widemouth disappearing every time my mother stopped by to check in on me. “I lay under your bed,” he later explained. “I don’t want your parents to see me because I’m afraid they won’t let us play anymore.”

We didn’t do much during those first few days. Mr. Widemouth just looked at my books, fascinated by the stories and pictures they contained. The third or fourth morning after I met him, he greeted me with a large smile on his face. “I have a new game we can play,” he said. “We have to wait until after your mother comes to check on you, because she can’t see us play it. It’s a secret game.”

After my mother delivered more books and soda at the usual time, Mr. Widemouth slipped out from under the bed and tugged my hand. “We have to go the the room at the end of this hallway,” he said. I objected at first, as my parents had forbidden me to leave my bed without their permission, but Mr. Widemouth persisted until I gave in.
Mr. Widemouth.png
Globaluna32Added by Globaluna32

The room in question had no furniture or wallpaper. Its only distinguishing feature was a window opposite the doorway. Mr. Widemouth darted across the room and gave the window a firm push, flinging it open. He then beckoned me to look out at the ground below.

We were on the second story of the house, but it was on a hill, and from this angle the drop was farther than two stories due to the incline. “I like to play pretend up here,” Mr. Widemouth explained. “I pretend that there is a big, soft trampoline below this window, and I jump. If you pretend hard enough you bounce back up like a feather. I want you to try.”

I was a five-year-old with a fever, so only a hint of skepticism darted through my thoughts as I looked down and considered the possibility. “It’s a long drop,” I said.

“But that’s all a part of the fun. It wouldn’t be fun if it was only a short drop. If it were that way you may as well just bounce on a real trampoline.”

I toyed with the idea, picturing myself falling through thin air only to bounce back to the window on something unseen by human eyes. But the realist in me prevailed. “Maybe some other time,” I said. “I don’t know if I have enough imagination. I could get hurt.”

Mr. Widemouth’s face contorted into a snarl, but only for a moment. Anger gave way to disappointment. “If you say so,” he said. He spent the rest of the day under my bed, quiet as a mouse.

The following morning Mr. Widemouth arrived holding a small box. “I want to teach you how to juggle,” he said. “Here are some things you can use to practice, before I start giving you lessons.”

I looked in the box. It was full of knives. “My parents will kill me!” I shouted, horrified that Mr. Widemouth had brought knives into my room– objects that my parents would never allow me to touch. “I’ll be spanked and grounded for a year!”

Mr. Widemouth frowned. “It’s fun to juggle with these. I want you to try it.”

I pushed the box away. “I can’t. I’ll get in trouble. Knives aren’t safe to just throw in the air.”

Mr. Widemouth’s frown deepened into a scowl. He took the box of knives and slid under my bed, remaining there the rest of the day. I began to wonder how often he was under me.

I started having trouble sleeping after that. Mr. Widemouth often woke me up at night, saying he put a real trampoline under the window, a big one, one that I couldn’t see in the dark. I always declined and tried to go back to sleep, but Mr. Widemouth persisted. Sometimes he stayed by my side until early in the morning, encouraging me to jump.

He wasn’t so fun to play with anymore.

My mother came to me one morning and told me I had her permission to walk around outside. She thought the fresh air would be good for me, especially after being confined to my room for so long. Ecstatic, I put on my sneakers and trotted out to the back porch, yearning for the feeling of sun on my face.

Mr. Widemouth was waiting for me. “I have something I want you to see,” he said. I must have given him a weird look, because he then said, “It’s safe, I promise.”

I followed him to the beginning of a deer trail which ran through the woods behind the house. “This is an important path,” he explained. “I’ve had a lot of friends about your age. When they were ready, I took them down this path, to a special place. You aren’t ready yet, but one day, I hope to take you there.”

I returned to the house, wondering what kind of place lay beyond that trail.

Two weeks after I met Mr. Widemouth, the last load of our things had been packed into a moving truck. I would be in the cab of that truck, sitting next to my father for the long drive to Pennsylvania. I considered telling Mr. Widemouth that I would be leaving, but even at five years old, I was beginning to suspect that perhaps the creature’s intentions were not to my benefit, despite what he said otherwise. For this reason, I decided to keep my departure a secret.

My father and I were in the truck at 4 a.m. He was hoping to make it to Pennsylvania by lunch time tomorrow with the help of an endless supply of coffee and a six-pack of energy drinks. He seemed more like a man who was about to run a marathon rather than one who was about to spend two days sitting still.

“Early enough for you,” my father asked with a hint of sympathy?

I nodded and placed my head against the window, hoping for some sleep before the sun came up. I felt my father’s hand on my shoulder. “This is the last move, son, I promise. I know it’s hard for you, as sick as you’ve been. Once daddy gets promoted we can settle down and you can make friends.”

I opened my eyes as we backed out of the driveway. I saw Mr. Widemouth’s silhouette in my bedroom window. He stood motionless until the truck was about to turn onto the main road. He gave a pitiful little wave good-bye, steak knife in hand. I didn’t wave back.

Years later, I returned to New Vineyard. The piece of land our house stood upon was empty except for the foundation, as the house burned down a few years after my family left. Out of curiosity, I followed the deer trail that Mr. Widemouth had shown me. Part of me expected him to jump out from behind a tree and scare the living bejeesus out of me, but I felt that Mr. Widemouth was gone, somehow tied to the house that no longer existed.

The trail ended at the New Vineyard Memorial Cemetery.

I noticed that many of the tombstones belonged to children.



#1061 2012-09-03 17:00:36

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Animeboy975 wrote:

mythbusteranimator wrote:

Animeboy975 wrote:

I read the Rugrats theory.

I have the same opinion on this as Squidward's suicide. Weird, disturbing, twisted, but AWESOME.

Should I read it? >:3

Yeah. It's very mature, sick, twisted, disturbing, and creepy.




#1062 2012-09-03 17:23:49

Registered: 2011-10-09
Posts: 100+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Did anybody post Candle Cove yet? Sorry, I really don't want to have to go through 43 pages to try and find it..



#1063 2012-09-03 17:48:04

Registered: 2010-06-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

Puffistar3 wrote:

Did anybody post Candle Cove yet? Sorry, I really don't want to have to go through 43 pages to try and find it..


You say goodbye to 1.4, I say hello to 2.0.



#1064 2012-09-03 18:57:37

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

nama wrote:

Puffistar3 wrote:

Did anybody post Candle Cove yet? Sorry, I really don't want to have to go through 43 pages to try and find it..


Page 15 or something around there



#1065 2012-09-03 21:31:02

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

mythbusteranimator wrote:

Animeboy975 wrote:

mythbusteranimator wrote:

Should I read it? >:3

Yeah. It's very mature, sick, twisted, disturbing, and creepy.


Did you read it?



#1066 2012-09-04 00:08:43

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

No, but I DID scare the [] out of mtself looking up horror movies/novels on Wikipedia.

Do NOT look up Misery, that is just disturbing....



#1067 2012-09-04 16:25:19

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

There needs to be a Pastacon.



#1068 2012-09-04 17:45:34

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

*steps in*

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#1069 2012-09-04 20:20:34

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!




#1070 2012-09-04 20:44:16

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

I'm suprised no one has posted this yet.

Once upon a time there was a barnacle. He was so ugly, that everyone died. The End.



#1071 2012-09-04 21:08:47

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!



Check out "Cousin Ragdoll".

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#1072 2012-09-04 21:52:22

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

samid11 wrote:



Check out "Cousin Ragdoll".

Im gonna read it tommorow  smile



#1073 2012-09-05 08:29:03

Registered: 2012-07-15
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

What is Creepypasta?

Click this on April 15th to see the new album from The 10th Dimension!



#1074 2012-09-05 08:37:36

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

CN12 wrote:

What is Creepypasta?

Check out a few famous ones, and see if you understand. ;P



#1075 2012-09-05 09:48:13

Registered: 2009-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New Creepypasta Thread!!!

samid11 wrote:



Check out "Cousin Ragdoll".

Just read it.

Eh, it was okay. I didn't think it was too amazing, but I liked it. It was interesting.
'Cause I'm NUMBER ONE.



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