I was just gonna let you know that i am gonna review your games but you have to comment so i know your scratch name and so i can go straight to it.i will rate your game and make it get ton's of review's i have a lot of friends and stuff you will be surprised.
i like a lot of you guys projects.
If you like cool games, you can check out (and possibly review) another cool game, courtesy of me!
I give graphics 5/10
good game 7/10
levels 10/10
buti would add death's but i think everyone need's to play that game think you guys.
that is the review of cn12 game.
man this game is awesome
graphics 7/10
the game 10/10
levels 10/10
try it out guys cool game,
by videogame9
Could you review this please? http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/epninja/2756104 Thanks if you do.