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#1 2009-06-18 01:03:21

Registered: 2008-06-02
Posts: 1000+

everything you need to know

ok here is a brief rundown of what you should know, if i misssed something (which i probably will) someone please fill in
tips: if you don't know how to do something (such as scrolling)  check out tutorials such as archmages (thats what i did when i first started out) 
remember to talk to people like paddle2see, andresmh, and other members of the scratch team (im not sure if paddle2see is but i know hes helpful) if you have any questions.  also try to be outgoing and make friends, the more friends you have the more views you will get.  try to be an active participant in the forums, and try to enter your projects into as many galleries and contests as you can because wether you win or lose you are still getting a view.  tag your projects approptiately and don't whine about not having many views, instead try harder and over time your scratch skills will improve and you will start to get noticed (it took me over a year to get front page)  also a big tip is to try and submit your projects to the scratch_design_studio galleries as they get many views and it is fun too.  also here are some tips on decreasing your projects file size.  there is a little button up top that says "extras"  it should have compress images and compress sounds.  make sure to do this often as it will make your game run way faster.  also try not to add too many scripts, instead try to fit more into less scripts (i have halved the scripts i used in a game before and doubled the speed)  try not to pick long songs to go with your projects, as they will be big no matter what.  i would say no more than 2.5 minutes, and compressed to low if that much.  remember the lower the file size the less lag and if it can run online smoothly your views will increase sufficiently.  you know some people sya not to spam, but i can tell you this, as long as you don't spam in excess and actually give your input and thought into the comment as well, spamming isnt so bad, just try not to do it too much or you will make alot of scratchers unhappy.  thats all i've gotta say, scratch on!



#2 2009-06-18 02:01:45

Registered: 2008-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: everything you need to know

really helpful for a begginer though Click whats above u might make a cute planet happy ^_^



#3 2009-06-18 11:20:29

Registered: 2008-05-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: everything you need to know

I would add that don't go around friending everyone. only friend the people you like, not who has good projects

I did it for the Lolz



#4 2009-06-18 15:10:54

Registered: 2008-06-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: everything you need to know

fireball123 wrote:

I would add that don't go around friending everyone. only friend the people you like, not who has good projects

unless of course you like the ones with good projects, i myself try and be as outgoing and nice as possible so people will add me to their friends list so i can find friends more easily.  plus sometimes its nice to add people with good projects onto your friends list so that you can see when they released something even better!  of course if they are a complete jerk then thats not a good idea, but i see your point.



#5 2009-06-19 19:16:11

Registered: 2008-06-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: everything you need to know

i just adding some stuff to this list, to get a forum signature you need 50 posts, (that in cludes replies) however nobody is going to like you if you spam posts to get there, so tno need to rush it, then you go to profile, then personality, and then type it in.  if you post an ad as your signature, then it will be displayed on every post and your views could go up.  also another way to get popular is to comment on as many projects as you can, the more projects you view, the more likely you are to get more friends, and in turn more views.  so it is always good, remixing others projects can sometimes get you on their bad side, so i wouldn't reccommend remixing if they specifically say not to remix, hey i support remixing, but i don't support annoying others.  now here are the most IMPORTANT tips:
1. make sure to try to be on scratch often, but of course not too often, just don't stay off scratch for months or weeks at a time (unless your on vacation, i love vacation)  this way people will know your sociable, well on scratch anyway  smile
2. try to share often, i'd say its good to make at least 1 GOOD project at least once every 1-3 months because your still going for quality not quantity and you don't need to be overwhelmed.  of coourse your welcome to share as often as you like, the more the merrier, just keep it in balance, not too much
3.  the most important one is to make your peojcts as high tech and proffesional as possible, the real way to get views is to deserve your views by making view-worthy projects, over time you will get those views if you keep on trying, and this is the most important thing of alll.
4. watch out for that spider crawling on the ceiling above you  smile  your gonna check just watch...



#6 2009-06-19 20:04:50

Registered: 2009-04-26
Posts: 500+

Re: everything you need to know

great tips!



#7 2009-06-19 22:37:32

Registered: 2008-06-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: everything you need to know

Imic wrote:

great tips!

thanks!  your welcome to add your own too!



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