I know there's a restriction, but wouldn't 4 lines (the default) be better? For example, my sig uses only text, but due to wraparound, some "buttons" span 2 lines. With 4 lines, I can put different buttons on different lines (See my sig for examples).Seetitle ▼
Mokat wrote:
i think that it should be the default or at least three lines
Wes64 wrote:
Mokat wrote:
i think that it should be the default or at least three lines
+1. And this takes less than 2 minutes, not like my scratchblocks tesing thread suggestion.
Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-08-31 16:50:22)
jvvg wrote:
I agree. This should be done. However, it should go in suggestions, not QaS.
It was in QaS because I asked why there were only 2 lines at first.
Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-08-31 17:07:14)
To work around this, just put like 15 spaces at the end of the line. One problem is that this puts it over the character limit.
I support.
thebriculator wrote:
To work around this, just put like 15 spaces at the end of the line. One problem is that this puts it over the character limit.
I support.
No, yes, yes. (no, 15 spaces will put it over the limit, yes, it will put it over the limit, yes for supporting.)
The limit was created before the 150px limit on signatures; it was probably there to stop really tall signatures.
Though yeah if that's the case, it's an outdated restriction
BoltBait wrote:
I think you can do a lot in 2 sig lines. My sig is only 2 lines.
I just wish the Scratch Team would eliminate ANIMATED signature pictures.
or just disallow gifs on the forums
i dont think ive ever seen a gif image that actually is relevant to the current topic
Mokat wrote:
i think that it should be the default or at least three lines
You can already have more than two lines in your signature as long you don't have have a banner in it. Without the banner, you can have up to four or five lines, so in a way, this already has been implemented.
Don't support.
A person only really needs two lines to quote someone and advertise a project or display a banner. Any more and you'll start having people with more detail in their sig than their actual post.
No offense meant to those with long signatures.