Whats your highscore?
I'm not very good, my highscore was 106 w/out bumpers.
News Flash: I just went bowling today and SMASHED my old high of 106.
Today's results without bumpers:
1st game: 87
2nd game: 91
3rd game: 142-----3 Spares--3 Strikes(2 in a row)!!!!!!
4th game: 77
I use an 8 pound ball.
Last edited by CN12 (2012-08-30 19:15:24)
I'm not good either, I'm decent enough to get the 90's without bumpers, because I rarely get strikes, and spares are near impossible for me. With the bumpers, I've gotten to about 140.
sonicfan12p wrote:
I'm not good either, I'm decent enough to get the 90's without bumpers, because I rarely get strikes, and spares are near impossible for me. With the bumpers, I've gotten to about 140.