First of all, I dont want any fanboys going blablabla my game is better than yours even when they havent even tried the other one. Just because a console is good/bad doesnt make its games good/bad. Heres my list.
First up, the consoles
Nintendo DS Lite 7.5/10
My favorite type of DS. More convenient than the regular nintendo DS and a much better battery life than the ones after it. I still use my DS Lite to today.
Nintendo DSi 3/10
For this one, Nintendo replaced the DS Lite batteries with cheaper batteries! They last nowhere near as long. And they just added a cheap very low quality camera and some animation tools! The DS lite was $130 when it came out as $190! A $60 difference is not worth a shortened battery life, a video camera, and some animation tools.
Nintendo Wii 4/10
The games are some of my favorite of all time! Its just that the console itself sucks. Just because it came out at around the same time as the Ps3 it makes them rivals. No. The Ps3 is rivals with the Xbox 360. If nintendo games were on those consoles, that would be game heaven!
Playstation 3 9.5/10
This is an awesome console. Cant really say anything else. Too bad I only use it for Ratchet and clank games and the occasional God of War.
Xbox 360 8/10
Just an 8 because you have to pay to play online. The games are amazing. Its just that most of them are m rated. I dont even like playing on xbox live because of all the 9 year olds screaming swear words and death threats playing call of duty. You know who you are. It doesnt matter how old you are. I believe kids shouldnt play COD in general. Way too much guns and realistic violence. But this is the xbox rating so i shouldn't go too offtopic.
Thats it for the consoles. I wish I could get an N64 I heard those were great! Next the games.
Activision games for the DS. 2/10
I am aware of how great Activision has been doing with call of duty even though i never play it. The activision ds games are just one word: Terrible. Nuff said.
Super smash bros brawl. 8.5/10
Great, I always play it for hours, get bored of it, and play it again the next day! Rinse and repeat. These descriptions have to be short cuz i got a lot of games to go through.
Animal crossing series 8.5/10
Pretty much an AWESOME sandbox rpg for nintendo. I have had my AC wild world since 2006! I also have city folk but i dont have the original.
I'm rating the next games on purely gameplay.
Pokemon RS(ruby sapphire, you can figure out the others) 8/10
Pokemon Emerald 9/10
Pokemon DP 8/10
Pokemon Platinum 9/10
Pokemon HGSS 8.5/10
Pokemon BW 8/10
Good thing I didnt rate it on the pokemon! Bw wouldve gotten a 3! Even the fanmade fake pokemon are better than the ones coming out these days!
Ratchet and clank series 9/10
Great series
TES V Skyrim 9.5/10
I hate those people who have only played skyrim and call themselves an elder scrolls expert and havent ever even heard of the other games. I have only played skyrim. I'm not an elder scrolls fan, but I am a skyrim fan. This has gotten me interested in other elder scrolls games and bethesda games in general. Yes i do know the first game is arena. And the m rating is a bit unfair. The ESRB sucks sometimes like rating SSBB teen. There are no sexual references except for a few minimal * jokes occasionally. It has no intense violence, well not frequently. Just 2 scripted decapitations(one if you try to save roggvir) plus maybe some additional ones depending on your playstyle. However, there IS frequent decapitations if you play as a noob and use 2 handed weapons. If you dont want them, just do one handed and dont get the decapitation perk. Besides that, its one of my favorite games ever and a an amazing sandbox rpg.
And the one youve all been waiting for.....
Minecraft! 10/10
Nuff said
Another one!
Infinity blade 9/10
Infinity blade 2 10/10
These are THE BEST games in the appstore. Infinity blade 2 was the first mobile game to be given a 10 by ign and i think the only so far. They are made in unreal engine 3 and by epic games, the same company and 3d engine that made gears of war 3. They cost the same and there is a book too! The graphics are unbelievable. I suggest you get the second one because there are 3 classes: light heavy or dual. And the first one is quite repetitve. I like dual but heavy isnt bad either. Its not like other games when heavies are noob weapons. All the classes are perfectly balanced so choose which fits your playstyle. Go! Buy the game!
Assassins Creed III 8.5/10
This came out in October 30, I think. I'll have to say, the combat is phenomenal! It is much better than Skyrim, but keep in mind - this is an acton rpg and Skyrim is an open world sandbox rpg. With the characters, I didn't like the playable one, Connor so much. He was too serious and obsessed with freeing his village and killing the Templars, as opposed to Ezio of AC2, ACB, and ACR who was humorous and good with the ladies. Connor, was also a butt in my opinion, because even after his father proved that it was George Washington who burned down his village, and not Charles Lee, he STILL wanted to side with the patriots and Charles Lee, and broke ties with his father! The character Haytham was awesome, and had an sweet British accent. He wouldve made a much better assassin. Too bad he sided with the Templars. This game has awesome combat, but not enough weapons. You'd expect more weapon choices from an action rpg. The tomahawk you start out with is awesome and lasts you the whole game. However, if you kill the brutes(the fat guys in kilts) you can pick up their axe, and if you use that with the prisoner clothes from sequence 9, you could be a crazy axe murderer! The game starts out slow, but when you get to connor, its amazing. The game world is massive, but its annoying when those stupid Desmond sequences get in the way and interrupt the flow. Once you beat the storyline, there is a bunch of other stuff to do in this massive game, but if youre lazy like me, you get bored and dont feel like it. Unlike Skyrim, this game IS pretty mature, and I believe the rating is fair. There is an option to turn off blood though, which you can use if you dont mind swear words.
I would play dark souls, but if you dont remember, the scratchers are on a revolution to boycott Namco Bandai for being such huge. Ok i'll end the sentence there lol
Thats all folks! If i think of anything else i'll add more.
Last edited by pokeywokey (2012-11-29 15:52:25)
pokeywokey wrote:
No need to bump if it's still on the front page
Also the scratchers are rebelling against namco? I thought that had died down
Last edited by nama (2012-08-29 08:37:53)
I have the original animal crossing on Gamecube. I have all the animal crossing games.
And they're all great, but City folk and Wild World are my favorites. I hate how the changed so many things i grew up with in the new version :\
Last edited by Animeboy975 (2012-08-29 16:47:29)
I agree with what you said about the Wii (and this is coming from a nintendo fanboy who wants to throw his head out the window after reading what you said about the DSi) The actual hardware isn't the greatest, but no one makes games like Nintendo. Which is why the Wii U will be awesome.
I'd agree with you. The PS3 is the best console by far. I don't have one though
epicepicman wrote:
I agree with what you said about the Wii (and this is coming from a nintendo fanboy who wants to throw his head out the window after reading what you said about the DSi) The actual hardware isn't the greatest, but no one makes games like Nintendo. Which is why the Wii U will be awesome.
I love nintendo, much more than i love microsoft and sony, but they got cheap when they replaced the battery with a worse one(not an opinion but they actually replaced the battery). I cant blame them for the camera though because I dont think you can get a decent camera unless you buy a camera itself. Nintendo isnt just part of my childhood. Its a part of my life. I want an N64 to see where it all began.
Last edited by pokeywokey (2012-08-30 09:07:43)
jji7skyline wrote:
I'd agree with you. The PS3 is the best console by far. I don't have one though
The ps3 is the best console but i like xbox games better. Ps3 and xbox 360 have better graphics, but nintendo games have the best characters
I love the PS3, but the only stuff I have is the 3DS and Wii.
pokeywokey wrote:
epicepicman wrote:
I agree with what you said about the Wii (and this is coming from a nintendo fanboy who wants to throw his head out the window after reading what you said about the DSi) The actual hardware isn't the greatest, but no one makes games like Nintendo. Which is why the Wii U will be awesome.
I love nintendo, much more than i love microsoft and sony, but they got cheap when they replaced the battery with a worse one(not an opinion but they actually replaced the battery). I cant blame them for the camera though because I dont think you can get a decent camera unless you buy a camera itself. Nintendo isnt just part of my childhood. Its a part of my life. I want an N64 to see where it all began.
Edit: I researched it, and the ds lite has 15-19 hours and the dsi has 9-14 on the lowest brightness. On the highest brightness, it has 3-4.
I'd give Minecraft an 8 to be honest.
It's a cool game, it doesn't get boring fast and it's pretty modable, but if there's something you don't like in the next update you just have to deal with it as every server will update. Things like creepers just fend off casual players like myself who simply don't have time to repair the same hole 30 times but also wants mobs to have the full experience of the game.
It used to be fun just to build cool stuff, but it became a lot like an RPG which was never implied to be the original direction of the game.
And Skyrim, well, it's a cool game, but it's boring after a while. I do however have 120 hours playtime, but all the quests are pretty boring and Daedric armour is just the best making exploring pretty useless, there's nothing I can find that I'll keep. The rarest thing I've ever found in the whole game is some dragonscale boots, that was it.
As for the DSi, it pretty much introduced an app store turning the whole DS thing into something more open, it opened way for the 3DS too.
Nintendo overall is a decent company, when they make a game they put a lot of effort into it to make it just what everyone likes, I don't know much about Sony or Microsoft but from what I understand Sony doesn't really have any mascots and Microsoft just pays people to make their game only for a Microsoft console.
PonyvilleSlugger wrote:
I'd give Minecraft an 8 to be honest.
It's a cool game, it doesn't get boring fast and it's pretty modable, but if there's something you don't like in the next update you just have to deal with it as every server will update. Things like creepers just fend off casual players like myself who simply don't have time to repair the same hole 30 times but also wants mobs to have the full experience of the game.
It used to be fun just to build cool stuff, but it became a lot like an RPG which was never implied to be the original direction of the game.
And Skyrim, well, it's a cool game, but it's boring after a while. I do however have 120 hours playtime, but all the quests are pretty boring and Daedric armour is just the best making exploring pretty useless, there's nothing I can find that I'll keep. The rarest thing I've ever found in the whole game is some dragonscale boots, that was it.
As for the DSi, it pretty much introduced an app store turning the whole DS thing into something more open, it opened way for the 3DS too.
Nintendo overall is a decent company, when they make a game they put a lot of effort into it to make it just what everyone likes, I don't know much about Sony or Microsoft but from what I understand Sony doesn't really have any mascots and Microsoft just pays people to make their game only for a Microsoft console.
Daedric armor is only the best if you dont know how to upgrade. The armor cap is 567(80% protection). Anything over that doesn't do anything. I can upgrade both dedric armor, and leather armor to legendary with super powerful fortify smithing potions and the leather will be just as powerful as the daedric. I play on master difficulty, and just wear one armor piece(dragonscale body armor) with over 1000 defense so the rest i just wear wear clothing items. If you actually get to a high level, you can find lots of rare things like daedric(which i find a lot) ebony or glass(or grand soul gems). I dual wield dawnbreaker(i got 2 dawnbreakers from a glitch when i was using firestorm) both of which have 201 attack(my potions were too powerful and once i was able to have over 1800 but that makes it powerful and boring. I used weaker boosts and got 201 on each and put it on master difficulty to make the game moderately challenging. I also carry a daedric bow(i like the look of ebony better but i accidently screwed up my ebony bow) and that has 740 attack with fire damage and heath absorb. I use a longhammer enchanted with frost and shock(which has an improved speed to cause more damage per second than all the daedric weapons).
Do Portal.
Last edited by ImagineIt (2012-08-31 12:09:00)
ImagineIt wrote:
Do Portal.
I want that game!
How come you can't get a N64? They're very cheap on eBay, I got mine for about $27.
Anyways, try reviewing Skyward Sword for the Wii.
sure the wii doesn't have the processing power of the other consoles
or a built in DVD player for the matter
but it does what it's supposed to do and thus i think it should be rated higher!
pokeywokey wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
Do Portal.
I want that game!
I got it today! And I won!
Last edited by ImagineIt (2012-08-31 23:24:41)
CheckItNow12 wrote:
How come you can't get a N64? They're very cheap on eBay, I got mine for about $27.
Anyways, try reviewing Skyward Sword for the Wii.
I was given he choice between skyward sword and skyrim but then i decided to save my money. A few months later, i got skyrim as a present. I would rather get ocarina of time and an n64 cuz i like the controls better. I cant get an n64 right now cuz ive been spending my money too much on games and i'm doing soccer so i need more time to practice and less to play video games.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
I love the PS3, but the only stuff I have is the 3DS and Wii.
LOL ME too!
nintendo828 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
I love the PS3, but the only stuff I have is the 3DS and Wii.
LOL ME too!
Me too! Except I also have a PS2 and DS lite.
my Top 3 favorites
1. N64 9.6/10
The games were amazing and the power rating is weak enough to portable mod it. The plastic is very durable. The system is cheap to buy. But the games are like blocks of gold to buy.
2. DS lite. The system itself was ruined when poor companys made action 52 quality games for it. It was good but was ruined by being commercialized to death.
3. X box 360/ play-station 3 Both are equal. They have my least favorite games but there good systems.
Edited to be less negative.
Last edited by fillergames (2012-11-26 19:22:09)
The Walking Dead: The game
Without a doubt not for the young folks (Plenty of bad language and violence), but it is one of the best emotional games I have seen in a long mile. Very sad emotions, though.
Also, The ending for Episode 5. MOST. DEPRESSING. ENDING. EVER.