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henley wrote:
Few people on this thread are old enough on Scratch to remember the peak of the Waffle trend. I'd say it peaked around the third quarter of Scratch 1.2. I'm not sure why it started, but I remember that almost every single project I saw had "waffles" as one of the tags.
Good times...
i remember that . The good ol' days
i was active on the main site before 2009
chrisbown wrote:
henley wrote:
chrisbown wrote:
theyr'e not, i have flagged about 1000 tags saying waffles.That was a joke, and there's no need to hate a trend.
Honestly, what's really wrong with the "waffles" tag?waffles are waffles, a project with no waffles and tagged waffles is showing off and spam.
it's the users responsibility to tag projects, if someone else tagged it something irrelevant, then it is not the users fault and should be flagged.
I never would have guessed.
How is it showing off? Do you know what showing off is?
It's not spam. If the creator wants to tag a project with waffles, he or she can. If I have a project that has nothing to do with time travel, I can put "time travel" as one of the tags if I want to. By your logic though, if everyone tagged his or her projects with "time travel", then it's (somehow) inappropriate.
False. If this were true, then no one else would be allowed to tag projects. It's the entire community's job to tag the projects.
Wrong. If someone tags something irrelevant, and the user sees it, he or she can delete if if he or she wants to delete it. If he or she likes the trend, it's not wrong to keep it. The user is somewhat responsible for the tags, as, aside from the Scratch Team, the user is the only one capable of deleting tags.
Now here's a question for you, if you're only supposed to flag things that are against the Community Guidelines, then what part of the Community Guidelines do trend tags violate?
henley wrote:
chrisbown wrote:
henley wrote:
That was a joke, and there's no need to hate a trend.
Honestly, what's really wrong with the "waffles" tag?waffles are waffles, a project with no waffles and tagged waffles is showing off and spam.
it's the users responsibility to tag projects, if someone else tagged it something irrelevant, then it is not the users fault and should be flagged.I never would have guessed.
How is it showing off? Do you know what showing off is?
It's not spam. If the creator wants to tag a project with waffles, he or she can. If I have a project that has nothing to do with time travel, I can put "time travel" as one of the tags if I want to. By your logic though, if everyone tagged his or her projects with "time travel", then it's (somehow) inappropriate.
False. If this were true, then no one else would be allowed to tag projects. It's the entire community's job to tag the projects.
Wrong. If someone tags something irrelevant, and the user sees it, he or she can delete if if he or she wants to delete it. If he or she likes the trend, it's not wrong to keep it. The user is somewhat responsible for the tags, as, aside from the Scratch Team, the user is the only one capable of deleting tags.
Now here's a question for you, if you're only supposed to flag things that are against the Community Guidelines, then what part of the Community Guidelines do trend tags violate?
Me neither!
I suppose its like advertising.
It is spam, even the wiki says so. Also, its usually not the creator tagging waffles, its random people (just like the [X] was here tags). I think this is your biggest misunderstanding for that post.
Actually, it is, since its spam, which should be flagged.
And for the CG question, somethings are meant to be implied, not written down.
Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-08-28 20:09:10)
No. Even if that was what it meant, it still doesn't make sense.
"The wiki says so" is not a valid answer as the wiki is made by Scratchers and you can't prove that it wasn't you who edited the wiki to say that. And it doesn't matter if it's the creator tagging waffles. There's still a tag that says "waffles".
First of all, spam isn't against the guidelines. Secondly, it shouldn't be flagged because it's not spam.
"Meant to be implied" doesn't make sense.
And your point so arguable that it really shouldn't be used as a point.
Anyways, I give up. I know that I'm right, and I'm obviously not going to convince you. You can continue to waste your and the Scratch Team's time by flagging tag after tag.
To be honest, I have stopped caring what you think. I'm sorry that we can't see each-other's points of view.
Last edited by henley (2012-08-28 20:30:52)
henley wrote:
No. Even if that was what it meant, it still doesn't make sense.
"The wiki says so" is not a valid answer as the wiki is made by Scratchers and you can't prove that it wasn't you who edited the wiki to say that. And it doesn't matter if it's the creator tagging waffles. There's still a tag that says "waffles".
First of all, spam isn't against the guidelines. Secondly, it shouldn't be flagged because it's not spam.
"Meant to be implied" doesn't make sense.
And your point so arguable that it really shouldn't be used as a point.
Anyways, I give up. I know that I'm right, and I'm obviously not going to convince you. You can continue to waste your and the Scratch Team's time by flagging tag after tag.
To be honest, I have stopped caring what you think. I'm sorry that we can't see each-other's points of view.
I give up too. You can continue to waste the...
Why is it that these things always end in arguments? Why can't a mod/ST member just answer, saving all of our time...?
Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-08-28 20:46:32)
henley wrote:
No. Even if that was what it meant, it still doesn't make sense.
"The wiki says so" is not a valid answer as the wiki is made by Scratchers and you can't prove that it wasn't you who edited the wiki to say that. And it doesn't matter if it's the creator tagging waffles. There's still a tag that says "waffles".
First of all, spam isn't against the guidelines. Secondly, it shouldn't be flagged because it's not spam.
"Meant to be implied" doesn't make sense.
And your point so arguable that it really shouldn't be used as a point.
Anyways, I give up. I know that I'm right, and I'm obviously not going to convince you. You can continue to waste your and the Scratch Team's time by flagging tag after tag.
To be honest, I have stopped caring what you think. I'm sorry that we can't see each-other's points of view.
That last sentence of your comes out pretty rudely. By all means, end this discussion, as it seems to be going in a bad direction, but please do it politely.
And, he actually can prove that he didn't write it; Chrischb did.
And spam very much is against the guidelines. Tags irrelevant to the project are spam. Hence, they should be flagged.
henley wrote:
chrisbown wrote:
henley wrote:
That was a joke, and there's no need to hate a trend.
Honestly, what's really wrong with the "waffles" tag?waffles are waffles, a project with no waffles and tagged waffles is showing off and spam.
it's the users responsibility to tag projects, if someone else tagged it something irrelevant, then it is not the users fault and should be flagged.I never would have guessed.
How is it showing off? Do you know what showing off is?
It's not spam. If the creator wants to tag a project with waffles, he or she can. If I have a project that has nothing to do with time travel, I can put "time travel" as one of the tags if I want to. By your logic though, if everyone tagged his or her projects with "time travel", then it's (somehow) inappropriate.
False. If this were true, then no one else would be allowed to tag projects. It's the entire community's job to tag the projects.
Wrong. If someone tags something irrelevant, and the user sees it, he or she can delete if if he or she wants to delete it. If he or she likes the trend, it's not wrong to keep it. The user is somewhat responsible for the tags, as, aside from the Scratch Team, the user is the only one capable of deleting tags.
Now here's a question for you, if you're only supposed to flag things that are against the Community Guidelines, then what part of the Community Guidelines do trend tags violate?
it's just not in the community guidlines, it's like saying spambots should be on the site when they shouldn't, i don't want to look for something that is tagged what i am looking for but is not what i expected, would you like that? readthis
Last edited by chrisbown (2012-08-29 08:47:55)
I am sorry for having seemed rude earlier, and as Scimonster said, we should end the conversation. It doesn't work as well if it's just me.
henley wrote:
I am sorry for having seemed rude earlier, and as Scimonster said, we should end the conversation. It doesn't work as well if it's just me.
That's alright. Anyway, I'm not even a wiki contributor, how would I write it?
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