Hi, I was just wondering if it would be possible to use motion GIF images in scratch in a newer version. I have seen a lot of animated GIF sprites around the internet and I think that it would be a good idea to be able to use them in scratch.
You can import animated gifs as costumes in scratch. Supposedly each frame becomes a separate costume. I've not tried it myself, but it has supposedly been available since scratch 1.1.
To import a gif:
1. open the folder the Gif is in.
2. drag the icon of the Gif down to the task bar wher it says "Scratch"
3.click on the costumes tab and each frame of the gif will be a costume
(but this does not work on transparent Gifs)
Last edited by Hiccup (2007-12-11 14:10:43)
Any movement or animation in scratch has to be done with multiple costumes or scripts, but I had heard that Scratch could fragment an animated gif into multiple costumes. I've not tried it myself, as I have never seen an animated gif that I wanted in a Scratch project.
04lukeb wrote:
Nope, I tried it and it opens with just one costume and doesn't move.
to make it move use:
<when green flag clicked>
<next costume>
<wait( 0.1 )sec>
To put a gif's animation inside scratch, Drag the gif INTO the scratch window.
I tested it. It actually works.