I found something that I felt was terribly wrong, but I don't know ho to tell anyone about it. It was in Text-Based Games, it was called Scratch Shop, and it was by tookewl, if anyone wants to know. I feel it's terribly wrong because you can actually buy loveits and requests for your project to be featured, which I think is terribly wrong. Someone help me?
Good point. There's a gray "report" link under the post, it should work.
I know that, I mean when I should report.
GoogleplexPlus wrote:
I found something that I felt was terribly wrong, but I don't know ho to tell anyone about it. It was in Text-Based Games, it was called Scratch Shop, and it was by tookewl, if anyone wants to know. I feel it's terribly wrong because you can actually buy loveits and requests for your project to be featured, which I think is terribly wrong. Someone help me?
I'm a bit concerned with this issue that you raise. While it does strike me as questionable that somebody would provide their loveits in exchange for some favor or service...it's not the first time it's been attempted and I'm not sure there is any way to stop it, short of banning the accounts. Is it against the Terms of Use? I'm not yet convinced that it is.
As for requests for featuring...are we talking about adding a post to the forum topic for nominating featured projects? That is certainly no guarantee that the project will be featured - it still has to be selected by the Scratch Team.
So let's just wait and see how this enterprise shapes up, okay?