It would be nice if there was a new checkbox in the Options area with the label of "Show signature for this post". This is not necessarily an extremely important addition, but having the option to show or hide your signature on a given post is nice and appears reasonably often in forums.
In addition, it would be nice if the original poster of a topic had a toggle to turn the default for signatures on or off within the thread, and every person had an option in their profile to turn show or hide signatures for threads where the threadstarter hadn't set the option to anything.
All of this just makes it easier for people with signatures to choose where their signatures go and topic owners to have a little more control in the contents of their thread.
On a side note, I think the "Never show smilies as icons for this post" should become "Show smilies as icons for this post" and default as on, because turning ON the option to turn OFF smiley icons just does not make sense.
It would be a nice feature, support. IDK about controlling signatures in a topic though, that seems kinda complicated
I think signatures should appear on all posts
I agree with this, but another idea might be "Hide all animated signatures/gifs" because when I view the forums on my phone or Kindle it causes a huge page lag on threads with a lot of replies (like the MLP thread or Minecraft thread).
Jonathanpb wrote:
IDK about controlling signatures on a topic though, that seems kinda complicated.
It could be complicated, and it's not nearly as common in forums, but if the original feature was implemented it might just be a nice addition.
jontmy00 wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
I think signatures should appear on all posts.
The person can always turn on or off their signature, no matter what the original poster sets as the default. The topic creator can just set the default mode for the thread, but can't stop a poster from showing their signature.
Mokat wrote:
I agree with this, but another idea might be "Hide all animated signatures/gifs" because when I view the forums on my phone or Kindle it causes a huge page lag on threads with a lot of replies (like the MLP thread or Minecraft thread).
This would be really nice, I often post from my Kindle and it can be really tedious when that happens...
Mokat wrote:
I agree with this, but another idea might be "Hide all animated signatures/gifs" because when I view the forums on my phone or Kindle it causes a huge page lag on threads with a lot of replies (like the MLP thread or Minecraft thread).
however, there is no practical way for a browser to be able to tell the difference between a normal GIF and an animated one. If it were to try, it'd probably take more power/ram then just displaying the image